Chapter 15

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~2 days later~ Amara POV

So it's the morning after Katsucon is over and we are all heading to our respective states, well except me. I am going to Florida with Pete which means I will also be riding with Arny. I took this sleeping medication so I am hoping I can just sleep through the plane and car ride because I don't want to be bothered. Before leaving all of us exchanged numbers and socials so we can stay in touch. Overall I would say this trip was a success. Once we check-in at the airport I hug the rest of the guys and they head to their gates. Pete luckily sits next to me and Arny sits across from us, the medicine starts to kick in, and before I know it I dose off.

Pete POV

Just as we start to sit down Amara becomes very tired and nods off on my shoulder. She's adorable and I'm glad she is comfortable falling asleep around me. I look up to notice Arny staring at her and looking conflicted maybe? Like sad but jealous or maybe angry.

"What's on your mind?"

"She really wants nothing to do with me"

"She's just tired"

"No, she did this on purpose. I saw her take something before we got on the shuttle to head here"

"I mean...can you blame her? How would you feel if her and William had actually slept together? Would you forgive her?"

He furrowed his eyebrows together before looking away.

"Have I lost her for good?"

"No, anyone that is mad at you hasn't given up. Now when she is no longer mad at you and you haven't made up then you have lost her fully. It will take you a while to win her back over but I think you can do it."

"Any suggestions?"

"You might have to use the power of your supporters?"


"Do "hypothetical questions" with them on how to win someone back and show that you're sorry. Maybe raid her when she twitch streams, it's common decency to talk to the person that raided you for a little bit. I can get her to stream when one of us is gaming so it notifies her instead of us"

"Fair, doesn't sound too hard"

"Make videos or tiktoks hinting that you found your soulmate, show off guard or partial pictures of her to get people interested in asking questions about her. This will give you the opportunity to express your feelings and thoughts about her. Donate and send thoughtful comments or apologies so she has to respond to it, she's not going to ignore it"

"At what point do I tell them who my actual soulmate is? I don't really want to hide her but I don't want to cause her to get bashed by supporters who want me"

"Send her a Snapchat, a long one expressing your feeling about how things went, your feelings for her, and how you want to work things out. Only do this after a while of showing that you're not embarrassed by her. She will either respond or start throwing/showing hints herself such as letting her birthmark show. The right tank top will expose it without exposing too much of her"

"If she does forgive me, where do I go from there?"

"You be yourself, the Amara we saw this weekend is not her usual self. She really tried to get out of her comfort zone and be outgoing but she truly is shy and blushes easily. She loves affection which you probably have noticed and she just wants to feel like someone would choose her every single day above any other girl. She wasn't hurt because of jealousy of the girl but the fact that you chose someone over her. She's used to being the second choice a lot but it is painful when it is done by your soulmate. Treat her the way you talk about how you would treat your girlfriend in your tiktoks and the majority of that will work fine. The more comfortable she feels with you the easier she will let her guard down."

"Alright, I'll do it"

"Be gentle with her, she's not really experienced in anything relationship-wise and I don't know how long before she can move past you with that girl and be intimate with you"

"I will show you and everyone that I can be a good partner."

"Besides it should be fun to explore everything with her once she is comfortable with you."

Our gate is called and I gently wake up Amara, she's a little off-balance since still waking up. I was going to reach for her hand to make sure we get on safely but quickly looked at Arny and then her. He got the hint and grabbed her hand while she rubbed her eye with the other. At first, she didn't notice it wasn't me until she looked up as we walk to our seats and saw his hair. I notice she tried to pull away but he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it repeatedly which surprisingly calmed her down and made her blush a little. I let him sit by her and I sat across from them next to an elderly lady. This is the start of a slow but good healing process, I am excited to see her come back to normal.

~Hours later~ Amara POV

I woke up to Pete telling me we arrived at his house. I got up, grabbed my things and we headed inside. He gave me a tour of the house and told me where I can put my things for the next few days. I finally tell him one of the reasons I am here along with hanging with him is to go to a job interview and if all goes well I'll be moving somewhere close.

"So I might be able to see you all the time?!?!?!"

"Possibly, I had been looking at apartments and there is one 30 minutes away from you that I can afford if everything goes okay. I'll be managing public transportation for a week or so until I can have my car shipped here but that's the plan"

"You have to get the job, I need someone close by the others are a little ways away but 30 minutes is nothing. We'll have to celebrate when you get the job. Wait we have to get all your stuff down here. Why not fly back home in a few days and then drive back up?"

"I have never driven that long, I will at least need someone to keep me company while I drive."

"I should be able to go with you, I don't have too much going on now"

"Really you would go home with me and come back?"

"Of course, what are friends for?"

"Thank you, this will be my final interview because I had been talking to them and in communication with them for a couple of weeks so I think this is a given. I might be home a few days before I would have to be on the way back down here"

"Perfect, I'll buy my ticket so I can fly back with you. Just send me your flight information and I'll see if there are any seats left. If not I'll just catch the soonest flight out after yours"

She smiles, sends it to me, and then heads to the shower to fully wake up since we have a night of exploring to do. I make sure I hear the water running and I call Arny.

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