Chapter 5

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Pete POV

Wow, I can't imagine growing to like someone so much and finding out they like to play with my feelings knowing we can never be something special. That seems a bit cruel but this is getting interesting, I wonder who is Dominic. I slurp some of my noodles and continue reading.

Now I am in my junior year of high school, still focusing on school but hanging out with the big friend group when I am allowed. Dominic was another friend from the big group who I had never really talked to but one of my friends Sierra had told me that Dominic wasn't doing too well because he was left by his girlfriend for someone else. Dominic loved her and was planning the rest of his life with her in the future. Things were really dark and grim for him so what did I think to do? Try to be his friend, I would never mention what is going on but if I notice a post online or something that might pique his interest I would message him about it and just try to be a friend. I can't imagine what it felt like to lose the person you planned to spend the rest of your life with so the least I can do is be a distraction. So...I did just that. To be honest I don't even remember what we would talk about but I do remember he seemed to be handling things a little bit better and that is all I ever wanted. This sounds fine, right? Only I am a dumbass and somewhere along us talking I started falling for him and the one thing about me is I am the dead last one to realize I like someone. My mind processes things soooooo slowly and by the time it does you're like "well fuck" because it is too late by then to try to avoid or prevent it from getting that bad. 

I never pushed or pried too hard but I noticed we would talk into the wee hours of the night and then pretty early in the morning throughout the day and this happened for months. I got to know him or what he decided to show me and I found a kind, considerate, sweetheart. I swear I never looked at him like this before, he was not exactly my type but at this point, I realize "my type" and what I actually was drawn attracted to did not match at all. My fear of being rejected was higher than my feelings so I tried to draw back a little and wish that these feelings would blow over. I learned he loved dancing and wanted to dance professionally so I was very supportive of his joining a dance class to perfect his style and I tried to always be by his side. I don't remember who asked who to hang out but it was supposed to just be the two of us a couple of hours before everyone else came downtown which still, I thought nothing serious of but to deny my nervousness would be me lying. I remember smiling more and putting effort into how I looked. That was would be the first time he would see me in a dress. I wore jewelry and put on scented lotion since it would stay longer and I felt ridiculous because I didn't even know if Dominic liked girly girls but here I was hoping he would notice anything different and like it. I remember meeting him and being a klutz, I literally tripped over nothing but I tried to play it off...keyword is tried. Now that I think about it that was the second time I had tripped and almost fell in front of him. If liking someone meant you would have bodily harm then I needed a time machine because this was ridiculous. Anywho we were walking up the hill and saw wedding photos being taken, we stayed out the way but they asked for one of us to take pictures and I volunteered because although it was with a phone I loved photography. I took the pictures, made sure they were happy with them and we went about our way. We mentioned how happy they looked and that we hoped things last.

It was quiet for a while but it was not uncomfortable, it was peaceful. I don't know what made me do it but I hugged him from behind, he noticed my lotion but it seemed at first that he didn't like it so I tried to remove my arms from him but he pulled me in tighter so I couldn't move. It might not have meant much to him but it meant the world to me to be wanted in someone's space, even if for a little while. We talked a little longer and then everyone started showing up a few hours later and we mingled with everyone. Jacob was big on showing affection to everyone but this day it seemed to be more than usual. I thought I was overthinking it but I was feeling uncomfortable so I tried squirming away but it seems that was taken as a good sign because he didn't move and I was not big on making a scene so I kind of stayed there defeated. Dominic noticed it but didn't say anything and I thought nothing of it because he was close and affectionate with some of our friends too. Little did I know this would lead to the closest thing that I can imagine heartbreak feels like.

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