Chapter 12

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Pete POV

I told Arny to go get Amara because I wasn't sure if she was avoiding us. I know at times she gets shy. I took this time to ask the guys their thoughts on her.

"Hey, what do yall think of Amara?"

"She seems really nice and sweet. I would like to be friends with her and she plays video games so we could play Valorant together"

"So William approves, what about you Brandon?"

"She's someone who cares and loves with all she has which kind of sucks because I have to treat her like a sister and protect her. Like I thought I may have a new sneaky link but I can tell she is not a casual person no matter how much she tries to match my energy. I think she would be nice for one of you to date"

"Please don't try and fuck my friend, I literally just met her"

"It was nice of her to buy us all gifts and help us record content all day. I love my new DND dice. If we didn't have soulmates I think she would be great for any of us except for maybe Brandon"

"True Danny, I wonder what Arny thinks"

"Oh, Arny thinks she is his soulmate. He keeps mentioning his temperature changing and he has small ways that he tries to look out for or protect her. He thought she had an interest in me and hated how she and Brandon were flirting"

"Really, she's Arny mate? I guess that makes sense for why she has been interacting with him the least out of everyone. So her birthmarks would need to be stitches?"

"Yes and for some reason, she is being secretive like she doesn't want to admit she has found her soulmate. Would it bother you if she ended up with one of your closest friends?"

"Not at all, I guess I can see why she may feel it would make things weird but I wanted her to find her soul mate. She's one of the greatest, sweetest, and most kind women I had ever met, and the fact that one of my best friends can be her match is pretty cool actually"

"Does anyone know what is taking Arny so long?"

"Will...doesn't Arny like to tease women that are shy?"

"You might want to go get them, especially if they are soulmates, the tension could be really high"

"For once I agree with you Brandon"

He yells hey as if he is insulted but he knows I love him. Anywho I go down to her room and knock on her door. She opens it and she looks very pretty, nothing seems out of the ordinary about her so she grabs my hand and I lead her back as Arny follows. I can't put my finger on it but something about him seems to be different. I'll find out later. So we enter the room and as we're getting settled our food arrives and we all sit along the room whether on the floor, on the bed or on chairs.

"Amara, we can get a bit crazy at times...think you can handle it? Better yet, think you can fit in with us?"

"I'm actually pretty shy Brandon and innocent so I might blush from embarrassment but I will try my best to adjust quickly"

"I have a feeling you're lying and there's a side you aren't showing us, what do we have to do for you to relax a little"

"I have no other side to show Danny and besides, I loosen up a bit with alcohol and seeing that you all are not over 21 I probably won't drink"

"Wait, she's actually really cute and adorable when she drinks. Very flirty and playful, we played video games drunk once and it was epic"

"I forgot we did that"

"Have a drink with Pete, Arny, and me then, just one so you can feel comfortable around us"

Brandon suggests the idea and Arny and I agree we will both have a drink if she does. She thinks about it for a minute before agreeing and I go to make our drinks when I call Arny to come to assist me. I start making our drinks while Arny sits on the chair next to me.

"Anything you want to tell me Arny?"

"What do you mean?"

"What were you doing with Amara? You were gone for a while"

"We didn't do anything, she just likes messing with me"

"Do you like her? It's okay if you do, she's pretty likable"

"I think she is my soulmate, I'm almost positive but I can't figure out where her birthmarks are and she won't willingly tell me. The way she sometimes looks at me and reacts if I'm close to her gives me a reason to believe that she is my soulmate. I don't know why she is fighting it."

"Well I'm happy for you bro, I think you two will be good together. Never a dull moment, I must warn you though we will have problems if you hurt her because she means a lot to me"

"I won't hurt her, I can't even imagine hurting someone like her. I need her to accept me as her soulmate though before we leave Maryland because I don't think I can handle us splitting up without knowing if we will ever meet again"

"I'll make sure of it, I also apologize in advance for her behavior"

"What do you mean?"

"She gets really flirty when she is even slightly intoxicated and she becomes a very affectionate person. I think she wants to be like that naturally but is afraid of how people will react so when she drinks a little she is not as shy and self-conscious"

"Well this shall be interesting, thanks for the warning"

So he grabs two drinks and heads back to the main room and I follow. He stops in his tracks looking slightly annoyed at Amara wrapped around William.

"What are you doing?"

"I am a Koala wrapped around a tree"

"She asked to hug me from behind and I said sure but I didn't realize that meant she would wrap her thighs around me. She's really soft and smells wonderful"


"Okay okay, sorry. Amara please let go of me"

"Awe, okay" 

She lets go of him and sits on the back part of the bed.

He smirks at Amara and she looks back confused and I just know this is about to go too far. He hands Amara her drink and she says thank you as she sips it. Arny then proceeds to call a few girls over, one of which the name sounds familiar and I realize this is a fan that has been wanting to get with Arny for months. They also seem to be in this same hotel and arrive in no time. A couple of them say hi and hug everyone while the third one does the same except for with Arny who pulls her in and makes out with her. I can't even build up the courage to look at Amara but from the quick glances, I get from the other guys I can tell she probably isn't doing too great. She tries to hide it by introducing herself and suggesting we all play adult charades and we do just that.

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