Chapter 8

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Pete POV

Wow, that was a lot. I hope she was planted the way she wanted. She seemed like a nice lady, just lost when she was younger but who isn't? I hate she never got to find love and she just suffered feeling like nothing was ever enough. I give the letter back to my mom and ask her to hide and rebury it. I went back to my room and decided that I would try to find my soulmate but also help her find hers. She deserves to be happy and I want to give that to her. What if I am her soulmate? I wouldn't mind it but I don't think I am. I should call her and see if she has started her journey because for the longest she would always talk about it but never told me if she started the journey. I facetime her and wait for her to pick up.

"Hello sunshine, how are you?"

"Amaraaaaaaaaa, I'm good, are you excited for Katsucon? It's going to be amazing!"

"I am, I am actually driving to pick up materials to make some of the parts of my cosplay and buy the cosplays themselves. I have a busy day ahead of me but it will be fun. I still need to pack honestly which is going to suck but I will get it done"

"Awesome, I can't wait to see you. I'll finally get to put a face to the name"

"You will, I will bring you a plushie that will instantly let you know it is me"

"Sweet, maybe we'll meet our soulmates"

"I was wondering if you had started your soulmate journey, I was thinking about starting it right before I leave"

"I have activated it but I haven't found them yet, they don't seem too far but not that close either"

"So there's no way it can be me then"

"No, if it was I would default to just being cold because you haven't started it yet"

"Welp, there goes this being easy. Did the potion taste like anything?"

"Not really, I just remember chugging it, and the room soon became blurry. Please drink this right before laying down. I did it standing up and I definitely woke up with a headache because I passed out"

"Ouch, I'm sorry and will do"

"I have a huge crescent moon and stars on my back from what my mom told me"

"That's so cool, well I hope you find them soon. You're a sweetheart so they will be in good hands"

"THANK YOUUUUUU, will you tell me your birthmark?"

"It's a secret, it would be just my luck it is one of your friends you want me to meet and now things are awkward"

"I'll get you to tell me soon enough, I am very persuasive"

"I don't doubt that one-bit sunshine"

We hang up and that is when I get a call from Arny. We talk for a little bit and then I finish the rest of my packing. This is going to be one of the best cons ever and I am going to make sure of it. It would be nice if one of my friends is her soulmate because I trust them but if it is not I will just have to help her explore Florida and see what happens.

~2 days later~  Pete POV

It is the day before Katsucon and I told Arny I would pick him up to go to the airport since I pass him on the way. We load up the car and head down the road to our destination. The windows are rolled down and the view is beautiful as we discuss what orders we will be wearing our cosplays in. It seems like My Hero Academia cosplays will be first which is fine because Amara is coming as Shinso. Arny mentions that he's feeling a little off and as he describes it I realize his body temperature is changing which means we are either going towards or away from his soulmate. He wasn't sure which one he was feeling and I didn't push because I don't think he really is a relationship-type person at this time. He asked me a few more questions as we arrive at the airport, check our luggage, and goes through all the tedious steps of getting to our terminal. We sit and wait for the number of our plan to be called when I check my phone and see I have a voicemail. It's from Amara, not sure how I missed that. I decided that I would play it and give Arny one of my earbuds so he can at least hear what she sound like. Soon after we listen to the message, our flight number is called. Next stop, Maryland. I guess I'll text her when we arrive.

Amara POV

I live not too far from Maryland by plane but I wanted to get comfortable and settled in so I left early that morning so I would arrive no later than noon and explore the area. I decided to call Pete but I got his voicemail. He'll just listen to it when I get a chance.

"Hi sunshine, by the time you listen to this I will probably be on a plane heading to Maryland. I will get there at a decent time so I will explore and take pictures of the city. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow for the first time. I don't know what you are picturing but hopefully, I won't disappoint. Please have a safe flight and let me know when you get there. I have a thing about knowing that my friends are safe. I will let you know where I am staying only after we meet at the con because I want you to have time with your friends first...they just called my flight number. Take care sunshine and I'll see you soon. Luv ya"

I hang up get on my flight and relax for the ride, this is going to be interesting.

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