Chapter 18

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Arny POV

I wake up to Amara still in my arms with her hands over mine. I don't know if I tried to leave and she stopped me but I would like to think that this just shows that no matter how mad she is with me she still loves and cares about me. I slowly kiss along her shoulders as I think about the fact that she probably is pushing me away because she is scared of how much she cares about me so fast and fearful I will hurt her again. It is terrifying to see how strong the connection between soulmates is and our birthmarks turning into tattoos seem like it made our connection undeniable. As much as I wish to stay like this we need to hit the road, we have a long drive ahead of us. So I shake Amara a little and she rolls over facing me but does not get up. I grab her hands and kiss her knuckles repeatedly until she slowly flutters her eyes open.

"Good morning my love"

She waves and gets up. She stretches and goes to the bathroom. I follow her as she brushes her teeth and admire her beauty. 

"I don't speak before brushing my teeth, good morning Arny"

"I thought you were still mad at me the reason you didn't say anything"

"I am, but that was not the reason. No one likes morning breath. Now get your stuff ready and go shower down the hall while I shower here so we can get going"

"Can't we just shower together to save water?"

"No, I don't trust you to focus on the task at hand."

"Fine, you have to give me a kiss before I go"


"Then I'm not going"

"Arny, I promise to give you a kiss in the truck before I drive off but please go get ready"


"I promise now go"

She pushes me out of the bathroom so she can get ready and I go to do the same. If she thinks I won't hold her to her word she is sadly mistaken. We both get ready and take the last of our stuff to the vehicle. She locks up, leaves the key in the mailbox and we get in the vehicle. She goes to start the vehicle but I stop her.

Amara POV

I am ready to head off down the road and Arny stops me. He can't seriously be stopping me for this.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"I'll get us breakfast on the way"

"Stop playing dumb with me, give me what you promised. You know you want to"


I look over at him to see him focused on my lips.

"Give in to me my love"

He whispers those words ever so faintly before leaning in. I don't know what got into me but I leaned in too starting with small pecks until we were kissing. He was gentle with me and his lips were soft. I tilted my head slightly to deepen the kiss and he ran his hand through my hair as I could feel him smiling against my lips. He softly bit my lip causing me to gasp so he could french kiss me. Fuck why is he so good at this and why don't I want to stop? I want to be mad at him but something is telling me that he honestly is sorry and won't hurt me again. I pull away before I go too far just based on pure vulnerability. He smiles at first before I guess he can tell something is wrong with me.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine"

I start the engine and head down the road.

"You're not, does loving me scare you that much? If I could go back I would have never called that girl over which would have prevented us from going so far. That is one regret I will always have but I can't go back. I can't undo the pain I have caused you but I will forever spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it"

"...I will get over it eventually, just please be patient with me."

"Of course...but you can't deny you love me. That kiss told me everything I needed to know"

"I was only supposed to end up kissing your cheek"

"I would have turned my head so you kissed me and it would have led to the same result"

I laugh and push his arm.


"I got you to laugh, does that mean you forgive me?"

"Yeah, but never hurt me like that again"

"I promise, I can tell everyone you are my soulmate now"

"I'll lie and say we aren't. Make you seem like an obsessed fan, it's not like my tattoos are in visible places"

"I'll get you to admit it"

"Good luck with that. I'll deny you every time and even if they did see my tattoo I would just say I copied yours and got them professionally done as a fan"

"Why do you continue to make things difficult"

"Eh, blame it on my inner brat"

"It will only work so long because you forgot one thing"

"What's that?"

"You become shy and obedient when it comes to me"

"Guess it's a good thing that we will be an hour away then. You can never force me to do or admit to anything"

"I have no problem traveling an hour"

"I would end stream before you get to me, duh"

"I could always start mine and make you admit to it"

"How do you think you are getting into my house without a key?"

"With the copy of course"

He rests his hand on my thigh while we talk and I decide to let him.

"Who told you that you could have my spare key?"

"I can't wait to show you how dominant I am. You doubt my ability to get what I want which is adorable"

"Are you asking to be my dom? I am very inexperience so if that is not appealing then you may not want to start that with me"

"You are the only one I would want this kind of relationship with. The idea of exploring together and me seeing how you develop over time is one of the most exciting journeys I will ever be on. So once you trust me, I would love to be your dom"

"Hmmm, alright. I accept, I agree to be your brat/submissive. We have to officially go through a contract or something right?"

"Yes, which we can go over once we are in Florida. I thought this might happen so I have one in my bag"

I laugh out of shock and embarrassment.

"So you just knew I was going to say yes?"

"Well, we are soulmates so it was a matter of time but I realized I had you when I woke up and you were in my arms. Your hands were over mine so I couldn't move"

"I am nicer when I am tired"

"Sure you are, what is your love language?"

"I am not making your job any easier, figure it out"

"I am pretty sure I know it. I feel like you have multiple though"

I stop talking refusing to give him any more information and he smiles kissing my cheek. This is going to be a long drive.

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