Chapter 7

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Pete POV

What happened? I took a bite of my sandwich and continued reading.

The next few days went fine and I got a message from a close friend that I had just made and she told me all about her talking to Dominic and him asking her on a date. I was kind of hurt because I thought we were going somewhere but I did not really have a place to be mad. I did let her know that we were talking though but I tried to be supportive of them. A few days later she told me about the date and that he kissed her. I told her congratulations and I decided to distance myself because I did not want to come off pessimistic. I was kind of hurt because maybe he never was interested in me and I was reading into things too much. My way of dealing with feelings at the time was to write poetry at the time and I had friends who wrote as well so we would comment and critique each other poems. So for months I wrote and posted my poems as a way to self-heal. I guess he read them and that stressed him out because people who were friends with me were telling me to stop stressing him out, that I was overreacting, and so on. My poems never gave descriptors, names, or anything similar to actual events for him to think it was about him so I was not understanding why my way of coping and not bothering others with my feelings was causing a problem. I also was a very private person so no one had heard my side of what went on because I did not think it was anyone's business so I am not sure what was told to them til this day but it made a lot of people turn against me. I removed myself from all group activities and I deleted and blocked a lot of my so-called friends for my own sanity. One random night Dominic messaged me about the poems and like I told everyone else, I didn't see why this was such a big deal. He finally explained that he felt betrayed by me because of how close I was with Jacob that one day and to get back at me he quickly moved on with one of my friends. I didn't doubt he cared about her but his original reasoning was not the greatest.

I felt broken when he finally told me the reason behind all of this but when I asked him why he waited months to finally tell me, that we could have discussed this and worked through this his response is he doesn't talk thing out but get even. Well Dominic, you did just that and 1000x more. I no longer had my prom date, I no longer had a friend, and I no longer knew what to do next because as in most tragic endings...the guy quickly moves on and the girl suffers for what feels like forever. The best I could do was isolate myself and use school as a distraction. I knew that I would go to college out of town to get away but also to pretend that I was fine and maybe while away I would learn to be fine but it took on and off of the next three years far into my college career for me to get to the point of being exhausted and over it. Every now and then I thought of him but I knew that was a chapter that I burned a long time ago and that I would never go back to even if I had the opportunity. It caused too much damage and I probably would never recover if I tried again. 

I went downtown to meet a couple of new people and this is where I met my last chance at a partner. His name was Christian and he was a few years older than me, it did not show in looks but it definitely did in where we were in our life? He had a job, an apartment, and overall seemed to have his life together. I, on the other hand, lived with my parents still which mean I still had to follow their rules and I was going back and forth to school so there was really no time to spend with him. Long story short I feel this could have been something special but the timing was wrong and unfortunately, we don't always get a second chance. We only really met and spent time together twice but those two times meant the world to me because my love language was quality time and he made sure to give me that. It was always the little things with him that meant the world to me but again I was awkward and naive, and maybe even self-sabotaged things. By the time I told my mom about him and convinced her to let me go out more he was over trying to make things work and still to this day I am not sure if he just liked spending time with me or was interested but I will always think of him as the one that got away. To think, it all started with two snacks and getting me away from the others. I thank him silently for showing me what effort looked like and I wished him all the best. He was the last man I actually tried to figure things out with. 

Not having a birthmark is a curse because there is no such thing as finding love when you don't have one. It is just a bunch of experiences that will bring on some kind of life lesson or pain. When you get tired of the life lessons you get tired and give up. I spent the rest of my life exploring the world, going to friends' weddings, and being a Godparent to a lot of kids. I made a lot of dreams come true but true love was never one of them and the more I wanted it the more I became sad until I got old and stopped trying. I wrote that I wanted to be planted back on the Earth when I passed because I wanted to feel important one last time. I don't know if that will ever be done but I hope it will. Sorry if this story was not that entertaining but I hope whoever is reading this has a birthmark and you find the love of your life. Live for you until you can find them.

Love November

A/N: I will be on vacation next Sunday so you get two chapters this weekend! Thanks again to everyone who votes, reads, and adds this story to their library. If you have made it this far then I believe you will like the upcoming chapters. I love and appreciate all of you XOXO

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