Chapter 9

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Arny POV

So we soon landed in Maryland and now we are catching a shuttle to the hotel. I'm excited to meet up with the guys since it has been a while. All of our rooms are close to each other and some of them are even connected. Normally we would share rooms but we learned from experience we reduce noise complaints if we take up several rooms and meet in the middle one until we are ready to go to sleep. I got to hear what Amara sounds like and her voice is kind of soft, she seems very caring and kind so I think she will get along with everyone great. I am trying to wear slightly lighter clothes because my body has been a little warm since I landed in Maryland. I don't know why since it is kind of cool here but this might be what Danny was talking about. We head to my room and then Pete goes to his room which is connected to mine so we can get settled in before the rest of the group arrives. Soon Danny, Brandon, and Will arrive and get settled in their rooms. From there we order food and catch up on everything that has been going on since we last saw each other. It was relaxing to say the least but the next few days will be utter chaos and I am so ready for it.

Amara POV

I have officially arrived in Maryland and I am excited and nervous at the same time. I have never traveled by myself so this shall be an adventure. I arrive at the hotel, get my key and head up to my room. The first thing I did was get a nap in because I definitely was exhausted but now I am up and hungry so I showered, got dressed, and walked to a nice little Mexican restaurant not too far from the hotel. I bought my food, brought it back, and started eating while drawing the view from my hotel room. It is a beautiful sunset, everything is so calming and peaceful. I probably will take my camera with me tomorrow to take pictures of different cosplays and people I meet. One thing that is kind of bothering me is that I am hot, no matter what I do I am hot which either means I have a deadly fever or my soulmate is in a hotel close if not this exact one. It is a bit scary to think I will find my soulmate while on vacation but it is also scary to imagine their reaction when seeing me. I was not deemed as America's version of beautiful and I was always the friend to those who were happy and in relationships. I am an amazing woman's perspective for guys and helping them find someone but that is as far as it gets. I will probably try to avoid all talks or prospects of a soulmate while here and then go to Florida to forget about the intense feeling of everything. Tomorrow should be interesting and entertaining, to say the least.


Today is the first day of Katsucon and I am hyped. I am Todoroki, Danny is Bakugo, William is Dabi, Arny is Deku, and Brandon decided to be Sebastian from Black Butler. We are recording videos and tiktoks for content and meeting a lot of fans which is cool. As we are meeting fans a short girl with curly purple hair taps my shoulder and pushes out a plushie of wheat bread towards me with a name tag that says sunshine on it. Wait...sunshine, Amara???

"Amara, are you Amara?"

She nods shyly as she looks up at me. She's adorable and her Shinso cosplay is actually amazing.

"I never knew you were so short and cute"

She squints at me and turns to my friends bowing towards them and waving. She looks back at me before finally speaking.

"I'm not short, I am fun-sized thank you very much"

"Are you fun?"

Brandon asks this in a teasing manner and to my surprise, Amara walks over to him until they are face to face and slowly takes off her scarf wrapping it loosely around her hands before looking up at him.

"Why don't you test the waters and find out? I heard you're one hell of a butler and I am quite skilled with this scarf"

"Woah, your friend here isn't so shy after all"

She looks over at William and walks around him before standing in front of him looking up.

"Oh I am, but I also am good at matching the energy of most people"

"Why be a hero? I think you would do better over here with me. The dark side is so much more fun"

"Tempting...but I am actually much better as a hero"

"You better not betray us you damn nerd"

She turns to look at Danny.

"Wouldn't think of it Kacchan"

"No one calls me Kacchan"

"No one but me right?"

Arny goes to hug Danny and he pretends to look annoyed before looking at Amara. For a moment it seems like everything stopped the way they looked at each other but quickly ended with Amara looking away.

"I have to go to the bathroom but can I take pictures of you all in your cosplay? You can look through my pictures while I'm gone. I think I am pretty good"

She hands me the camera and heads off before any of us can respond. Brandon and William come over to look through the pictures with me while Arny seems distracted and Danny is checking on him. Do they know each other?

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