Chapter 21

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Amara POV

I loved doing that in front of everyone because it just showed I am not wrapped around his finger as much as he thinks I am. We talk to his fans a little bit more before logging off and me driving him home. I gave him a kiss before leaving so the real fun begins now. Snaps, phone calls, and facetime are about to be filled with nothing but flirting, teasing, and thirst traps. Now that he can't easily get to me. This is going to be amazing and I cannot wait!

~Several months later~ Arny POV

Work got really busy so I haven't been able to visit Amara like I want to but that has not stopped her from teasing and tormenting me every single day since she moved here. From the naughty text messages to pictures sent through snap, to the suggestive way she speaks but pretends she is so innocent is driving me insane. She flirts and teases me through twitch so I get embarrassed, lot of inside jokes that no one but us two knows and it throws me off every time. She has all of my supporters thinking I am just being down bad and I am but that isn't only me. It took everything in me not to drive to her on our birthday and shut that pretty mouth of hers once and for all. I mean, she sent me a video of her doing a sexy dance for my birthday. She can do splits by the way which only made my thoughts 100x worse. But I think today is the day she is going to admit that she's mine because she has pushed me far enough. We signed our contracts, we know each other safe words, she never takes off her collar and I finally got tested and sent her the results so there is no reason why I can't finally punish her for how much she has been doing to me. I think she is playing video games with her supporters today which is better, I would rather not scar anyone I know with whatever happens when I see her before I cut her camera. She has no idea I am coming nor does she know that I pulled some strings and have a copy of her keys (Don't do this in real life, it is freaking creepy). Her supporters love me so where I can't get her to eat and drink water the way she is supposed to she has where those are redeems for her channel and they will use their points to get her to take care of herself. She caught on after a month but she keeps her promises and stays hydrated and eats. She's going to need all the water she can get for what I have planned. I pack an overnight bag with some things I want to try out on her. I am going to try so hard to be gentle since she is still a virgin but if she gives me the okay to go once she is adjusted then it is game over. I look at the clock and she should be about to stream soon so I get in my car and head off to her house. I'll of course make myself known when I walk in so I don't scare her too bad. I understand she does live alone and I don't want her to become paranoid. I don't know what I will do once I see her because it has been too long and it can't be this long ever again.

Amara POV

So today I am getting on twitch to chat for the first part and play a video game of the people's choice for the second part. I grab water, my favorite juice, and a mixed fruit bowl since I have eat and hydrate as redeems. I set everything up and start streaming.

"Hello my loves, how is everyone today"

We do a quick check-in making sure everyone is good and then I open up for questions but not before asking them a question.

"Did curly say something? You all normally don't redeem hydrate and snacks this much"

"He made us swear not to tell"

"You should be more loyal to me, why do I feel like I come second"

"We love you, which is why we take care of you this way"

"Aweee, I love you all too. So any questions today?"

"How is the distance impacting your relationship?"

"I have never really been close to any of my friends so the distance doesn't bother me too much, like I, of course, miss him and my other friends but I'm not falling apart. He on the other hand is losing it and I find it quite hilarious"

"Are you tricking us and pretending to be innocent when you're not"

"I truly am innocent, Arny just has it out for me for some reason. He's been around his friends a lot more so he's gotten a lot worse and wants to bring me down with him"

"When are you going to admit he is your soulmate?" 

"Is he? Well if he is my soulmate then he'll have to make me say it which is hard to do in person but impossible to do an hour away. I don't like to listen"

"Tips on how to tease guys in person"

"When he's talking look engaged and then slowly lower your gaze to his lips while biting yours for a second. When he tries to get your attention, pretend like nothing happened. Pull him in by his belt loops or waistband when wanting to go in for a kiss but make him chase you for it, move your face back slightly to make him seem needy. Take sexy pictures but in his t-shirt or hoodie and if you are a bigger girl like me and can't fit his close use it to cover the private parts of your body and let the rest of your skin show. This should work for pretty much anyone honestly"

"Can we see your tattoos/birthmarks?"

"I can't show the one on my chest or thigh because I'll get banned but I can show you my ankle"

I lift my leg to show them the tattoo on my ankle then put it back down

"Good thing I am wearing shorts under this skirt or that would have been embarrassing"

"What got you into chokers and collars?"

"I always like them, along with chains and sometimes spikes. I just wasn't the most comfortable wearing them until I got older"

"What's your love language?"

Quality time, physical touch is second"

"What's his love language?"

"Physical touch, quality time is second so we are the opposite of each other"

"How does it feel to have the same birthday?"

"I love it because I will always be older than him and get to call him a baby because of it"

"Did you celebrate your birthdays together?"

"I did not get to but I sent him some stuff and made him a video"

"Do you feel like you will ever push him too far?"

"I don't try to push him, I don't know why he is so drawn to me"

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