Chapter 22

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Warning: Mention of BDSM roles, knife play

Amara POV

As I say that I swear I hear his voice. I turn around confused and it is him, he is coming down the hall. I run to lock my door and run back to the screen laughing as he bangs on the door.

"He's in my house, I don't recall giving him a key so how is he here?"

He calls and I answer it on live.

"You're on twitch so be nice"

"Open the door my love"

"You have to relax first, you sound out of breath and possibly angry"

"I'm not, just let me in sweetheart"

"I don't trust you"

"Darling, if I have to pick the lock things are going to get a lot worse"

I mute my phone and look at the chat going crazy.

"Please talk some sense into him"

I tiptoe to the door and unlock it then quickly go back to the game chair and set my phone down unmuting it.

"They love my innocence so don't ruin the image they have of me"

He walks in and stands in the doorway, I look at him from the viewfinder and try to focus on the chat.

"You should have called first, what if I wasn't here?"

"Where else would you be at this hour?"

He walks over to me and looks me up and down waiting for my answer. He looks at the stream and reminds them if they are not over the age of 18 they need to leave. He warned them if they were not okay seeing a semi-submissive side of me then they should leave and as much as I wanted to be a brat at that moment I did not have it in me for some reason.

"I leave the house sometime"

"You're normally sending me thirst traps at this time"

He spins my chair facing him and grips both arms blocking me in and towering over me making me look up at him.

"You know why I am here right Amara"

"I do not"

"Say it, admit it or I will make you and I'm not sure you want your supporters to see you like that"

"What am I admitting"

He glares at me in a way I have yet to see, filled with so many emotions that it is making me feel small and I am trying to fight it but I can't. He wraps his right hand around my throat causing me to roll my eyes and smile. He talks in a calm but firm voice that no one has heard before and it sends chills down my spine.

"My love?"

"Yes sir"

"Who is your soulmate?"

"You are"

"You're mine and only mine, never ever forget that or deny me of that title. Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir"

"Such a good and obedient girl, who collared you?"

"You did"

"Who do you love?"

"I love you, only you sir"

He smiles at me and smoothly closes out my twitch stream.

Arny POV

I have let her tease and torture me for the last 154 days and I couldn't take it anymore. Seeing her in this almost trance-like state I put her in is quite entertaining but it is making me more feral. I have to make her beg for any and everything so she knows what the past six months have felt like for me. I can see in her eyes she is conflicted and trying to figure out what is going on seeing that her body is speaking for her. I kiss her before letting her throat go so she could finally take in some air.

"You were actually such a good girl just now but you have been such a fucking brat for the last few months. I have to punish you for all of that sooner or later but I won't do anything without your consent. Are you ready for an experience of your life?"


"What are you ready for?"

"Whatever experience you want to give me sir? I deserve it all"

"Good, what is your safe word?"


"And your non-verbal safeword"

"I do a movement quickly, snapping, stomping, humming to represent panic"

"Good girl, if I think things are too much for you and I think you are refusing to use it to not disappoint me then I will stop everything okay"

"Yes sir"

"I'll be right back"

I go to get my duffle bag of things. I wanted to focus on sensations, I thought that would be the easiest since she is still a virgin but I also want her to be as addicted as I am to her. I want her to openly crave me as much as I do her so if I give her something to remember me by then she will never deny me again. I brought blindfolds, a few brand new toys I want to try on her, flavored lube, condoms because we're not ready for kids, a silk scarf, my favorite pocket knife for knife play, and a candle safe for wax play. I'll use ice from her fridge and I noticed she had champagne on her counter, that should be fun. I come back with all of this stuff and set things out, her eyes are filled with curiosity and I'm sure her mind is coming up with a million ideas of what I could have in mind.

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes sir"

"Do you fully submit to me?"

"Yes sir"

"Say it"

"I fully submit to you"

I take off my jacket and shirt throwing them on the ground in a corner. I grab her hand and take her to the bed making her sit in front of me.

"I'm going to blindfold you now"

I do just that and I can see things became slightly more intense since she can't see.

"I'm going to undress you now and then I will tie your wrist with the silk scarf you saw in my hand"

"Yes sir"

I slowly strip off her clothes until she is naked and lay her down on the bed. I tie her wrist together tight but not too tight and place them above her head before admiring her body.

"Fuck princess, you are so fucking beautiful. You have been hiding all of this from me for so long. I can't wait for you to come to my place so I can fuck you relentlessly in front of my bedroom mirror"

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