Chapter 20

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Arny POV

I stare at her as she walks off to shower and go to the living room. Since it is early it will be more of an intimate short stream and I can answer questions and stuff. So I set it up as best as I can which isn't bad for minimal furniture and connect to the wifi. I send out a message on discord that I am doing a random short stream in 5 minutes. I figure I can talk all about her before she comes in from her shower.

"Hello everyone, this stream will probably only be an hour and it is random because as some of you may know or figured out by now...I have found my soulmate. Well, they won't admit it but they are my soulmate. I confirmed we had the same birthmarks, now tattoos. Just in different places."

The chat goes crazy and there are so many emotes and questions, I'm not sure if this was a good or bad idea but like most things too late to go back now.

"I'm going to slow down the chat so I can answer questions to the best of my ability"

"When did you even start this journey?"

"My 18th birthday I decided to start it, but I never thought I would find them so quickly. Some of my friends have not found theirs yet so I was lucky"

"Was it a fan?"

"Not really, she did not know of me until Pete told her about me and the other husbands"

"Are they well known?"

"Not really, she games on twitch with a few people but nothing too big"

"Where did you meet them?"


"What is her name?"

"Her name is Amara"

"How does she know Pete?"

"They were internet friends for a while, they met through a Valorant gameplay from what I was told"

"Will you two make content together?"

"Maybe, I have to ask her"

"Tell us about her"

"Well, she's short. She likes to game, is really into anime, and recently got into cosplay. She just got a new job as a graphic designer for video games but also wants to get into animation for shows in the future"

"When will we meet her?"

"Soon, I am at her new apartment"

"Are you both from the same area or will this be a LDR?"

"Well we originally lived over 17 hours away from each other but she recently moved so now she will be an hour away. Still is kind of far for someone like me so we will have to figure something out."

"How does it feel to have finally met your soulmate?"

"It was scary at first because I didn't know if I wanted something serious at such a young age but when you are so close to your soulmate it is impossible to deny the chemistry. I felt so happy when I knew that I had found my soulmate. It will take time for us to get to know each other but I am looking forward to the journey"

"Wait, why won't she admit that she is your soulmate? Is she shy?"

"Well she is shy but that's not why she won't acknowledge that I'm her soulmate"

I hesitate to answer the question but I think it is important to be honest and somewhat transparent.

"I...did something extremely stupid that hurt her really bad. So I think a part of her is scared to trust and love me because she doesn't want to get hurt again."

The chat is trying to make me feel better and I appreciate it.

"Thanks everyone but she has every right to be upset with me. I am far from perfect and I have to work on gaining her trust"

As I take time to read comments I see the fan I slept with comment and as fast as my mods are someone caught it. Might as well own up to it before they twist it into something even worse.

"I didn't like how close Amara seemed with my friends, she was hugging one from behind while sitting on a bed and it pissed me off so I slept with a fan. I shouldn't have done it and I will regret that forever but I needed to admit my wrongdoings before anyone else could add things to it. I disappointed you all and I am sorry for not being a better person."

As I finish talking Amara comes in with a beautiful yellow sundress on that compliments her beautiful melanated complexion. I smile and reach for her to hug me. She hugs and sits by me and then looks at the computer to see I am recording.

"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't know you started recording already"

"It's fine, they wanted to meet you anyway"

She ruffled her curly hair and waved at the camera.

"Hello everyone, I am Amara. I am a close friend of Pete's which I guess makes me a friend of Arny's. He helped me move into my new place"

She starts reading the chat and everyone is bragging about the good qualities I have and begging her to forgive me which puzzles her since she does not know what was said before she got here. She looks at me looking slightly confused and scared and says in a low soft voice that is almost heartbreaking.

"What do I need to forgive you for now?"

"Nothing, I didn't do anything. They wanted to know about my soulmate and that included explaining why you won't admit that I am your soulmate"


She sighs and looks back at the camera.

"I know he is a good guy, he just has some growing to do but that's okay. He has to deal with a brat for the rest of his life which will probably be punishment enough"

"I will make her admit she is my soulmate one day"

"Sure you will"

The chat has nothing but compliments filling it and the fan was banned from the stream as well as them working on finding her other socials to block her off of all my stuff. That is when someone makes a request.

"Can you two do the TikTok trend with Big Sean and Jhene Aiko playing in the background? There will be no way to deny the chemistry if you seriously do that trend"

I look at Amara and ask her and she agrees but asks to listen to the audio a couple of times to make sure she does it right. 

"We will do it live and then we will rerecord it later to upload it to tiktok"

So I turn towards her and she gets on her knees on the couch so we are close. We both get really close face to face and I play that part of the song with 5 seconds to prepare. I start off kind of playful and flirty but when Amara jumps in it turned into something really sexy. The way she looks between me and my lips comes off as slightly seductive and I naturally lean in as I finish the few words I do have. Right before I can kiss her the audio finishes and she sits back on the couch like nothing happens and started laughing at me.

"You okay there buddy? We were acting for TikTok remember" 

I pout and then look at the chat.

"You see what I have to deal with, she likes to tease me"

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