Chapter 16

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Arny POV

I was getting ready to play Minecraft when my phone rang and I see it was Pete.

"Hey man, what's up"

"I need you to do me a favor?"

"What's that?"

"Long story short, Amara might be getting a job here in Florida and if she does she wants someone to ride back with her from her home state. I told her I would fly down with her and ride back up but I think you should do it"

"Wait, what? What's going on and where is she?"

"She's in the shower. Look, she will be mad at me for standing her up but I think this is the perfect time for you to test the waters and see how hard you have to work. If you can't soften her up at least a little bit in 17 and a half hours then you might as well give up."

"She lives that far?!? How am I going to catch the flight down there without her switching hers or something?"

"I am booking it for the flight after, with me not being on her flight she will have to send me the address and that is when I will send it to you. She probably has to pack and get a lot of things done in this short period of time so she won't have a lot of time to focus on how much she despises you right now"

"If you think it will work then I'll do it, just send me the information and everything and I will make sure to follow the plan and Pete"



"No problem"

I hang up and try to figure out or plan what I will say when I see her again and I have no idea how this will turn out so I guess I will just have to figure things out when I get there

~A week later~ Arny POV

So I finally land and the weather is pretty nice here which is helpful because I am nowhere near prepared for cold weather. According to Pete, she got the job and an apartment. It wasn't the apartment she wanted so it is in the middle of us where she is an hour away but it has everything she wanted so that helps. An uber drops me off in front of an older but decent-looking apartment. I luck up and someone is going in, they have a lot of bags so I hold the door open for them and help them take their bags to their door. They thank me then I head upstairs to her apartment door. I can hear my heart in my ears, this might be the dumbest idea I agreed to but it's too late to turn back now. I take a deep breath and I knock on the door. I hear a faint voice before she opens the door and wow, she looks beautiful even when she's not trying. She's wearing a tank top, short shorts and her hair is in a messy bun. I then notice and get to see for the first time her birthmarks. I always knew she was my soulmate but being able to see it for myself made me extremely happy. I snap out of my thoughts when she pulls me inside and closes the door only stepping back a few steps to give me room to take my shoes off.

"What are you doing here Birlap?"

"Something came up last minute and Pete couldn't make it so he asked me to come"

"Why wouldn't he just call me and tell me that? I could have figured something else out"

"He didn't want to inconvenience you, look let me help you with the move as one of many parts of an I'm sorry"

"Well it's not like I really have time to do anything differently now"

"Cmon, do you hate me that much?"

"I'm gonna kill Pete"

"Can you just look at me for a second?"

"If I do I will get upset and then I'm going to want to hit you and now we are fighting and only one of us will make it out alive"

"Or I can kiss all over you?"

"Absolutely not, I do know where your lips have been and I don't know where your lips have been. Both are not appealing things to think about so keep your body to yourself and stop checking me out. Help me pack, starting in the bathroom. I'll finish up in the kitchen."

She leaves and I have confirmed one thing, well two things. I truly did hurt her but all is not lost because she could have left me outside or given me the silent treatment as she did back in Maryland but she did not. So we get to packing and started loading up the vehicle. She repacked some of my boxes so everything would fit in her truck and by the time we finished, it was dark outside. She told me to get comfortable while she makes dinner for us and I keep trying to figure out how to get her to loosen up a bit. She did loosen up a bit when I kissed her hand on the plane so maybe affection is the way to go. So as she's making dinner I sneak up behind her and rest my hands on her waist.


"I don't wanna"

"This is triggering me"


"Is this how you touched her?"

"You do know there were girls before you right?"

She calmly placed her stirring spoon down and turned around glaring at me

"Then go be with them other bitches, what are you here for? I didn't ask you to come here, what you want a cookie because you have experience"

"Fuck, I didn't mean"

"No, you said exactly what you meant. Gosh you make it so hard for me not to just say fuck it and die alone without you as my soulmate"

"No please, I'm sorry. I'm not normally this much of an asshole. I don't know what's wrong with me."

She shakes her head and goes back to cooking and I stand there trying to figure out what to say to make things better. I start to say something when I hear a sniffle, I look up to notice her shoulders moving slightly indicating she is crying. I hug her from behind laying my head on her shoulder. She tries to pry my hands off of her and I just hold her tighter until she stops fighting me and slightly leans over crying into her hands. I turn her to face me and hug her while repeatedly kissing her shoulder and saying sorry. I have a lot of making up to do but she's definitely worth it. Seeing and hearing her cry is one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever witnessed and I never want to cause that again unless they are tears of joy. I slowly trace my hand along her birthmark on her thigh and back causing our birthmarks to turn into tattoos. I bring her to her room to prepare for dinner because I'm going to finish it. I figured out that affection helps but I think sometimes I may need to verbally express my feelings for her as well and that will slowly break her down. I made our plates taking them to the living room table, took a picture for snapchat, and added a soulmate sticker to it before posting. As I turn to come to get her she is already heading out of her room.

"Thank you for finishing dinner"-

"No problem"

I pull out her chair for her before sitting down.

"We really have to talk about our future together"


"Because we're stuck together"

"You aren't stuck with anything, you can leave"

"Look...I can't undo the past but I can work on the present and be better for our future. You are a part of my future and unfortunate for you there is nothing you can do about it"

A/N: Any time a holiday comes I post two chapters so that will go the same for today. Most holidays for me are an excuse to eat, drink, and spend time with family. Thanks for all the love and support for reading my story, voting, and commenting. I truly appreciate it. I had a story finished for William that I would start publishing right after this one finished so there would be continuous content but due to the recent allegations, I will not be posting it. I will instead try to alter the story to work for a different person. I love all of you and I'll see you next chapter. XOXO

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