Chapter 23

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TW: Knife play, smut

Arny POV

She gasped slightly and blushes. I slowly trail my fingers from her wrist up her arms to right over her breast and squeeze them causing her to whimper quietly. I continue moving my fingertips down her stomach to her hips down to her thighs where I spend a little time gripping and slapping her thighs. She jumps slightly and I can feel the goosebumps forming on her skin as my fingers admire every curve and crevice of her body. 

"Choose between hot and cold my love"


I grab the candle and light it, the flame flickers beautifully and I admire her body before dripping it slowly along her tattoos. She slightly arches her body up and moans softly. As I dripped it along her thigh I noticed her squirming.


"Please what, tell me what you want"

"I want you to touch me"

"Patience little one, you have to suffer before you get your reward"

I blow out the candle and set it on its plate while placing a cube of ice between my lips. I walk back over to her and trace the ice along her tattoos teasingly as her body jolts from the coldness and her breathing slightly picks up. I spend a little more time around the top of her thigh until the ice fully melted then kissed along that area. I can see how wet she is for me and it excites me but I am almost done teasing her. 

"Now, this might pinch a bit but again if it is too much then use your safe word"

I grab my pocket knife and trace it down her neck putting a bit of pressure to sharply poke her but not break the skin. I trail it down the center of her chest and circle it around both breasts and down her abdomen. I pierce her skin drawing a little A causing blood to run down the side.

"How do you feel beautiful?"

I lick the blood clean before using a piece of ice to ease the burning sensation.

"I'm sorry sir, I teased you way too much. Please touch me, kiss me, anything to give me relief. I need you, I need you to fuck me like the bratty little slut I am. I'm yours, I'm all your sir pretty please fuck me"

I don't know why but her begging and being so vulnerable kicked me into overdrive.

"Well since you took my teasing so well, I guess I will give you what you want"

I sat her up and took the blindfold off of her and then untied her wrist. I grabbed the bottle of champagne, popped the cork, and walked toward her. I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back making her look up at me.

"Open wide, you look a little thirsty"

She obeyed and I filled my mouth with the cool liquid before releasing the liquid into her mouth. She swallows and I french kiss her as she follows my movements and lightly drags her nails along my back. Her eagerness makes the kiss sloppy but passionate, she reaches towards my waistband and tugs on it. I slowly pull away as she follows my moves, I have to push her back gently to stop her.

"Do you want me?"

"Yes sir"

"Too easy, do you need me"

"Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Let me show you"

Amara POV

I am losing my shit. I need him now. I don't want gentle and sweet, I need him to break me. Make me a trembling mess where the thought of him makes me cum, where the sound of his voice turns me into puddles. I get up and eat some of the ice cubes left in the bowl before getting back on my knees in front of him and pulling his pants and boxers down. I wrap my hand around his cock licking all around it tracing each vein with my tongue before sucking on the tip.

"Don't tease me baby doll"

I want him to get mad, I need him to take control so I slowly bob my head back and forth taking in more and more of his cock each time. The more he tells me to go faster the slower I go until he takes over. He grabs a fist full of my hair and makes me deep throat his cock, making sure I take every inch of him. I start drooling out the side of my mouth but pretty much let him fuck my face. I play with his balls while moaning around his cock sucking harder and faster. 

"Fuck, just like that. You're taking me so well princess"

He pulls me off of him and leads me to the bed, having me lay on the bed with my head hanging off of it. I open my mouth wide as he puts his cock back in my mouth, places both hands on the side of my head on the bed, and thrusts as hard and fast as he can down my throat causing me to moan loudly around him. The more he remembers how I teased him the rougher he gets and I know I won't be able to talk tomorrow but I could care less. My only goal is to please him so I'll take everything he has.

"You are so much more pleasant when your mouth is filled with my cock you fucking slut. You denied me for weeks and then teased me for months. I have every sexy picture, every video of you whimpering my name while pleasing yourself. You knew how bad I wanted you and you teased me by wearing short skirts and you knew how much I loved you in the collar I got for you. I remember all the suggestive ways you ate things or let them drip down your mouth or chest. You are such a pathetic slut but you're mine, all your bratting has led to this moment. Now look at you, so fucking submissive and needy. You look so pretty with tears running down your face. Look at how wet you are for me, I can't wait to make more of a mess of you. As much as I love your moans, I want to hear you scream. Scream my name until your fucking voice goes out"

The last sentence was strained because he was getting closer and closer with each insult. He does a few more hard thrusts until he starts to come and then he does one last one making his cock go down my throat. I suck as best as I can trying to drain every last drop of cum he has before he pulls out giving me a second to breathe. He went to get a condom but I told him he didn't need it and I was on birth control (this is dumb, don't do this. Please use protection for both of your safety). He squirts some lube on his cock making sure that it is coated well while I lay back on the bed the right way. He gets on top of me using his forearm to keep him from crushing me and looks down into my eyes.


"Yes sir"

A/N: Quick reminder that I am not a writer, I just like to write so this is probably trash but here we are. If you made it this far I am thankful for you. Thanks for giving my story a chance for your entertainment. There are only a couple more chapters so I hope you have enjoyed this ride so far. I love and appreciate all of you. Until next time, XOXO.

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