Chapter 10

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Arny POV

So we are all joking around and laughing when a cosplayer walks up and hands Pete a plushie. I soon find out that the cosplayer is Amara. She is short and seems a bit shy but sometimes can have a bit of confidence. As she interacts with everyone I finally get to look at her and my body feels like it is on fire. I can't take my eyes off her but she quickly looks away and disappears somewhere. I can only really see her eyes and hands but I am weirdly drawn to her. I guess I kind of zoned out because the next thing I know Danny is looking down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?"

"I asked if you were okay? You have seemed a bit distracted since Pete's friend has shown up"

"I...think I have found my soulmate."

"Really? You barely know what she looks like and she has not said anything to you yet"

"But I am burning up and all I want to do is tease her and see how shy or angry I can make her"

"You sure this isn't you just wanting to be friendly?"

"Pretty sure, I felt this weird feeling when she was flirting with Brandon and she seemed pretty fond of you by how she looked at you. I feel weirdly protective and I don't like it"

"Well if that is the case we need to confirm you have matching birthmarks and get you two to physically interact somehow"

As Danny says that I notice her coming out of the bathroom with her mask down so I can see more of her face. She's actually really pretty, I have a feeling she is avoiding me though as she waves at Danny, looks past me, and goes up to Pete to start taking pictures of him and the others individually and as a group. Danny looks at me and we move over to the rest of the group.

Amara POV

I hurry to the bathroom and feel overwhelmed with emotions. Arny is definitely my soulmate and that is not okay. I can't let him confirm this and I need to minimize interactions with him because it causes me to be excruciatingly hot and clouds my thoughts and judgment. I literally just met Pete, I can not for any reason be the mate of one of his best friends. It will make things weird and I refuse to lose a friend. I guess I have stalled enough so I throw cool water on my face, dry it with a paper towel, redo my dark makeup, and head back out to take pictures of everyone. I start with individual pictures of Brandon, William, and Pete and then I get a few group pictures. Soon enough Danny and Arny walk over and I try to focus best as I can to take their pictures and big group pictures.

"Everyone looks great"

I show them the pictures and they all give me compliments on my photography skills. We start walking along the con going into a store and looking around to see if we want to get anything. I decided to buy all of them one thing from the shop as a peace offering. They tell me it's okay but I insist so they continue to look while asking me questions.

"How old are you?"

"Who do you find the most attractive?"

"Are you okay with PDA?"

"Have you started your soulmate journey?"

"What is your birthmark?"

I smile and laugh a little at their questions while looking at accessories for future cosplays. 

"21 questions it is. I am 25 years old Danny. I find all of you equally attractive in different ways William. I actually love PDA but am very shy in the beginning when it comes to it so please excuse that Pete. I have started my soulmate journey Arny and my birthmark is a secret Brandon"

"C'mon, why the secret? What if you're my soulmate?"

"Do you even believe in soulmates Brandon or do you just want to see how far I can be pushed"

"Yes and just a little"

I buy their gifts and me some cool mini knives and we leave the shop. I want to get some cool photos of others here so I think I am going to tell them to go ahead and have fun so I am not cramping their group but before I can suggest it Pete asks me a question.

"Amara, where are you staying? You should come over to our hotel and play some games with us"

"Oh, I am at a hotel about a 15-minute walk from here. I don't remember the name of it but it is close to a little Mexican restaurant"

"Really?!?!? We are in the same hotel. What room are you in?"


"Your room is connected to Arny's I believe. You should definitely come by then. We'll buy food and it should be a nice time. I think the group likes you and wants to get to know you better"

"Sure, am I to come still in my cosplay, or are people changing?"

"I think both so whatever makes you more comfortable"

"Fine, I'll see you then. I'm going to take some pictures and explore around. Have fun with your friends and just text me when you're heading back"

"You sure?"

"Definitely, go have fun"

So I go around exploring, taking pictures, and recording tiktoks for people while I get to know some of the other cosplayers.

Arny POV

I can't keep my eyes off of her for long and it is driving me insane. I need to talk to her alone to see if I can find out anything. It was helpful to know she was also on her journey but not helpful in the sense that she refuses to tell her birthmarks and unless I touch them our birthmarks won't become tattoos. That is if she even is my soulmate, it could just be someone that is around her but I feel like my temperature only changes drastically when she is moving. I see her finish talking to Pete and she goes in the opposite direction taking pictures and talking to people. I tell Danny my plan and he nods letting me know he will cover for me. She finally relaxes against a wall looking over some of her pictures when I decided to walk up to her, she definitely can feel this connection because she looked up and then quickly looked down to play on her camera.

"Don't flirt with Brandon"

"Excuse me?"

A/N: As a treat for memorial day I decided to post another chapter. Thank you to everyone who has already been reading, voting, or adding this book to their library. For newcomers please do the same and enjoy the story. Feedback is welcomed as long as expressed nicely. I love and appreciate all of you. XOXO

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