Chapter 19

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Arny POV

While she has been focused on driving I have been recording and taking pictures of her off guard. I sent her picture to my mom letting her know this is my soulmate and I updated Pete letting him know his plan overall is working. I am lucky to have her and being able to show her off will mean a lot to me. I want her to submit to me, it would be easier to do it in private but if I have to tease her a little in front of her supporters I don't mind. I have been giving hints of my soulmate on my socials which she never followed since she was mad at me so she has no idea I am doing this. The only problem is I have no pictures of her tattoos so it technically is her word against mine which isn't fair but that just means I will have to work a bit harder.

~Hours later~ 

"Hey, I'm slightly tired. Is it okay if I take an hour nap before continuing driving?"

"Of course"

"Do you want me to find a hotel so you can walk around and be somewhere more comfortable or is it okay if I just pull over?"

"You can just pull over, I can occupy myself for an hour"

She pulls over and parks in a shaded area and then gets in the back so she has more space. It doesn't take long before she is asleep. I call my mom and update her on where we are. I tell her all about Amara and she seems to be happy about my soulmate. She never expected me to be in an interracial relationship but she can see how happy I am and that is all that matters to her. I hang up from her and call Pete.

"Hey, where are you two?"

"We just entered Georgia, she was getting tired so we pulled over so she could rest for an hour"

"So how are things going? Any progress?"

"Yeah, she's at least talking to me. I think she is slowly forgiving me but I feel like I am in the friend zone at this point. She's trying very hard to forgive me and I think for her to do that she has to see me as a friend and not a partner which is slightly frustrating."

"She'll come around, I'm glad she is at least talking to you"

"We kissed and it...just felt right until she thought about me with the fan. I traumatized her so it makes sense she won't admit I'm her mate"

"I saw the different pictures and post you have put up, they are definitely going to find her and probably flood her socials. Do you think she will deny you in front of everyone if she gets on twitch"

"Absolutely, she already said she would. I will just have to convince her to admit it willingly. It will take time but it will be quite enjoyable when she does. By chance do you know her love language"

"Quality time is her main one but physical touch and words of affirmation are tied for second"

"That's kind of what I was thinking, so I will work on providing that for her"

"You really like her"

"I...something, but like is an understatement, she has me acting crazy. I was never the jealous type, and the games I was playing was just not me. When our birthmarks turned to tattoos it seem like that only intensified my feelings for her"

"I'm happy for you man. I look forward to her accepting you publicly so you parade her the way you want to."

"Thanks, maybe I should sleep a little before she wakes up. I want to be up when she has to drive so she's not stuck in silence"

"Aweee how sweet, bye Arny"

I hang up, turn off my phone and adjust in my chair to go to sleep.

~Next day in Amara's new apartment~ Amara POV

It's just a little after 1:00 AM and I am just now arriving at my apartment. I park the truck and I slowly prop the door to my new apartment open to take everything inside to their respective rooms before waking Arny. He semi wakes up so I help him out of the car, lock it, and have him climb on my back. Since he is half asleep he willingly did as told so I could get him inside easier. I was lucky enough that my landlord was there to let the furniture people in so we don't have to sleep on an air mattress. I take our shoes off and wake Arny up just enough for him to change his clothes. I get him settled in bed and go to get ready for bed before coming back and laying down with him. He must have been really tired, trying to win me over probably is exhausting. I will come around soon, just give me time. I kiss his cheek and shut the lights out going to sleep.

~Noon next day~ Arny POV

I wake up and hop on top of Amara trying to wake her up but she isn't trying to budge.

"Come on, wake up"

"Arnyyyyyyyyy get off, I'm tired"

"But I'm bored, entertain me"

"Arny, stop you ruined my dream and I am trying to get it back"

"Dreams are stupid"

"You sure know how to ruin a wet dream"

She rolls us over and gets out of bed to head to her bathroom I guess when I block her way.

"'ve been having wet dreams about me?"

"You know how when you are around your soulmate you have an intense emotion kind of? Mine has been lust so I have been going through it since day one of Katsu. The first few nights were intense because I did not know who was my soulmate so the dream was different but once all my focus was on one person then it became agonizingly painful"

"Why not let me fix it then?"

"Because no, also you have not been tested yet and I would rather our first time not be us fucking like feral dogs in heat"

"It's that bad?"

"Yes, now can you move? I need to go to the restroom and wash my face at least"

I move out of the way but smirk at the thought of me being able to make her feel that way. She quickly comes out after she is done.

"I'm gonna stream for a little bit before you take me home, at least pop in for a little bit"

"Sure, the first time I get to deny you in front of your fans so they don't kill me"

A/N: Hiiiiiiiiii. I have family coming over next weekend so I won't be able to post then so today you get two chapters! Once again thank you to every single one of you who reads, comments, and adds the story to your library. I'm not great at writing but I like to write so even if one person likes my story it makes me feel special. I love and appreciate all of you. XOXO

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