Chapter 17

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Warning: Slightly suggestive actions

Amara POV

Pete didn't have something come up, he did this on purpose. I get that he means well but did he really think forcing us to be together for so long was the answer. This is going to be a long 24 hours.

"So you're going to hold me hostage"

"No, just going to make you fall for me"

"And how is that?"

"Give me the opportunity, don't fight me so much and you will see I am all and everything you need"

"I'll give you until we reach Florida to get me to at least like you. If you can manage that then I guess I will work on forgiving you but you can't do anything with me until you get tested. You slept with her too easy and who knows who else before me"

"You have to get tested then too"

"I have no problem doing that, I'm a virgin so the likelihood of me having anything is very slim to none. I always wanted to wait for my soulmate so I can offer all of myself to him. I would explore and learn things from him, maybe even becoming everything he could ever desire"

I look at him and he's scanning my body slowly as if to think of every single thing he wants to do to me. I take that time to take a bite of my food and moan at how good it tastes but mostly to tease him.

"Fuck, don't do that"

"Do what?"

"You know what, the only moans I should hear from you is when I am driving you crazy"

"You have to earn that Birlap and unlike your little fangirls, I'm not that easy"

"No, but you are attracted to me. You do feel this tension between us. Be honest, you can't tell me you don't want me. You've probably had wet dreams about me. Anyone waiting for their soulmate to give their all to seems submissive and begging for someone to lead them."

"I'm feeling more like a brat"

"That's because I have hurt you and I will have to make up for that but I can see even now that you would so willingly submit to me once you feel safe. I look forward to it because I'm going to make you beg, beg for me to make you a disheveled mess and break this innocence of yours"

My eyes slightly widen and I can feel my face heating up but luckily it is harder for that to be seen with my skin tone. I clear my throat and look at my food continuing to eat as an excuse to not say anything. He laughs and calls me his love for the first time. He slides his phone to me and I see a picture of the food with a soulmate sticker. Why did he post this to Snapchat?

"What does this mean?"

"I am not ashamed of you and I want people to know I have found my soulmate but only once you are at least talking to me. I want the world to see who has shaken up my world"

"You don't have to do that"

"I want to, so I can flirt and embarrass you any time I want. Seeing you blush in front of so many people and knowing I am the reason for it will be more than enough entertainment."

"I'll just deny it"

"You won't always be able to run, at some point you'll do something live and I'll be there and you will admit it the easy way or we can do this the hard way. I am hoping you do things the hard way"

"You won't do that if your friends are around, it would be too embarrassing. I'll just tag team stream with them"

"Depending on how long you make me wait for you and how much you tease me...I am liable to fuck you live on camera if I am that feral"

"Okay, you can stop now"

"What? Is someone a bit frustrated? I can fix that for you"

"Nope, and if I was I have toys to help me out"

"But they can't explore multiple senses on your body as I can"

"I think I'll survive"

I get up to grab our plates and take them to the kitchen, trying to escape the intense situation. Why is he so forward and why is he looking at me in such a way. It's like at any moment he could and would take me where I stand. I start clearing and cleaning up our mess and he comes into the kitchen.

Last warning to leave if you do not want to read anything suggesting adult activities

"Come in here and I will flick you with water, I don't trust you to behave"

"You don't want me to, can you let me try something"

"I'm scared to say yes"

"Scared or excited?"

"Whatever, go ahead"

Arny POV

I walk in and get behind her pulling her against my body.

"I could easily have you three ways in this kitchen right now such as this"

I bend her over the sink leaning over her holding her wrist above her head with one hand and the other placed on the dip in her back to make her arch her back more.

"Or this"

I let her wrist go and wrap my hand safely against her throat pulling her up against my body using the other hand to trail down the front of her body teasingly tugging at her waistband. She easily leans into my body giving me full control to do whatever I want but I still have one more thing to show her.

"Or finally this one"

I spin her facing me and pick her up sitting her on the counter and placing her legs on my shoulders as I teasingly go down and kiss along her new tattoo along her thigh before looking up at her with a smirk on my face.

"You see how easy I can make you putty in my hands, this type of power is so addictive and I love it"

"We should probably get ready for bed, we're leaving pretty early in the morning"

"Pull an all-nighter with me"

"Absolutely not, so you can tease me all night? No"

"Then we have to sleep together but I sleep shirtless and in boxers and you have to be the little spoon"

"What's my other option?" 

"I keep you up by messing with you in various ways"

"Fine, we can sleep in the same bed but no funny business."

So she finished cleaning and packed those last kitchen things up and we headed upstairs. She let me use the bathroom and then I came out and got comfortable in her bed while she went in. I hear running water for a while before she comes out ready for bed.

"You know I could have fixed that for you right, you didn't need to try to hide your alone time"

"And let you listen like a creep and feel special for testing me, I won't let you get the satisfaction"

She gets in bed with me and I wrap my arms around her. She moves them where the least amount of her body weight would be so my arms don't fall asleep and cut out the lamp.

"Good night my love"

"Good night Arny"

My love...(A birlap love story)Where stories live. Discover now