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Nafrat bata rahi hain kiMohabbat gazab ki thi

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Nafrat bata rahi hain ki
Mohabbat gazab ki thi.


Qirat clutched the bed sheet tightly when she heard the bedroom door open, and then close. Her eyes were down casted on her lap, but she knew that Zaroon was walking towards her. Her heart was thumping so loudly that she feared he would hear it in the eerie silence of the room.

She didn't realise she was holding her breath until she let out a long sigh when she saw him change his direction and walk inside the walk-in-closet. She was confused, but he returned after a minute and forwarded a brown colored box in front of her.

"Your wedding gift." He formally said. The gift that he didn't even remember he had to buy and give it to his new bride until his mother reminded him. He had just shrugged at Parishay and asked her to buy something when she'd go jewelry shopping for the wedding. But when Parishay glared at him, he sighed, went to the website of the most famous jewelry store chain in the country and ordered the first expensive looking bangle he could find.

She took it with shivering hands and opened it. Her eyes widened at seeing two expensive diamond bangles inside.

She looked at him. "I can't take it. It is too expensive."

"But it is your wedding gift."

"Yes, but a gift should be like a gift. It looks like it cost more than our entire wedding function." She commented with a frown on her face.

And for a tiny second, Zaroon smiled amusingly at his wife. But when he realised that, he masked it away quickly. "You don't have to worry about the price. Just take it."

"But.." She tried to speak.

"And that's the end of this discussion." He said in his dominating voice to shut her up. "It is very late. Let's change and get some sleep."

Saying that, he padded back to the closet to get his clothes. Seeing him walk away, she felt a wave of disappointment hit her again. She was expecting something more. A little compliment, some smiles, conversations, and maybe, maybe a kiss. But none of it happened. He just went to the washroom and got out after freshening up, followed by her. By the time she had changed, he was already lying on the right side of the bed with his back facing towards her. She quietly made her way towards the left side and got in the covers.

"Qirat?" He called her without turning.

She snapped her eyes towards him and smiled. "Yes?"

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