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Sust dopahar ke lamhon mein tere kandhe par girna, Aise nazdikiyon par sau raatein kurbaan

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Sust dopahar ke lamhon mein tere kandhe par girna,
Aise nazdikiyon par sau raatein kurbaan.


Zaroon didn't sleep a wink the entire night. He was just too excited. He wasn't in the mood for gym the next morning, so he joined Mahad in his walk. Then he showered and got dressed in casual blue jeans with a black t-shirt. Setting his hair, he wore his watch, grabbed his car keys and rushed downstairs.

"Zaroon?" Parishay called him. "Where are you going dressed like that?"

After yesterday night, Parishay had warmed up a little to Zaroon.

He smiled at his mother. "You'll know. I'll be back in an hour or so."

He ditched the driver and drove himself into the streets of New Delhi. On the way, he picked up a large bouquet of red roses. Reaching his destination, he parked his car and made his way inside the building.

He rang the doorbell. Armaan opened the door and welcomed Zaroon inside with a surprised smile.

Naila and Shiza were also not expecting him.

"What are you doing here?" Naila asked curiously.

"I'm here to pick up Qirat." He replied.

Confusion could be read on all their faces. "What do you mean..," Naila started but her words died when Qirat's bedroom door opened and she came out with her luggage.

Qirat had heard Zaroon's voice, and she knew he had come to take her back. After coming back yesterday night, she was sure Zaroon would be here the first thing in the morning, so she had packed all her stuff.

"Are you going back?" Naila asked Qirat.

She nodded. Shiza and Naila's faces broke into a huge smile. They were really happy that they've sorted their fight and things were getting back to normal.

Zaroon and Qirat wanted to leave right away, but Naila insisted they have breakfast first. After that followed a long goodbye. Samiya had somehow sensed that her phupho was leaving and she started crying while clinging to Qirat. It took some time to calm her down before she finally let Qirat go.

The entire family came till the car to see them off. Zaroon put the luggage in the trunk, opened the passenger door for Qirat to sit before walking towards the driver's side.

"Ready to go back home?" He asked, switching on the engine and putting the hand break down.

She excitedly nodded.

They waved at their family one last time, before Zaroon reversed the car. Qirat couldn't help but notice how his one hand was gripping the steering wheel while the other one was resting on the gear handle. His veins were on display for her as he had his sleeves folded. This was the first time she was seeing him drive, and it wouldn't be wrong to say that she was extremely turned on by it.

He changed the gear from fourth to fifth as they hit the flyover, and then forwarded his hand in front of Qirat. She shyly rested her hand on his. He held it softly before bringing it towards his lip. He placed a small kiss on her knuckles that made thousands of butterflies erupt in her stomach. And what made this more sexy was, all this time, his eyes were trailed on the road.

When they entered the haveli, Qirat had lost count of how many times he had kissed her hand.

When the car stopped, Qirat didn't bother waiting for Zaroon and ran inside the haveli to meet her in-laws. Zaroon shook his head at her craziness and after instructing a servant to get the luggage, he went inside as well.

When he reached inside, he found Qirat hugging his parents. They both were so happy to have their daughter-in-law back in the house. After a hearty reunion, Qirat and Zaroon went to their bedroom.

"I missed this view so much." She commented standing in front of the balcony.

"This view missed you as well." He hugged her from the back.

She hit his stomach from her elbow which made him stumble back. Then she turned around and narrowed her eyes on him. "Just because I've come back doesn't mean you're forgiven. I'm still angry with you."

He looked at her in horror. "But you smiled and talked to me yesterday and today as well. How can you say you're still angry?"

"That was just for a show in front of our parents. I didn't want them to worry anymore. But behind the closed doors, I am still angry." She said resting her hands on her hip.

"Qirat, this is not fair." He complained like a kid.

"Life is not fair." She pointed out and went to the walk-in-closet to unpack her stuff.

During lunch, all four of them sat down together. It was filled with talks and laughter, and what surprised Qirat most was that Zaroon was participating in the conversation and passing a few humorous comments as well.

"Don't you have any work to do?" Qirat asked when they came back to their bedroom.

"Work is only limited till the office. When I'm at home, you have all my attention." He said sincerely.

Her lips curled up in a smile. Taking a book, she sat on the bed with her back resting on the headboard. Zaroon found this a perfect opportunity to get into the covers and lay down with his head on her lap.

"What are you doing?" She gasped.

He circled his one hand around her waist. "Resting."

"On top of me?"

"Yes, you are more comfortable than my pillow." He muttered.

"If you've forgotten, then let me remind you, I'm still angry." She fake-glared at him.

"Stay angry, I'll handle it. But for now, let me rest."

When she saw him not moving from her anytime soon, she sighed and gave up. She continued reading her book, while he slept. Unknowingly, her fingers started to play with his hair. Life was getting beautiful.


I need a Zaroon, period.

Ugh, they're so cute together.

Unki cuteness ke liye vote kardo.

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