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Agar kuch nahi hain hamare darmiyaan, Toh itni gehri khaamoshi kyun hain?

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Agar kuch nahi hain hamare darmiyaan,
Toh itni gehri khaamoshi kyun hain?


"Eid Mubarak, Qirat." Eshal hugged her and wished with a smile. 

"Aapko bhi, aapi." Qirat replied. 

Ayaan also wished her and gave her an envelope of eidi. Then Eshal also hugged Zaroon and gave him eidi as well. 

"Qirat, did Zaroon give you eidi yet?" Eshal teasingly asked. 

Qirat looked at Zaroon and shook her head. 

Eshal accusingly looked at her cousin. "Zaroon, why haven't you given eidi to your wife yet?" 

Zaroon quietly took out his wallet and started taking out some notes. 

"What are you doing? Give her your entire wallet." Eshal scolded him. 

He sighed and handed over the wallet to Qirat. She shyly took it. Zaroon's eyes then found Adab, and she was smiling at him. It irritated him, so he excused himself saying he had some work. 

Qirat wanted to check up on him, but Eshal engaged her in a conversation with everyone else. After lunch, everyone went to their rooms to rest for a while before the guests would start arriving for the party in the evening. 

Qirat helped in putting away all the leftovers along with the maids before walking into her bedroom. She frowned when she didn't find Zaroon inside. After throwing away the dupatta on the bed, she realised that Zaroon's wallet was still inside the pocket in her garara. So she pulled it out and went to keep it in the nightstand. But before she could keep it down, something fell out of the wallet and fell down. Crouching down, she picked up the thing, which was a diamond ring for women. 

Confused, she stared at the ring. Whose ring was that, and why was it inside Zaroon's wallet?

She put it back inside the wallet when she heard footsteps outside the room. Zaroon came inside, and by the look on his face, Qirat knew that he was still disturbed. 

"Is something wrong?" She asked him. 

He ignored her and went to the bathroom. His ignorance hurt her. She changed into some comfortable clothes and got inside the bed. Zaroon left the room again saying he had some work, leaving her in her thoughts. 

By early evening, Qirat had figured out who the ring belonged to, and why he had not been himself since morning. It was Adab. She was the cousin he was engaged to before her. She was the one who married his best friend and settled in London. 

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