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Aafaton ke daur meinChain ki ghari hai tu

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Aafaton ke daur mein
Chain ki ghari hai tu.


Parishay and Mahad were thrilled when they came to know about the honeymoon trip and Parishat dragged Qirat for shopping. She made Qirat buy so many dresses of different designs, sandals, accessories. They also shopped for Zaroon since he was too busy in the office, wrapping up all the major projects before leaving.

Another person who was super excited as well was Neel.

"Did you buy lingeries?" He asked Qirat, making her eyes go wide.

"Shut up!" She threw a pen at him, which he successfully dodged.

He then brought his chair closer to hers. "Trust me, men love their women in sexy lingeries." He said in a low voice so that their colleagues wouldn't hear them.

"Oh my God, Neel. You're so shameless." She shrieked.

"What is so shameless about it?" He fake gasped.

"Just shut up." She asked him.

"I, being a nice person, am trying to help you. And you're getting mad at me." He complained like a kid.

"Thank you very much, nice person. But I don't need your help in my sex life." She said in a sarcastic voice.

"Non-exsistent sex life. And if you don't listen to my opinion, your sex life is going to remain non-exsistent." He added.

She ignored him and continued working. He also focused on his computer while muttering, "I can never understand how you're still a virgin after having such a delicious husband. I'd have pounced on him the very first night."

"Neel, are you, by any chance gay?"  Qirat asked.

He glared at her. "I am clearly not. And if you don't believe me, you can ask Shweta. I'm sure she'd give you all the details about our sex life." He said that in a voice that was a little too loud, which made a few heads turn their way.

Qirat gave them an apologizing glance before looking at Neel witn an impossible look, who looked unfazed. After a lot of tinder-ing, he met Shweta three months ago. Even though they started off with a casual relationship, they were now pretty serious about each other and Neel was planning on asking her to move in with him. Qirat had met Shweta a couple of times. She was a sweet girl and Qirat really liked her. She prayed for their relationship to last forever.


On Friday, Qirat left the office after lunch and visited her mother, Naila. She came back to the haveli in the evening, where she did the last minute packing, and then finally she and Zaroon left for the airport after dinner. Jahangir was accompanying them as well, since Zaroon didn't want to take any chances with their security,but Zaroon had assured Qirat that he would not stay with them. He'd just keep an eye on them from a distance. After finishing the security check and documentation, they were guided towards the private jet that was ready and waiting for them. Qirat was happily shocked to see the jet, and the excitement for the trip increased ten fold.

They took off within a few minutes. After they were in the air and the seatbelt sign went off, Zaroon showed her around before they both went to sleep in the bedroom. After fifteen long hours, they landed in Salzburg, Austria. There, a SUV with a driver was waiting for them to drive them to Hallstatt, which was around 73kms away.

Qirat was tired from the journey, and the entire car ride, she slept on Zaroon's shoulder.

"This is magnificent." Qirat commented as she opened the balcony door for their hotel suite. The view of the Salzkammergut Mountains and Hallstatt Lake was a sight to behold.

He rested his chin on her shoulder and hugged her from the back. "It is really pretty," He said, "but not more than you."

She felt him place a kiss on the side of her neck.

She subconsciously tilted her neck to give her more access to her skin. He took a deep breath to inhale her scent before he started placing feather kisses all over her neck. Her skin was so soft that he couldn't help but bite into it. A cry left her mouth. He swirled his tongue to calm the pain down. Her breath became uneven and her toes curled in pleasure. The kissing, biting, sucking that he was doing on her skin got her high in pleasure. He turned her around and looked at her lips with lust-filled eyes. His gaze was so intense that her eyes couldn't bear it and she closed her eyes. Taking that as an affirmation, he leaned down to capture her shivering, pink lips. But just as their lips were about to join, the phone's ringtone echoed in the room, resulting in their moment to break.

Her eyes snapped open, while he slumped his head on her shoulder. "Fuck," She heard him curse and she smiled.

He used his right hand to bring out his phone from his pocket, while the left one was still holding her waist.

"What is it, Rohit?" He snapped as soon as he picked up.

Rohit frowned at the bad mood of his boss. "Sir, the project with the Malhotra's has been finalized. I've mailed you the details."

"Okay." He muttered, "And Rohit?"

"Yes, sir?"

"In the next two weeks, if you call me again, consider yourself fired." Zaroon said, making Qirat's eyes go wide.

"Sir?" Rohit gasped. But Zaroon had hung up by then.

"That was rude." Qirat commented.

He put the phone away. "I don't care." He said while leaning closer to her again, but this time, she leaned back.

"The moment is over." She grinned.

"But," Before he could complete, she got out his arms and ran towards the washroom while giggling. He tried to catch her, but she was just too fast. Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair.

They both showered and then ordered room service. The plan was to rest for a few hours before going out, but Qirat was feeling too lazy to leave the bed, so they ended up staying in and watching Netflix the entire day.

When she said that she wanted a small town for honeymoon, this was what she meant. She didn't want to see a lot of tourist spots, just some small parks and museums. The only thing she craved was a few days of peace with Zaroon in a foreign land where no one knew them, where they were away from their official and personal responsibilities and commitments, where they could just be themselves.

A place where they could sit in a lakeside cafe all day long, drink coffee and talk, or they could spend their entire day on the hotel bed, enjoying the silence. The next two weeks that they were going to stay in this town would work as the support on which they'd construct the building of their marriage. These days would give them the time to know and explore each other, and later on, these days would become their one more the most cherished memories. Because when they'd return back home from here, they'd be completely, insanely and irrevocably in love with each other.


Are we ready for their first kiss? Or should I make Zaroon wait a little more?

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