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Abhi tumne tumhare bin, Meri halat nahi dekhi

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Abhi tumne tumhare bin,
Meri halat nahi dekhi.


"She is growing up so fast." Parishay said while looking at Samiya. Shiza had joined back work after Samiya had turned a year old. So when Qirat called up her mother, Naila, and asked her to come to the haveli, Naila had no option but to bring Samiya along as both Shiza and Armaan were in their offices.

"I know. It feels like just yesterday when she was born, and now she runs around the entire home all day long." Naila smiled.

Parishay, Naila and Mahad kept themselves engaged in casual conversation while drinking tea till Qirat and Zaroon reached home from the office.

Qirat hugged her mother.

"What was so urgent?" Naila asked, expressing her curiosity.

Qirat looked at Zaroon, and he passed her a bag he was carrying.

"We wanted to give you all a gift." Qirat said.

"What gift?" Mahad asked.

Qirat smiled nervously and took out a black box. Putting it on the table in front of them, she stood back with Zaroon.

"Open it." Zaroon urged.

Parishay and Naila passed confused glances as Mahad opened the box. There was a frame inside. The three of them leaned closer to read what was written on it.

Hello grandparents!

Below that was a picture of the sonogram. Qirat and Zaroon had gone to see the doctor the very same day when she threw up. The doctor ran a few tests and confirmed the pregnancy. They both were over the moon and wanted to share this happy news with their loved ones. After a lot of thinking, they figured out this way to tell their parents.

It was Parishay who first figured it out. "Oh my God!" She gasped. "You're pregnant."

She took Qirat in a bone-crushing hug, Naila followed after her. The last one to hug her was Mahad. After happiness and smiles followed tears. In no time, Parishay and Naila were shedding tears, which made Qirat emotional as well.

Mahad wrapped his hand around Zaroon's shoulder in a manly way. "Congratulations."

"Thanks, Baba." He smiled.

Mahad rubbed his hand on Zaroon's shoulder. He was feeling a lot of things, but couldn't say anything. But Zaroon understood.

As the elders beamed with happiness, Samiya sat on the couch, looking at everyone with confused eyes. Since no one was paying attention to her, she cried loudly. This made everyone look at her, and she extended her arms towards Qirat. She picked up the little child.

"Samu, you're going to be a big sister." Parishay cooed at the baby.

"Sister?" Samiya asked in her baby voice, not understanding the meaning.

"A little baby is going to come. Very little." Naila tried to explain.

Samiya looked at Naila for a minute, before shaking her head and cuddling into Qirat's chest. Everyone laughed at her cute antics.

Sweets were called and everyone fed each other. The maids got to know the happy news as well, and they were just as much happy for their Qirat ma'am and Zaroon sir. But among all, the most happy was Anusha.

"Mubarak ho," Anusha fed a huge piece of sweet to Qirat. "Finally a baby will come into this house! It'll be so much fun."

Qirat smiled at her excitement and wished for everything to go well.


Qirat and Zaroon had gone for dinner with Neel and his girlfriend, Shweta. Over the years, Zaroon had also bonded with them.

"So, when is the wedding?" Zaroon asked while taking a bite of his lasagna.

After dating for more than two years, Neel had finally proposed to Shweta two months ago when they were holidaying in Maldives.

"We're thinking, maybe, next year." Shweta replied.

"Why so late?" Qirat asked.

"We want to wait till I get my promotion." Neel said. He had left the company where Qirat worked, and joined another one last year.

"Okay," Qirat nodded. "But if you guys are waiting a year then maybe we won't be able to attend."

Neel and Shweta frowned. "Why?"

"Well, attending weddings with an infant is too much fuss. So most probably we'd just be at home, changing diapers." Qirat said sadly.

Neel was confused. "What infant? Why would you change diapers?"

But Shweta wasn't dumb. "Qirat, are you..?" She looked at her expectantly.

Qirat nodded with a smile.

Shweta jumped up from the table and hugged Qirat. Zaroon was smiling as well. It was just Neel who was sitting there, baffled. "Are you what? Complete the sentence."

"She's pregnant, dumbo." Shweta hit his head lightly.

"Pregnant! Qirat is pregnant!" Neel said loudly. Then instead of congratulating Qirat, he turned towards Zaroon. "Nice shot, man." He said with a smirk and shook his hand.

Zaroon laughed out loud while the ladies just rolled their eyes.

"Now this main course won't do. Let's order a huge cheesecake to celebrate." Neel rubbed his hand excitedly.

"He just needs a reason to eat unhealthy food." Shweta smirked.

"Why do you always have to comment about my food?" Neel sighed dramatically.

Qirat and Zaroon just sat there, enjoying their food and the banter between the other couple.

"Because your eating habits make me mad." Shweta glared at him.

Neel narrowed his eyes on her. Pulling her closer, he whispered in her ear, "I don't see you complaining when I'm eating you out."

She stared at him with wide eyes as red blush appeared on her cheeks. The rest of the dinner, she said nothing about what he ate.

While bidding goodbyes, Neel hugged Qirat and said, "I'm so happy for you, sweetheart. You're going to be a terrific mother."

Qirat just hugged him back and smiled at his words. She was going to be a mother.


*jumping in joy*




So many freaking emotions! I just can't. Vote kar dena.

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