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Be-naam sa yeh dard theher kyun nahi jaata, Jo beet gaya hai woh guzar kyun nahi jaata?

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Be-naam sa yeh dard theher kyun nahi jaata,
Jo beet gaya hai woh guzar kyun nahi jaata?


"Why is the taste of tea different today?" Parishay asked Anusha after taking a sip.

"Because I made it today." Qirat answered as she walked into the lawn with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Qirat beta," Parishay stood up and admired her only daughter-in-law. "MashaAllah, you look so beautiful."

Qirat blushed and said her salam to Mahad, who replied back lovingly as well.

"But why did you trouble yourself, beta?" Parishay asked while making Qirat sit on the sofa. "And how can you let my bahu work?" This time, the question was directed to Anusha.

Anusha opened her mouth to defend herself, but Qirat beat her. "It isn't her fault, ammi. I forced her."

Parishay still fake-glared at Anusha, who smiled sheepishly and ran inside.

Qirat shook her head at her mischievousness.

"Did you sleep well?" Parishay's question brought Qirat's attention back.

"Yes, well no. New mattress was uncomfortable at first, but I'll get used to it." Qirat said.

"The tea is really good. I think I would prefer your tea over Anusha's from today." Mahad joined the conversation.

This made Qirat happy and appreciated and she promised Mahad that she'd make tea for them everyday. After their cups were empty, they decided to have breakfast. Just as they entered the dining room, Zaroon also came, dressed in formals.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Parishay asked in a hard tone.

"I've to go to the office. There is an important meeting I can't avoid." He replied, his eyes not looking at Qirat even once.

"Absolutely no." Parishay's voice boomed in the haveli. "It has not even been a whole day since your marriage, and you want to leave your bride and go to work."

"But ammi,.." Zaroon was cut off by Mahad.

"Your mother is right. You're not stepping foot in the office for at least a week. And don't worry about the meeting, I'll handle it." Mahad's words had no space for discussion.

Zaroon just stared blankly at his parents before taking a seat at the table. Parishay sighed in frustration and then looked at Qirat. Her eyes warmed up and she asked her to sit beside Zaroon as well. They all settled down. The breakfast was a silent affair. Zaroon was the first one to leave the table, Qirat followed soon after. Parishay worriedly looked at Mahad, and he just pressed her hand in support.

Qirat slowly opened the bedroom door and found Zaroon sitting on the couch. His coat was thrown on the bed, and his sleeves were folded. He was sprawled on the sofa with his laptop on his lap. He was typing with one hand, and the other hand was holding his phone to his ears. "No, I'm not attending today's meeting. Baba would be there. No, I want a detailed report for today, and keep posting every hour."

He hung up the call and dropped the phone on the table. Qirat took careful steps towards the bed.

"Zaroon?" She called him.

His fingers paused typing and he looked up from his laptop screen. His gaze made her nervous.

"I'm sorry ammi didn't let you go to the office because of me." She fidgeted with her pallu.

"It isn't your fault." He replied and got back to work.

She picked up his discarded coat from the bed and went to the closet to hang it. She then looked around, to figure out what to do next. Finally, she decided to unpack her stuff and settle it in the closet.

It took her almost two hours to make space for herself in her husband's giant closet. She found Zaroon still working. She didn't want to disturb him, so she left the room. Roaming around the huge haveli, she finally reached the kitchen. Anusha, along with two other maids, were cooking there.

"What are you cooking?" Qirat asked.

"Lunch. Chili paneer and fried rice." Anusha said with a smile.

"Can I help you?" Qirat asked.

But instead of Anusha, Parishay came and replied to her. "This is your home, Qirat. Which means everything in this home is yours, including this kitchen. You don't have to ask anyone's permission before doing anything."

Qirat loved how her in-laws were being so loving and accepting of her. She hugged her mother-in-law, before taking charge of the kitchen.

While transferring the rice into a serving bowl, she asked Anusha to call Parishay and Zaroon for lunch. Mahad was also back from the office.

The elder couple reached the dining room immediately, but Anusha returned from Zaroon's room and informed them that Zaroon had refused to have lunch saying he was not hungry.

An uncomfortable silence prevailed on the table, before Qirat forced a smile and asked them to start eating. Even though Parishay and Mahad had many good things to say about the taste of food, it all didn't mean anything to Qirat. She felt like all her efforts were wasted.

When she walked back to the room, she contemplated if she should talk to Zaroon. She came and stood in front of him. That seemed to have gotten his attention as he looked at her.

"Do you want me to bring you a plate here?" She asked in a small voice.

He shook his head. "I'm not hungry."

" everything okay, Zaroon?" She finally had the courage to ask.

He frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"Umm, you know..about.." She tried to form a sentence, but she had never been good at confrontation, and Zaroon's intense stare just made it more difficult. "No, nothing." She sighed and left the room.

He shook his head at her weird behavior and got back to work immediately.


Short chapter, but I was really tired today and couldn't write anymore!

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