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Koi tumhe na mange, Yeh bhi dua mangte hain hum

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Koi tumhe na mange,
Yeh bhi dua mangte hain hum.


Qirat came out of the bathroom in a bathrobe and sat on the bed with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Zaroon asked.

She made a sad face. "I am so tired."

"It's okay." He rubbed her back.

"No, it is not okay. I just took a shower and I feel exhausted." She complained and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Baby, you're pregnant. It's normal." He tried to make her feel better. "Do you want me to massage your feet?"

She shook her head. "I've to get ready or else I'll be late for work."

"Qirat, why don't you just ask for an early maternity leave?" He asked while cupping her eight months pregnant belly.

"Zar, we've had this conversation so many times. I'm absolutely fine, so why should I sit around at home?" She got up and took off her robe.

"But," He tried to say, but she was quick to cut him.

"And anyways I just have to go to the office for a week more. After that my leave starts, so stop worrying." She picked up her black bra, wore it and turned her back towards him. He clasped the hook of it. Then she wore her panties and jeans. He helped her put on her white shirt. She also wore a shrug over that as the weather was a little cold and she couldn't afford to get sick.

"You look beautiful." He said and she gave him a full-blown smile. Her pregnancy glow made her look more ethereal, and he felt like he had fallen for her even more during the past few months. Her pregnancy had not been really tough. She had morning sickness for the first few months, but apart from that, there were no major mood swings or food cravings. In her fifth month, the baby started moving inside and kicking around sometimes.

Zaroon still couldn't believe that they had created a little human of their own. Whenever he'd feel their baby moving around, he'd get emotional. That was their creation who was resting inside her womb and would come out in a month and be in front of his eyes always. The mere thought of that had his heart filled with so much care and love, such selfless love, that it frightened him at times and he didn't know how many prayers he had made for the well-being of his wife and child.

They had breakfast with Mahad and Parishay before he dropped off to her office and then headed to his.

"Good morning, ma'am!" A few colleagues greeted her. She replied to all of them with a smile and headed to her cabin. She kept her handbag and laptop bag on the table. Checking the time, she picked up her phone and notepad and went to the conference room for a meeting. After it ended, her boss, Sujata, came to her. "How are you and the baby doing?"

"Great!" Qirat replied.

"I hope the work pressure is not too much." Sujata said.

"No, absolutely not." Qirat shook her head, "and also my husband and in-laws make sure that I'm comfortable at all times."

"I'm sure." Sujata laughed. "I wanted to discuss something with you."

Qirat nodded.

"Your maternity leave starts next week, and you'll join back work almost seven to eight months later." Sujata said, "And you must know about the Lashom House."

Lashom House was a very successful MNC of the country and a prominent client of Qirat's company.

"Of course," Qirat nodded.

"So when you come back, I want you to handle their entire account."

Qirat's eyes widened in shock. "What?"

Sujata nodded with a subtle smile. It was a huge opportunity for Qirat.

"And if you do it well, then we can talk about your next promotion."

"Oh my God, thank you." Qirat hugged Sujata.

"It is all your hard work, sweetheart. You've earned it." Sujata hugged her back.


Qirat was in her office, working, when her phone rang.

She looked at the caller and smiled.

"Adab, assalam alaikum." She picked up the call.

"Walaikum assalam, would-be-mother." Adab laughingly said. "Am I disturbing you? You must be in the office."

"I am in the office, but I'm free. Tell me, how are you and everyone else?" Qirat leaned back on her chair.

"I am fine, Mirhaan and his parents are good as well. It is just Arhaam who has started getting notorious by the day." Adab complained cutely.

Qirat laughed.

"It is not funny. He makes me run after him in the entire house to eat food." Adab whined.

"I can understand your condition, but I'm sure he must look super adorable doing that." Qirat said, "I saw his birthday pictures, he looked so cute."

"How is your pregnancy coming along?" Adab asked.

"It had been absolutely normal, Alhamdulillah. Though I'm a little nervous about the delivery. Does labor pain really hurt a lot?" Qirat asked with fear laced in her tone.

"Honestly, it hurts like a bitch." Adab chuckled. "But I'm sure you'll be fine. Zaroon would be there, by your side."

"Yeah! Any plans of coming to India?" Qirat asked.

"Nothing yet. Mirhaan has a few projects lined up. So let's see, maybe next year."

They chatted a bit more before hanging up.

Qirat stared at the window that gave the view of the busy streets of the city. The past few years have changed the dynamics of so many relationships, but all for the better. Their messed up lives had slowly fallen into place.

Fighting through the cruel games of destiny, everyone had come out, bruised but undefeated. They all were happy and she prayed for it to remain the same.


I know the chapters are small, but I had to somehow touch forty chapters and tbh, I had run out of content. Like there is nothing left to tell about them. Their lives have fallen into places.

Just two more to go!

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