Chapter 5, Mumbo

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I was building in my base, and boy, was it a base. It was a massive, perfectly circular hole in the ground, covered with perfectly clear glass, so you could see inside. The walls were made of white concrete, and quartz pillars went from the floor to the ceiling. The inside of the base was riddled with various farms, storage systems, and auto-smelters, all redstone powered. My bed was haphazardly placed in the middle of the giant storage area, out in the open, exposed.

As I was putting the finishing touches on yet another complicated contraption, I looked up to see a good friend coming through the door.

"Ah, Grian! How good to see you! I thought you were off building with Scar."

Grian shrugged his shoulders,"We felt like taking a break until tomorrow, what are you up to?"

"Ah, I'm so glad you asked! This, my friend, is yet another spaceship, only I'm trying a new design. What do you think?"

As I asked, I parkour-ed my way to the top, and sat in a minecart I'd placed there.

"Pull the lever, Cronk! Or is it Gronk? I can never get that line right."

Grian flicked the lever on the side of the ship and.... nothing happened.

He flicked it again, and again, but nothing happened.

"Oh, darn. I should've kept to the old design, I knew it."

Grian chuckled a little bit, "Oh, Mumbo? I think I see the problem. One of these redstone repeaters is backwards."

I leapt down, and facepalmed when I saw it too. "Oh, how on earth did I miss that?"

Grian placed a hand on my shoulder. "Everyone slips up sometimes, it's nothing to fret about. Say, may I offer you some advice?"

I smiled,"Of course, your advice is always welcome."

"I absolutely love your base, you've certainly improved over the years, but I believe you're using the wrong block pallette."

"Hmm, I think you're right. I'm usually pretty good at modern-looking holes in the ground, but this time it just doesn't seem to fit."

Grian seemed to shudder a bit when I mentioned it was modern-looking.

After taking a breath, he continued,"Let's take these pillars for instance, oh, they're nice and all, simple, generic pillars of quartz, but it's a pallette that's been extremely overused. I believe it would be best with oak logs, instead of quartz, and spruce stairs for the top and bottom."

"Hmm, I've never thought of it that way. Perhaps you're right. Let's try it out."

And so we did. Every pillar was replaced. Every wall redone. The floor, torn up and changed. Soon, the entire base was a beautiful, luscious, rustic style hole in the ground.

By the time we were done, the sun was low in the sky, and I was slightly exhausted. Grian and I sat on top of the base, enjoying the sunset.

"Wow, you were right Grian, rustic style was the right way to go. I absolutely love it."

"I knew you would, you're just that kind of person I suppose."

Grian leaned in close, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"And just think, Mumbo, think of all the redstone contraptions that would be perfect for rustic houses. Automatic Window Shutters, Automated Jukeboxes, Secret entrances behind waterfalls. So many wonderful, beautiful things you can do. Lovely, beautiful rustic houses, and wonderful, awe-inspiring redstone, surely a perfect pair."

I felt myself relax in Grian's arms, and my eyelids began to droop. Grian talking about redstone was so.... soothing.

I yawned.

"Say, Mumbo, it looks like it's getting dark. Perhaps you should go to bed."

"Mhmm, perhaps I should."

Grian led me to my bed, in the middle of the storage area.

I yawned again. "Goodnight Grian."

Grian smiled. "Goodnight Mumbo, sweet dreams."

As I crawled in, the bed was pulled by a piston, and I felt myself falling.

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