Chapter 8, Grian

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After we were done with Scar's base, and done watching the sunset, we'd decided to go and see what Mumbo was doing. He'd wanted to work on some redstone by himself for a while, but if I know Mumbo he'd be getting a little lonely by now.

We started through the forest. It was getting to be quite a trek, and by the time we were halfway, the sun was gone, and the sky was lit by stars.

I turned to look at Scar. He was gazing around almost absentmindedly, taking in the beauty of the forest at night.

The dim moonlight shone on the trees, and the stars were reflected by a nearby puddle, all of which he smiled at. He always has been the kind of person to admire the little things, especially in nature.


"Yes, Grian?" He responded, still gazing into the puddle.

"When we returned home yesterday, I went to put away the loot we'd gotten from the mansion, and I'd realized that I had a lot of stuff missing. Did you or Mumbo take anything?"

More alert now, he glances up,"What kind of stuff?"

"Mostly weapons and armor, but there was also a lot of redstone stuff gone."

"Hmm." He looked away, as though trying to remember something.

He shakes his head, "Nope, neither of us went into your base since yesterday morning. Are you sure you didn't misplace them? Your storage IS a mess."

"No it's not!" I shout, slightly frustrated, "And you've got quite a chest monster yourself, mister!"

Scar laughs a bit, then shrugs his shoulders, "Well, I'm sure it'll turn up soon, it can't have gone far!" He stopped for a moment, as though he'd just thought of something, "Mabye Mumbo took it. You did say some redstone was missing."

"Yeah, mabye you're right," I reply, although a little dejectedly. I had been hoping for a more specific answer, but it seemed Scar knew as much as I did about this whole thing. I'd have to bring it up with Mumbo when I saw him.


At long last we began to approach Mumbo's base. Instantly, I knew something was off. The light that leaked through the trees was usually, brighter, whiter even. This time it seemed soft and almost homely.

Breaking through the perimeter that the forest provided, my eyes widened in shock. Mumbo's grand, futuristic circular base was gone, practically swapped out with a rustic style base of massive detail.

All of his farms were gone, his redstone experiments wiped from existence, replaced with various rugs and furniture, all heavily detailed.

The way the pillars were built, the carpets arranged, the furniture placed, it all seemed so familiar. As though I'd seen it every day of my life but hadn't cared to notice.

Something wasn't right, Mumbo hadn't built this. Mumbo wouldn't have. He'd told me time and time again that he wanted a futuristic house, he wouldn't change his mind like this, so quickly. And how would he rebuild this all so soon without help?

After a quick search in the remaining farms around the outside of his base, and a good sweep of the interior, I realized he wasn't here.


He turned, again nearly absent in his thoughts, "Yes?"

"I can't find Mumbo anywhere, he's not at any of his farms, and he's definitely not inside this house."

"That's odd, mabye we should-"

At that moment he was interrupted by a chittering sound, and suddenly winced in pain as he was attacked by an endermite!

Getting out my sword, I rushed over before it could do any more damage, and slew it.

"Scar! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Grian, didn't you say you saw an endermite at the mansion as well?"

"Yes, I did. Someone's been using ender pearls, like the ones in the mansion."

I know for certain nobody's bothered collecting ender pearls yet, we've all been waiting until Mumbo could make an enderman farm.

Missing stuff, stolen loot, and now a missing Mumbo, I had to find out what was going on.

The Skeleton in my Closet: a Grian VS NPC Grian FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now