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He doesn't remember me. In five years time they've all moved on, forgotten, been able to live their lives. In five years time I haven't had such ignorance, such bliss. Every moment sat in stark clarity, unable to be softened. They get to forget. I must remember.

It's a harsh reality, but it won't last long.

I was well away from the iron bars now, and nearing the end of my tunnel I could see the ladder I'd placed for an exit. Ascending the ladder, I began planning my next move when I stopped. What was that sound above me?


I knew they'd come to check on their friend, but I hadn't expected them so soon. Morning, or perhaps even later was my expectation.

I have to get out of here.

I continued ascending the ladder, and as I neared the top I readied the other ender pearl I'd gotten from the mansion. I'd touched the top, and stopped for a moment to listen.



They continued with their babble, so I peeked out from the trapdoor at the top of my ladder. They had their backs to me, this was my chance.

I got out and shut the trapdoor. Carefully, I aimed at the beautiful winding staircase, and fired.

Landing somewhere near the middle, I realized with my teleport I'd spawned an endermite. No bother, this happened at the mansion too. They wouldn't bother with an artificial being like me.

I watched as it raced down the stairs and bit Grian's friend. I smirked.

Serves them right, should've thought twice about forgetting me.

I left promptly, not wanting to risk discovery.

And I knew just where to go next.

The Skeleton in my Closet: a Grian VS NPC Grian FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now