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Grian was off building a house with Scar. A terrible, blasphemous modern house. How dare they build something so....so ugly. So awful. So disgustingly stark. Every corner, edge, and face blank and emotionless. There's no life in modern houses. Not a single centimeter of character. Not a speck of individuality.

And perhaps that's the reason I hate modern houses so much. But then again, I've always had a partiality to rustic style houses.

Ah, rustic style, even the sound of it would give me a chill up my artificial spine. Every log, plank, cobble and stair, each with a different, unique, individual grain and pattern, never seen anywhere else in the world! And oh, how many choices one has! Birch, oak, dark oak, spruce, acacia, jungle, so, SO many woods to choose from and mingle! Cobblestone, normal stone, stone bricks and mossy variants, all the stone in the world was to my disposal.

Ah, I longed to gather resources, to place down the first block, to build an infinite amount of rustic houses, but there was something I needed to do first.

The Skeleton in my Closet: a Grian VS NPC Grian FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now