Chapter 6, Scar

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"Scar, did you fall out of your tree again?"

Rolling over so I could lay on my back, I reply, "The view was just so beautiful! I got so distracted by the lovely sunset that I didn't see the edge."

Grian rolled his eyes playfully, then went over to where I was laying on the ground, gazing up into the sky.

Grian sits next to me, and we look into the sunset together. I swear I saw a tear roll down his cheek as he gazed into it's glowing warm beauty. I don't blame him, sunsets are one of the most wonderful things in the world.

I take a look behind me, glancing over the work we'd done today. I had asked Grian over so that we could build a couple farms and a few trees. The latter of course is what I'd just fallen out of.

For my house I had gone with a somewhat modern spin on a neo-greek architecture style. Tall quartz columns complemented an open floor, modern sculptures and furniture, and the high, domed roof sat atop a boxy modern home.

We sat there until the sky faded from bright yellow-orange to a deep red, and then decided to see how Mumbo was doing. He would've helped us with my house, but he had a couple projects of his own to work on.

Walking towards his base, Grian made mention of his missing supplies again, and I joked that Mumbo might be playing a joke on him, so he dropped the subject.



Finally arriving at Mumbo's base, we knew instantly something was wrong. As we walked up we didn't see the familiar whitish glow of light reflecting off of quartz, instead as we cleared the forest we were shocked to see his base had completely changed from a modern, futuristic circle, to a rustic style depression in the ground.

It was beautiful, as all of the woods complemented each other very nicely, and although we've known our wonderful moustache to change his builds seemingly overnight on a whim, this one didn't seem right somehow.

Scampering down the brand new wooden spiral staircase, I looked more closely at the new changes.

I noticed lanterns hanging from fenceposts high on the walls, and pillars made of spruce wood. The floor had been made into a woven-looking style with stripped oak logs, and was adorned with a shaggy red rug.

All of these details felt so familiar, yet they just didn't seem, Mumbo. There was no fancy vault, no warped fungus wood, no automatic piston doors, nothing to signify that Mumbo had even lived here other than the couple of farms outside the house, and an item system in the middle of the circular floor. Even that was adorned with spruce planks and oak log pillars.

All of this felt less and less like Mumbo, but it started reminding me of....


I looked over towards Grian, "Yes?"

"I can't find Mumbo anywhere, he's not at any of his farms, and he's definitely not inside this house."

"That's odd, mabye we should-"

At that point I was interrupted by a skittering noise, and felt something bite my ankle. As I turned to see what it was, Grian whooshed past me and began hitting it. It was an endermite. Once Grian had killed it, he turned and asked me if I was alright.

"I'm fine, Grian. Didn't you say that you saw an endermite at the mansion as well?"

"Yes, I did. Someone has been using ender pearls, like the ones in the mansion."

Grian had said something about someone else being in the mansion with us. I wonder, did they do something to Mumbo?

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