| thirty |

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< jack >

as we got out of the mansion, natalie was already outside waiting for us.

we all climbed up in her car, and immediately closing the door shut. we soon drove off and and all of a sudden, without any notice, we heard an explosion coming from the mansion. the car stopped, and we almost hit our heads on the windows.

"what the fuck?" natalie cursed, stopping the car. "was that from the mansion?"

"dude, hayley, nash and johnson are still in there!" matthew yelled.

"why in the fucking hell would you leave them?!" i yelled back, anger filling up my whole body. i felt numb for some reason. "this is bullshit let's go back!"

"you led the way, dumbass!" he yelled back at me.

"shut it!" shawn screamed before i could yell back.

natalie started to drive again, making our way back to the mansion.

once we did reach it, we all hopped off instantly. luckily, i saw nash with johnson, yet nash was carrying hayley, telling her to stay with them. i ran to them, and i was panicking. quietly panicking.

"johnson!" i yelled, reaching up to them.

"jack!" his eyes lit up, hugging me. "oh my god, look at you!"

"what the hell happened to her? did cameron do this to her? who did it?!" i screamed at the top of my lungs, my body heating, and my jaw clenched together with my fists balling.

"calm down, the explosion did this to her," nash paused. "to us." he pertained to all three of them.

being myself, i ignored his comment and grabbed hayley with both of my arms.

my nose and eyes started to burn.

until i felt myself crying.

i was fucking crying, being the numb human person i was, i was crying for the first time.

"stay with me," i cried, holding hayley's soft cheek with my hand. "please."

i leaned my forehead on hers, and cried more.

someone was rubbing my back, and telling me that everything was going to be alright, even though i know it won't be, no matter how hard we try. i cried and cried, until i had no more tears to shed.

"jack?" hayley's soothing voice filled my ears. she held my cheek, too, and weakly smiled. "i've missed you."

before i could reply, she kissed me. she freaking kissed me. of course i kissed back, why would i refuse to? she was the love of my life.

we heard cheers.

"this ain't the ending, yet, love birds," cameron showed up with a shotgun in hand. "did i miss anything besides the explosion? you were lucky you got out of there on time." he smiled, reloading his gun in front of us all.

i carefully let go of hayley and let matthew hold her, as i gathered all of my might to face cameron fucking dallas.

i admit, i was petrified seeing cameron with a shotgun, but that wasn't the time to be scared. it was the time to show that i was strong; that we were strong enough to face such a guy like him.

"stop it, cameron, this won't help," nash said, taking a step forward. "you should just let go of things."

"i won't listen to your stupid words of wisdom, grier! i regret helping you! i thought you'd help me, but what did you fucking do? you betrayed me! you motherfucking betrayed me!" cameron took a step forward, his gun still on his hands, and we all took a step back.

"look, cameron, i don't know what else you want, but i gave you everything you needed. just drop the gun down," i raised both of my hands in defeat. "drop it." i said.

and when he did drop it, i connected my fist with his jaw. "that's for fucking with us!" i threw another punch. "that's for making our lives miserable!"

"jack, stop!" the guys were pulling me back, but i was refusing to. "jack, stop it." natalie said, giving me a sympathetic look.

soon, sirens were heard, and the police came.

we all explained what happened, and they arrested cameron. the good thing that i wasn't, they told me it was self defense.

but that wasn't it, i might go to hell.


all of us went to shawn's house, to rest and just chill.

i flopped down on the soft couch, rubbing my temples. it has been a long day filled with fiascos.

but the good thing was we were all safe now.

or were we?


last chapter before the epilogue!!! OMFG.

okay so i might do a speech at the end! thank you guys so much for everything! i love y'all, i hope you liked this! stay awesome and rad 👊

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