Chapter Thirty-One - Don't Do That, Willa

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© 2015, Briana Hernandez


☼☼ Chapter Thirty-One ☼☼- ♦♦Don't Do That, Willa◊◊

The last two weeks and a half weeks have been hell and believe it or not, I have been way more snappish than usual. It got to the point that Caleb had to keep reminding me that nothing was anyone's fault and not to take it out on anyone else. The last couple of weeks have been hectic because I did question every Warrior that surrounded the perimeter, but a lot of them had blocks on their minds. It was like someone had intentionally tapped into their brains so that I couldn't get in or I just didn't know how.

I had visited Elizabeth with questions and she only said that the abilities that I had were beyond even her witch knowledge. She said that she had never had actually been a part of a coven, but that she had heard of some of the things that I was able to do. She told me that I could speak to a friend of hers that was apart of the local coven.

After I got that information I followed the address that she gave to me and let me tell you, it is everything that you expect a witch's house to look like. It was like they weren't even trying to be inconspicuous. The house was old and somewhat run down with fading paint. I had made to knock on the door, but before my knuckles rapped on the faded wood of the front door, it swung open to reveal a woman in her mid-forties. She was barely five feet tall, but there were what looked like silver chop sticks keeping up her gray hair and her eyes looked like they were the color of coal and it didn't help that her eyes were heavily rimmed with black eyeliner.

"I knew this morning that I would be given an unwanted visit from one of you, but I never thought I would see one of you vile creatures up close and knocking on my door," she hissed as she looked up at me.

"And I never thought that I would meet a sixty year old woman that would look like she never grew out of her emo phase," I sarcastically sneered.

She scoffed and was about to shut the door on my face, but I shoved my booted foot in between the door frame and door.

"Not so fast, Elizabeth Reynolds told me to talk to you. She said you were an old friend," I added in before she decided to call the cops or something. We all know the last run in I had with the police did not go so well.

"Why would Elizabeth have anything to do with your kind? She hated you creatures when we were younger," she retorted.

That comment left me thinking before I replied with," Why would she tell me to come to and talk to you?"

"To get you off her back maybe. She's a very old spell caster and last I heard she was terribly ill and dying. I thought she'd kicked the bucket by now, not sending murderous creatures to my front door.

"So much for good old friends," I mumbled under my breath. I was starting to get extremely frustrated with this lady's comments. "Can you just answer my damn questions truthfully and honestly so that I can get the hell out of here?" I asked as I barged into her house.

"Well, I heard you all have your ways with the authorities, so that would be useless. I can also tell that you are quite powerful because there was a strong spell placed on this house years ago to prevent unwanted intruders from coming inside. You should be dead right now, but you're not, so you must either be immune or you are stronger than you know."

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