Chapter Eleven- I Like You, Wren

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© 2013, Briana Hernandez


☼☼ Chapter Eleven ☼☼- ♦♦ I Like You, Wren ◊◊

I was currently kneeling in front of my brother’s headstone. I had been here for two hours and my knees were starting to become numb from this position that I have been holding since I got here. My eyes were closed and somehow the tears managed to escape through. I had been concentrating so hard in order to see Bryson again, so hard that when I had gotten frustrated that he wasn’t appearing, I caused overcast and a heavy downpour. I still hadn’t moved from my position as I became drenched in the rain.

Twenty minutes later, I heard the sound of feet splashing in the rain puddles. My eyes snapped open and looked up to find a heavily panting Caleb.

“What are you doing here?” I growled. I was at least thankful that the rain was covering up the fact that I had been crying.

“Willa, we’ve been looking all over for you! We called, we mind linked you, we searched everywhere you might be but we couldn’t find you,” he told me between pants.

I straightened in a flash. “Did you find him?” I asked, urgently.

“What? Who are you talking about?” Caleb was becoming increasingly frustrated with me.

“The intruder. The one we have all be looking for,” I said in an obvious tone.

“I don’t care about that right now, Willa! Wren called me saying that he was worried about you, but he didn’t tell me what was going on with you. I heard from Colby that you were on a manhunt and the trail went cold. You push yourself too hard Willa! When are you going to realize that being Alpha doesn’t mean that you have to be perfect?! You always overwork yourself! Your parents left, you no longer have their pressure! When are you just going to sit down and relax?!” Caleb yelled at me as he gave his super long lecture.

I gave him one look and burst out in hysterical giggles. His eye brows furrowed as he stared at my shaking form rolling in the muddy grass. “Sorry, sorry. I understand that you’re worried about me, but you don’t need to be. Just let me do my own thing and I’ll figure out what I want to do. I’m not trying to be perfect; I’m just trying to do my job. If I’m an Alpha that’s just vacationing or spending money then what am I really doing for our people? They trust me with their lives, with their family’s lives. If I let them down because I need to relax, then how am I going to benefit?”

“You won’t let anyone get hurt. I know you won’t. It’s just that you have to remember that you’re only seventeen. You’ve never had the chance to be a kid. Now, you’re emancipated and I feel like you should take it easy and live it up at least a little bit,” he explained.

“I’m not into any of that shit, though. I like to get my crap done and then if I have time I do things that don’t require too much energy,” I said.

“But… sometimes you don’t look like you ever sleep and right now, I have to admit, you looked like a crazy woman. I just want you to know that you can trust me and I really want to know what’s been going on with you,” he tried to get information out of me. I had to give in this time though because if Bryson was the first person I trusted then Caleb had to be a close second.

“Let’s go,” I said suddenly. I grabbed his wrist after I had placed a kiss on the tips of my fingers and pressed it on Bryson’s headstone.

“Where are we going?” Caleb asked as I dragged him along behind me, out of the rain and towards Old Pat’s truck.

“We’re going to my house and I’m going to tell you everything,” I replied as I hopped into the driver’s seat. Old Pat sure as hell didn’t trust him with driving it, but he trusted me with his truck.

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