Bonus Wren- Like a Moth to a Flame

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© 2013, Briana Hernandez


☼☼ Bonus: Wren ☼☼- ♦♦ Like a Moth to a Flame ◊◊

Ever since my time with Willa at the Lake on my birthday, I have felt this undeniable pull towards her. I've turned into an obsessed person when it comes to her. I hate it. I worry about where she if she is not nearby or at home. I nearly died from anxiety when she left town over the weekend.

Then she came home with those two men. I had to contain my jealousy. They lived with her. They saw her almost naked in that flimsy towel as the remaining water droplets ran down her smooth shoulder. They were able to see as her dark brown ringlets hung around her glorious body. They were so well built that it hurt to know that they were living with her. They were a temptation for her because let's face it, any girl would want to go after guys like them. I was just a blond haired boy that would rather read than work out and my glasses were rather large. I was hoping that she would spend more time with me by helping me get into shape, but she barely has any time to herself and after I had asked, I felt like a complete imbecile. I was not going to lie when I say that I was happy when she tried to fit me into her schedule. I was proud to say that I had ran on my own while Willa was away and I haven't died from all of the running yet.

Some may think that it might be wrong to think this way about another woman when I have a girlfriend, but what I had with Lizzie was not a relationship. She tried to make it seem like we were perfect for each other, but I felt no connection with her. I think she only likes me because of my accent. I keep trying to break it off with her nicely, but she doesn't seem to take the hint. I just do not like hurting people. It was just something I was going to have to figure out.

So, now as I sit here at the base of a tree in "BryilebLake", I'm still pondering why I was here in the first place. My mum was still at work when I had left and my father had to go to a business meeting. Elle had wanted to catch up on her sleep after she drowned herself in sappy romance movies. I had told her that I was just heading out for a walk and when I had snapped out of my thoughts, I had already been entering the lake.

I sat there waiting for I didn't know what, but apparently the question was answered when she emerged from the foliage. I wasn't aware that she had been crying when I got up and stepped towards her, but when her gaze snapped in my direction, I caught the glistening tears as they ran down her soft cheeks. My lips ached to kiss her tears away, but that would have been creepy, so I refrained from reaching out to touch her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you would be stopping by here. I didn't mean it interrupt your privacy. I just thought this would be a great place to think and get rid of my stress," I lied slightly as I apologized for startling her.

She turned away from me and I saw her hands come up to swat at her face, no doubt wiping her tears away, before she replied with, ""That makes two of us." She then moved away and towards the water.

"I could leave if you want me to. This is your hideout place," I offered once I saw that she was no in the mood to talk to anyone.

"It's fine. It was my fault for showing it to you," she mumbled as she out her feet in the water.

"Are you doing well?" I asked after what felt like ten years of silence. I then proceeded to walk over to stand next to her in the lake.

"I was just looking into some things and I didn't like what I saw," she murmured as she looked down to her wiggling toes. My toes felt like they were going to fall off because of the cold water, but I hung in there.

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