Chapter Thirty-Two - You Should Be

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© 2015, Briana Hernandez


☼☼ Chapter Thirty-Two ☼☼- ♦♦You Should Be◊◊

"You like him!" Caleb accused as he watched me.

I pulled the pen that I had pressed against my lips away and then I registered what he had just said. "What are you talking about?" I threw my pen onto my desk and began to scroll through the layouts for Bennett Inc. that was sent to me by Liam.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Or, more like who I am talking about," he continued with a smirk.

I sighed before I looked to him briefly and then turned back to my computer. "I don't have time for these riddles of yours. If you don't mind, I've got to approve some of these layouts and then I have to give my commentary, so can you leave me be for a bit? Go check perimeter and check in with Alex. I need you to come back and let me know how everything is going," I instructed as I continued on with my work.

Caleb let out a low groan before he threw his hands up. "I feel like you haven't been letting me in on what's going on with you these last couple of weeks," he admitted.

I instantly grew frustrated and I dropped my head against my keyboard. "Caleb, why can't you just see that I'm trying to fix everything at once and that I don't have time for your silly games? You're fucking almost twenty-one and your still act like an immature teenager," I snapped.

His face instantly fell and he looked extremely hurt by my words. He was silent for a moment before he stormed out of my office and out of the Pack house. "Caleb! You know I didn't – fuck!" I yelled after he was gone. I ran my hands through my hair before I slumped back in my chair and placed my hand against my forehead. I could feel the headache that I had instantly intensified.

Before I could think about my dumb comment, there was a knock on my door. "What?!" I snapped again. I looked up and I found a scared Aubrey at the door. "It hasn't been a good day, Aubrey. What can I help you with?" I asked in a softer tone.

She cleared her throat before she was able to reply. "There's someone here to visit you. He said he was an Alpha."

I definitely did not have the patience to deal with an unannounced Alpha right now. With a sigh, I said, "Send him in."

Aubrey turned to go, but then she turned back to face me. "Is everything alright, Willa?"

"It's nothing that you need to worry about. I guess I'm just dealing with some issues that have me on edge right now. How are you?" I replied. She laughed at my questioned and I looked around as of she had lost her mind. "What?"

"I just thought it was funny that you're dealing with stuff and yet you are asking how I am doing," she told me.

I shrugged and looked to my computer as I saved all of my documents. "That's what I do. I worry about others more than I do about myself. That's how Alphas should be in my opinion."

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