Chapter Thirty-Three - The Storm is Coming

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© 2015, Briana Hernandez


☼☼ Chapter Thirty-Three ☼☼- ♦♦ The Storm is Coming ◊◊

"Make yourself at home. I'll be out of the loo in just a second," he said as he rushed into his bathroom.

I looked around his room, but stopped instantly. "Um, why are there rose petals on your bed? Was I interrupting something? Because if I was we can totally do this some other time," I called out as I felt a blush coat my cheeks and I scrambled to grab my bag from the floor.

"What?" Wren called before I heard a flush. He quickly washed his hands and I had just gotten both straps over my shoulders before he came out buttoning his pants. "That bloody wanker!" He muttered under his breath before he noticed me getting ready to go. "No, it was just my idiot cousin trying to be funny."

"Let me guess, you let him know that I was coming over for our project?" I asked as I watched him collect the petals in a pile before he grabbed them all and threw them in a trash bin. "We can reschedule if you feel more comfortable," I suggested as I noticed that he too had gotten red and his glasses had gotten slightly foggy.

"No! It's fine. Go ahead and sit on my bed," he said as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"You can go ahead and finish up in the bathroom, since you kind of rushed out," I told him as I pointed to his crotch. His shirt had gotten stuck in his zipper and was sticking out from it.

Wren looked down quickly. "Bloody- I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere," he said as he hurried back into the bathroom.

"You know, you're parents really should have forbid you from hanging out with me when I gave them the choice. You've been saying those weird phrases that I'm pretty sure equate to curse words in your language," I called out to Wren as I began to look around his room.

A laugh came from the bathroom before he said, "My language? I've always been prone to use slang from England. I just did not use it often around you."

He had a couple of posters up of his favorite bands, but more than anything he had a lot of picture up with his family and friends. His guitar was in its stand next to his book shelf. I went on over to see all the trinkets he had along with his books and then I saw a little golden box. Out of curiosity I picked it up and opened it.

What was inside surprised me, especially for an eighteen year old boy.

"Oh, you saw that," Wren grumbled as he walked into the room again. He was holding his shirt in his hands and he tossed it in his laundry bin before he went over to his closet.

I raised an eyebrow before I asked, "Are you planning a proposal or are you just holding this for someone who is?" I had gestured to the beautiful gold engagement ring that sat had a big diamond right at the center and small diamonds embedded on the sides. The little box that it was in was not meant for a ring which was why I hadn't thought much of it before I opened it.

"I'm holding it for my future wife," he retorted as he pulled on a shirt.

I let out an awkward laugh. "It's a bit premature, isn't it?"

Wren let out a sigh before he gestured to his bed. "Willa, I think you should sit down for what I have to tell you."

My eyes practically bugged out of my head. "Wren if this is what I think it is, you should just stop there and I'll go-" I began to say before Wren realized what I was getting at.

"NO! No, that's not what I was going to talk to you about," He exclaimed as he came over to me and grabbed the box from my hand and put it back on the bookshelf. "Just, please sit down."

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