Chapter 5

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Despite all the questions that Elsa's latest interaction with Loki created, she kept the red rose he gifted her. The odd thing was that even after three days, the rose didn't seem to change. It didn't start to dry out or die.

Elsa found that weird in the beginning but then thought that Loki probably put a spell on the flower. Either way, she kept that rose hidden in the drawer next to her bed so Kara wouldn't find it and, potentially, throw it away after a few days.

Since then, Elsa has been a little distant from Loki. Her anxiety doesn't let her get close to him again without thinking about what could happen, especially if someone found them together. She has been creating all these fake scenarios in her head that don't let her relax around him anymore.

But that wouldn't be the case today. Tonight is Elsa's first ball, in celebration of the king's 2500 years on the throne of Asgard, and if everything goes according to plan, it will also be his last year on the throne.

She started getting ready a few hours before the ball. Her hair was carefully styled by professionals, half her hair was in a braided crown around her head and the rest were curled.

From the dresses they suggested for her, she picked a beautiful and sparkly purple dress. To be exact the skirt of the dress was purple and the top was full of white and lilac diamonds. Actually, she fell in love with it the second she layed eyes on it.

When she was ready, she went to find Thor. She knocked on his door and heard his response to come in. But as soon as she opened the door, she came across him, shirtless. Apparently, he was still getting dressed.

"Oh Gods, I'm so sorry" she apologizes immediately and turns around

"It's alright. Unless it makes you uncomfortable" he says

"No, of course not" she replies, but it wasn't really true. She was awkward and didn't know how to act.

"I'm almost ready" he says and she nods.
"You look incredible" he mentions

"Thank you" she replies, avoiding looking at him, shyly.

He puts his top and it's layers on and walks closer to me.
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable or pressure you in any way, and I'll understand if, at any point, you change your mind about this" he explains

"I really appreciate it, but I don't believe that will happen" she replies confidently.
I can't let my family down.

Thor smiles at her and she smiles back. For a moment, she thought that if what happened with Loki back in the garden, would happen here, she would finally get him out of her mind and she'll be more focused on Thor from now on.

So intentionally, she looks down at his lips for a moment and then makes eye contact.

'Why aren't his blue eyes giving me the feeling Loki's eyes give me every time I look at them?' she wonders to herself.

Thor catches her eye movement and steps closer. She lets him. He leans down and places his hand on her cheek.

Elsa lifts her head and leans in. Their lips touch. To be honest, it is her first kiss so she isn't sure of what to do and just goes along with it.

But it wasn't a long kiss. As they both pull away and they smile at each other.
"Shall we get going?" Thor asks, offering his hand to her

"Of course" she answers and they make their way to the ballroom.

At some point during the night, Elsa stayed alone and took a look around the room. So many high class people and then her. Kings and queens, princes and princesses, rich people, etc, she felt out of place.

But as soon as, she hears steps approaching, she puts her smile on again.

"Hello" Loki greets her

"Hello. Where is your partner?" she asks him

"She is dancing with your partner" he answers and looks towards Thor and Sif who were dancing together.

"Sif. Are you two..." Elsa wonders

"Me and Sif? No, absolutely no. We just ended up together here" he replies immediately and she nods.

"By the way, your mom must be the sweetest person on the universe" Elsa mentions

"It took you some time to realize" Loki chuckles

"I took your adviced and went to talk her. I suggested a change on the skirt of the dress and she agreed. Actually, she almost got mad at me that I didn't say anything sooner. It's still going to have more fabric and mesh than I'd like, kind of like the one I'm wearing now, but it's a start" she says

"That's great. And it wasn't that hard, was it? I knew you had it in you, shortcake, you are so brave" he teases her

"Are you making fun of me?" she asks, acting offended

"Of course not" he answers and they both chuckle.

"Ok, I know, I'm shy and still a little scared" she admits

"I believe that after a while, when you get to know everybody, you'll warm up to them" he explains

"Like I did with you?" she asks

"Pretty much" he answers and smiles.

"I hope I'm not interrupting" Thor says as he walks to them.
"Will you give me this dance, my lady?" he asks, offering his hand to Elsa

"Of course" she replies and takes his hand. The truth is that Elsa hates dancing, it brings back bad memories for her, but she couldn't deny her future husband's request.

So she danced with him, with a smile on her face. During the dance, she was too anxious about getting her steps right and Thor noticed it. He tried talking to her while they danced, in order to make her relax and laugh, which worked for a second.

After the dance, she excused herself and went outside to get some air.
"Elsa...?" she hears Loki's voice from behind her

"I'll be back in a second" she answers, keeping her back to him and tries to blink away the tears that had formed in her eyes

"You almost ran out of the room. Are you alright?" he asks and as he walks to her slowly

"Yes, I'm fine" she answers. But Loki doesn't believe her so he stays. He takes his horns off and keeps walking closer to her.

"Does it have to do with the dance? Because you seemed a bit tensed. Did my brother do something?" he questions

"No, no. He's great. I'm the problem" she answers

"Would you like to tell me?" he asks softly. She keeps her back to him and shakes her head.
"Ok, that's alright. Can I do something to help?" he asks

"I just need a minute, please" she replies.

Loki nods and takes a step back. He wanted to give Elsa some space but he also didn't want to leave her alone, when she's clearly not feeling well.

"I'm just gonna go in my room. If Thor asks, tell him that I was tired" she says and finally turns around.

She attempts to walk past Loki but he steps in her way
"Are you sure you want to be alone? I've been told that I'm a good listener" he offers one time.

Elsa closes her eyes and lowers her head
"My problems shouldn't be a bother to you, your highness" she says, trying to distance herself from him

"Elsa, don't shut me out now" he says, and takes her hand in his. It wasn't aggressive to stop her. His touch was soft and gentle. With his thumb, he rubs the back of her hand.

"Not here" she finally says

"Come with me" Loki says, without letting go of her hand. She doesn't resist and follows him back inside.

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