Chapter 21

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Loki and Elsa spent the rest of the night together. But when Elsa woke up the next morning, she realized she was alone in bed. That's when her anxiety started to kick in again.

"It's fine, he may be in the bathroom or making breakfast" she thought.

She sighs and gets out of the bed. However, as soon as she stands up, she feels soreness between her legs. She looks down and also notices bruises on her inner thighs. She bites her lip to hide her smile and moves on.

Going in the bathroom, she sees that her clothes from last night are folded and left on the counter. Loki's black dress shirt and blazer are also displayed on a hanger.

Elsa puts on her lingerie and throws Loki's shirt on top since she felt too lazy to get dressed. She buttons three of its buttons as she walks downstairs. She watches out the window and sees Thor and Loki talking in the distance.

They seem serious. Whatever they are talking about must be important. However, Elsa can't take her eyes off Loki, who today chose to wear a pair of jeans and a hoodie. Yesterday he was the hottest, but today he is the cutest.

"Midgardian outfits are better than I thought" Elsa tells herself and bites her lip.

"Hi..." she hear a female voice, causing her to jump. She holds her shirt closed as she turns around.
"You must be Elsa" she says

"Yes. And you are?" Elsa asks politely

"Oh sorry, I'm Jane" she answers offering her hand

"Right... It's nice to meet you" Elsa replies and the two shake hands.
"I'm sorry for my appearance, I didn't know anyone else was here" she adds

"It's ok. Honestly, I've done way worse in my early 20's" Jane admits.

"For how long have they been out there?" Elsa asks looking out the window again

"Well, we came about an hour ago, Loki was in the kitchen and Thor asked if they could talk privately for a minute. But it's been quite longer than a minute" Jane answers and Elsa nods.
"Um... Can I ask you something?" Jane asks taking Elsa's attention again

"Yes" Elsa replies

"Thor told me about your arrangement and reassured me that you two have already called it off. But woman to woman now, is there anything between you two?" Jane asks

"No, no. Despite the arrangement, we've never been that close. Maybe a couple of kisses but they were more of a stand than actual kisses. They only thing we have to do is say it to his father" Elsa explains

"Great. Thank you" Jane replies relieved.

Both girls look outside the window at the brothers. Thor said something which caused Loki to smile and look down shyly, breaking the serious tone that had taken over until that moment.

Loki's smile caused Elsa to smile as well. And that moment his eyes caught her. He smiles even more and waves at her. She waves back and sends him a kiss. Loki pats his brother's shoulder and they start walking back inside.

As soon as they crossed the door, Loki went to Elsa. He wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her lips.

"Good morning, dear" he says
"I'm sorry I wasn't in bed. I got up to make breakfast, but then my brother came and we went out to talk so I got a little distracted" he explains as he holds her close to him

"It's ok. It's the thought that counts" she says and kisses him.

"So you didn't overthink about it when you didn't see me next to you?" he suspects

"Only a little bit" she admits.

"Oh darling..." he sighs and hugs her
"Be sure that I am not leaving you any time soon. You are not going to get rid of me that easily" he reassures her, causing her to chuckle

"I wouldn't ever wish to" she replies and he kisses her.

"Hey, we are gonna head out, and I'll probably be back at night" Thor says as he and Jane walk past them
"Don't cause any trouble" he adds and they leave.

"He seems in a hurry" Elsa points out
"Is everything alright? Whatever you were discussing out there seemed pretty serious" she asks

"It's nothing that should worry you now, my love" he answers as he rubs her cheek.
"Are you hungry? I made toasts and eggs before my brother interrupted me. I know that it's not really something you'd have at home but we are on a different planet so... I tried" he explains

"Well, I am starving and it smells really good" she answers and Loki smiles.
"I'm going to go get dressed properly and I'll be right back" she says and attempts to leave but Loki keeps his arms around her.

"Please don't. You look great in my shirt" he says as he looks down at her exposed cleavage since the first buttons were undone.

"My eyes are up here... shortcake" Elsa quotes him

"I know... But seeing all my marks on your neck and on your chest make me think how much I want a repeat of last night" he whispers as his lips hover over her neck and his hands move from her lower back to her butt

"I would like too, but it hurts right now and I also don't think it's pretty down there at the moment" she stops him

"Oh I'm sorry, I forgot. But I promise that next time will be easier" he promises and pecks her lips.

He is precious...
"I love you" she says

"I love you too" he replies and kisses her again.

"Now, how about we have that breakfast you promised me?" she asks

"Oh right, this way" he answers and leads her to the kitchen.

"I didn't know you cooked" Elsa admits

"My mother taught me a few things" he says

"Your mother is literally the best person in all nine realms" she says

"I know" he says smiling shyly.

He reheats the food and then puts it in a plate. He adds some fruit on the side and a cuo of tea. He places the tray in front of Elsa and sits across from her.
"What do you think?" he asks.

Elsa takes a bite
"Mm... You should cook more often" she answers and he smiles. He reaches over the table and kisses her lips.

"What do you say we try use that pool after breakfast?" Loki suggests

"I... I don't really know how to swim" Elsa admit

"That's alright. I could teach you" he says

"I can't wait" she replies and takes another bite of her delicious breakfast.

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