Chapter 32

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After Loki lost touch with Elsa, he made Thor fly both of them to the Rainbow Bridge. However when they got there, it was already too late. Half of the bridge and the Bifrost were gone but no more Frost Giants made it to the town. Asgard was safe.

And Elsa is nowhere to be found. Loki calls her name several as he walks back and forth on the bridge, scanning everything around them.

"Let's not assume the worse right now, ok? Maybe she made it back before the bomb went off" Thor suggests

"If she did, we would've seen her on our way here" Loki argues

"Maybe she jumped off the bridge and in the water to avoid the blast" Thor makes another assumption

"She wouldn't get in the water voluntarily" Loki replies
"She doesn't know how to swim" he whispers the last part

"Then maybe the blast pushed her in the water and she swam safely to the shore" Thor says

"She doesn't know how to swim!" Loki yells as he realizes that Elsa must still be underwater. Immediately both brothers dive in the water from opposite sides of the bridge to find her.

But no matter how fast or deep they could swim, it is a giant area to cover. Loki uses his magic to lighten the dark waters so he could see better.

As he moved the light, something in the deep waters caused a small reflection. So he went up for some air and returned down to look for that reflection again.

It was coming from the emerald rock on Elsa's ring. Loki grabs her and brings her back to the surface. Her skin is paler than ever and she feels as cold as ice. He calls his brother's name, who uses Mjolnir to get all three of them back on the bridge.

"Please, please..." Loki begs as he puts his ear to her chest, waiting to hear her heart beat.

He starts doing chest compressions, pressing as hard as he can into her chest and trying to keep a steady rhythm.

'She has to come back. You need to come back, Elsa. I can't lose you. Not after everything we've overcame. Not now, not ever. We're finally happy. We have more things to do. We're getting married. I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle in that dress you've dreamed off. I can't wait to call you my wife. I can't wait to see you carry our offspring and then a mini you calling us mommy and daddy. Or not. We haven't talked about kids. But we'll do whatever you want. I promise, we'll do whatever you want, just come back to me. Please come back to me'.

But the more time was passing the more he started to panic and losing his steady rhythm.
"Come on, Elsa" he whispers and tears are already running down his cheeks.

"Let me take over" Thor offers to help

"No, I got this" Loki refuses

"Let me help you!" Thor insists and shoves him to the side. He takes over and continues the steady and strong compressions.
"Do the breaths" he suggests.

Loki kneels closer to Elsa's head. With one hand he holds her chin up and with the other he pinches her nose. He blows in her mouth for two second every five compressions.

"Come on, come on baby" Loki whispers as he rubs her head between the breaths.

Thor feels a slight resistance against one of the compressions and immediately pulls Loki back. Elsa starts coughing water and they roll her to her side. A huge sign of relief left Loki's lips and he started breathing heavily along with Elsa.

When she felt like she spit all the water out, she rolled back and Loki hugged her tightly. He holds her as close as physically possible, like her life depends on it. He keeps his face buried in her neck and rubs the back of her head still crying.

Elsa rests her forehead on his shoulder as she keeps breathing heavily. She's freezing so she enjoys the warmth of Loki's body. Her chest hurts like hell but that's to be expected. Eventually, she manages to lift her weak arms and wrap them around Loki.

"Did it work? Did we win?" she asks as she slowly calms down in his arms

"Yes, you did it" he answers and kisses her head

"Yay!" she pretends to celebrate weakly.
"I guess, we should have done those swimming lessons you promised me a while ago" she reminds him, in order to lighten the mood.

Loki chuckles and kisses her head again
"We will" he reassures her.

Elsa opens her eyes and sees Thor, who's looking at them with a huge smile across his face.
"Thank you" she says

"No, thank you" he replies causing her to smile as well.

"Heimdall is injured, I had to leave him to get here. You should go check on him and the rest of the people" she remembers

"I'll go now. And I'll send a skiff to take you back to the palace" Thor says and leaves. Elsa closes her eyes and continues to enjoy Loki's embrace.

But he pulls away and holds her face. He wipes his tears quickly and bring his hand back to her cheek.
"Don't ever do that again" he says

"Only if you promise me you won't fake your death again. At least without me knowing" she argues

"Deal" he replies immediately.
"I love you too much to lose you" he admits. His blue eyes that were almost red from crying confirmed his words.

"I love you too" she replies as she rubs his cheek. He leans into her touch and kisses her hand.

A few minutes later, they returned to the palace safely and Loki carried Elsa to his old room. Instead of putting her down on the bed, he placed her gently in the bathtub. He took her clothes off and turned the water on.

Once the warm water covered her body, he kneeled down behind her and started shampooing her hair and massaging her scalp.
"How are you feeling?" he asks

"Warmer. But exhausted" she answers

"That's alright. You just let me know if you want me to stop at some point" he says.

After he washed her hair, he also washed her body and helped her get dressed. Her body still felt weak and he knew that she was just hiding her pain.

He took the time to braid her wet hair like she usually does after shower because she doesn't enjoy sleeping with her wet hair all around. Then he put her in bed and took care of her injuries. Keeping her lied on her back, he also massaged her temples, shoulders and back of her neck to help her relax.

At the end, he stood up and was about to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Elsa asks, half asleep

"I'm just going to take a quick shower and be right back" he answers and kisses her head.

He returned only a few minutes later and lied down next to her. She took his hand and he moved closer.
"I love you. You are the best" she says still half asleep.

Loki smiles and kisses her
"Get some rest, my love".

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