Chapter 23

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When Elsa started to gain consciousness, her head was pounding. It took her a second to remember what happened earlier, but as soon as she did, her eyes flashed open. That's when she noticed that she's in her bed. However, she didn't care much.

She thought that it was a dream. A nightmare. It couldn't have been real. 'Loki is fine, he is probably having his breakfast at this time and I'm about to join him' she told herself.

So she got out of bed and walked to the door. But, to her surprise, it was is locked.
"No, no, no. No!" she yelled. She looked in her pockets for the key but they had already taken it away from her.
"This isn't happening. This isn't real. He's fine" she told herself.

She started knocking on the door screaming but no one answered. Then she tried to break the lock with anything she could find in her room but nothing worked. Odin had ordered the guards to keep her locked in there no matter what. It wasn't a dream...

"Please, let me out. Only a few minutes. I promise, I'll be quiet and no one will find out. And if they do, it'll be my fault. Please, just open the door. I need to go, I need to see him" she begged them as she cried from the other side of the door

She gave up and let herself slide on the floor crying. She couldn't shake the image of Loki's lifeless body out of her head. She returned to bed and hugged his pillow. Even though he only spend one night on it, it still smells like him.

A while later, someone opens the door but, surprisingly, she doesn't bother to look or move anymore. She knows that it's not him.

"Get out!" she says

"It's me" Thor replies

"I don't care. Get out!" she raises her voice this time.

But Thor ignores her and walks closer
"How are you holding up? Do you need anything?" he asks

"I do but I can't have it anymore. I can't think of anything else. That scene just keeps playing in my head over and over again" she explains as she holds onto the pillow tighter.

"Elsa, I'm so sorry for what happened. No one knew that guard would turn against the king" Thor says

"A guard? Wow, is that what Odin told you?" Elsa asks as she lets go of his pillow and sits up straight

"Yeah..." he hesitates a bit.

"He killed him! Odin ordered them to lock us in the dungeon and we had to fight. Loki got injured and Odin just watched him die. I tried to call for help, I tried to call for you but you weren't there. You said you were into this with us and then you weren't there!" she says as tears start rolling down her cheeks again

"Don't blame me! If I knew, I would never had left that room" he argues

"No, I blame you! I blame you, I blame your father, I blame his guards, I blame my mother who brought me here in the first place, I blame myself who didn't see this coming when we walked in there... And I blame Loki... He made me fall in love with him, he promised me that everything is going to be ok, but now he's not here... and I miss him... and I'm alone..." she cries as she says the last part

"You're not alone, Elsa. You're not alone" Thor says and hugs her. He holds her as she cries for his brother and wishes that he had never left that room.

"Please tell them to let me out of here. I need to get out" she begs

"Of course" he answers immediately

"Thank you" she says and finally gets up. She fixes herself quickly and heads to the door. Thor just nods and follows her. He lied to the guards that were standing outside her room about taking her to the king so they let them walk out.

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