Chapter 25

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While the guards are trying to get in Elsa's room, Loki takes her hand and leads her to window.

"What? Where are we going?" she asks confused

"We jump" he answers

"What?" she asks shocked.

Loki grabs her by the waist and holds her close to him tightly. He creates an illusion of dead Elsa on the floor
"This should buy us some time. Ready?" he asks

"No--" before she could even complete the word Loki jumped, taking her with him. It was like he slide down against the outside wall and eventually landed on his feet.

"Are you crazy?" Elsa whispers in an angry tone and smacks his arm

"There was no other way and I've survived worse falls. Was it risky? A little. But did it work? Yes. Now, let's go before they find out that thing up there is not real" he says.

Elsa sighs and follows him.
"Is that how you faked your death?" she asks

"No. Mine was duplication casting in order to be able to be touched and so make it more believable. I swapped before we even met that morning. However, I didn't have much time to make one of you up there" he claims

"And why did you do it? Did you want an out?" she asks, trying not to rush to the conclusion

"Of course not, darling. The plan was to convince Odin that I'm dead, go take care of a few things and then come to take you with me. I was supposed to leave a duplicate of dead you also so they wouldn't look for us, but as soon as I heard that he ordered them to kill you, I had to improvise" he explains. Elsa just nods and keeps walking.

"You do believe me, right?" Loki asks

"Who else knows that you're alive?" she asks

"My mother knew from the beginning, and now my brother knows as well" he answers

"So I'm the last one... Good to know" she makes out of it and walks faster.

They arrived at the edge before the rainbow bridge where a small skiff was hidden. Loki helped Elsa on and he then took the handle.

"Are you going to tell me now where we are going?" she asks as she sits down

"Midgard, for now. We can stay there if you want or move when we find another place. I'm fine with both" he answers and she nods.

Loki could tell that she is mad, but he didn't bring it up yet. He lead them out of Asgard from a secret passage and soon they got to their destination. The boys' mansion.

They walk in but Elsa ignores Loki.
"What's wrong?" he asks desperate

"Nothing" she replies clearly upset

"Really? Are we going to play that?" he asks.

Elsa sighs and looks at him
"Why didn't you tell me about your plan? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're alive and well, but I would appreciate a heads up" she informs him

"I had to make it convincing and couldn't risk someone spoiling it" he claims

"Did you? I get that you might needed your mother's help with the magic part, but you also told your brother before you told me. Do you not trust me woth a secret?" she asks

"Are you really blaming me? I did it for us" he replies

"One more thing you could have done for us would be to not make me go through losing you" she states

"I understand it might have been hard--"

"No, you don't understand!" she interrupts him
"I mourned for you. I cried for you! I kept reliving your death and I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I hardly even breathed! I had nothing left to fight for! I was alone!" she says and tears form in her eyes.

That last line, hit Loki harder than he expected.
"I was about to slice Odin's throat open after he told me he threw your ashes in the trash, do you know that? And I just killed five guards. Tell me, how much do you think your 'secret plan' affected me to be able to do those things? Me! Three months ago I wouldn't even dare to get out of my room without permission" she reminds him

"I'm sorry..." was all he had to say

"Of course you are" she shakes her head.
"I'm gonna go get some rest" she says and starts walking up the stairs.

"Do you want me to join you?" he asks but she ignores him.

She changed from her armour to something more comfortable and got into bed. Once again she was angry and the fact that she cries when she's angry pisses her off even more. She can't really argue with someone while she's crying, because she thinks she'll look weak.

She hears the door open and pulls the covers closer to her face.

"Don't even try to hide. I heard you crying" Loki says

"It didn't seem like you cared when it came to your plan" she replies

"Come on, Elsa..." he sighs and sits next to her on the bed. Elsa keeps her back to him and holds the covers tighter.
"You can ignore me all you want, I'm not leaving you" he insists and places his hand on her back.
"I won't let you shut me out. I understand now that I screwed up and I caused non reversible damage. But I will fix this. I will show you how much I trust and love you, and I'll do my best to earn your trust again. Because you are my world, Elsa. And I don't care where we are or will be, I just want to be with you. You are my home and you'll always be my first priority" he says while he rubs her back.

Elsa was crying even more now. She sits up to look at him and wipes her tears
"Please, don't make me go through that again" she says and a sob escapes her lips

"I'll do my best" he promises and hugs her. She hugs him back tighter than ever and cries.
"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere" he reassures her and keeps rubbing her back while holding her for as long as she needs.

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