Chapter 36

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Elsa woke up early, so she got out of bed and took a quick shower. When she got dressed, she stood in front of the mirror and tried to imagine how she'd look once her belly starts growing.

Loki appears from behind and wraps his arms around her.
"You'll look beautiful" he says

"Right... Wider hips, sore feet, larger stomach, exhaustion, stretch marks and lets not even mention what will happen between my legs" she lists

"You'll still look amazing" he insists and kisses her.

"Do you think you can cure stretch marks?" she asks

"I wouldn't ever wish to" he answers as he spins her around and hugs her.
"I'm sure that even in 5000 years from now and after 50 kids, you'll still be the most beautiful lady I've ever met" he reassures her.

Elsa pulls away just enough so she'd look at him
"50 kids? I am not--"

"I'm kidding" he calms her down.
"I'm just saying that I love you" he adds

"And I love you" she replies and they kiss.

Elsa sighs as she looks at him.
"What's wrong?" Loki asks

"Nothing" she answers, but he raises one eyebrow.
"Ok. I am a little bumped that I had to reject that offer" she admits

"You have every right to be and, of course, that doesn't mean you love our baby less" he explains

"Thank you" she says and hugs him again.

"Besides, I'm sure you can pass that qualification test after you have the baby" he says

"No. I don't... I can't even continue training as I used to while pregnant"

"Ok. We'll discuss it again whenever you feel like you are ready to go back to regular training, etc. How does that sound?" he suggests

"Sounds good" she agrees and smiles.

"I hope our baby has your adorable dimples" he says as he rubs her cheeks

"And I hope our baby has your beautiful blue eyes" she replies.

"And I hope our baby is more like you" he finally says

"What do you mean?" she asks

"I don't ever want to have to explain to her what a Frost Giant is or how they are part of it" he explains

"We'll do it together if we need to. You're not going to be alone in this" she reminds him.
"But I hope our baby is more like you because, maybe, that way you'll realize that just being a part of something doesn't make you evil and you'll eventually learn to love all parts of yourself that you don't even want to remember right now" she adds

"You are the most amazing person that is in my life, I hope you know that" he says as he tries to blink away the tears from his eyes

"Well, I don't want to brag..." she jokes in her attempt to lighten the mood which caused him to laugh.

"There is something one more thing I wanted to ask you" he remembers

"I'm listening" she replies

"Do you still want to get married?" he asks

"Of course I do. But I don't know if we should do it before or after the baby comes?" she answers

"We'll do whatever you want and whatever makes you more comfortable. I have no problem" he reassures her.
"Until then I have something for you. Come with me" he takes her hand and heads to his room.

As soon as they get there, he asks her to close her eyes and wait. She tries to make out what he could be doing according to the noises he is making.

"Open your eyes" he finally says. In front of her was a mannequin wearing a beautiful off the shoulders A-line light grey dress, with sparkles and tiny stars all along and a cape in the same patterns. It was like a fairytale dress.

"What do you think?" he asks

"It is beautiful. It's amazing!" she answers excited
"But who's is it?" she wonders

"Yours" he answers

"What?" she asks shocked

"Mesh of those with patterns of tiny stars, a bit of sparkle, etc... An off the shoulders top that is tighter at the waist and A-line skirt of the same pattern. All that in not complete white so you won't look like a white snowball" he remembers everything she told him that morning in the garden.
"I wanted to make something you'd like, unlike when I asked you how dress fitting went back in the beginning" he reminds her

"And you remembered all the details?" she asks

"How could I ever forget? I started making it that day" he replies
"...then I tore it apart when you told me you were pregnant with my brother's child, but remade it even better after" he adds and she kisses him.


Elsa and Loki got married a month later by Thor, before she started showing. She surprised Loki by wearing the dress he made for her, after she made sure he believed she would choose something else he hadn't seen already.

The moment Elsa walked in and Loki saw her in that dress, he almost gasped. His heart fluttered and his eyes teared up. She was the most gorgeous person in the galaxy and she was becoming his.

The ceremony was open and took place in the royal garden. Plenty of people, including royals, attended. Elsa's family was also there, besides her mother, but she didn't mind.

They announced their pregnancy that day. It was hard for both of them to hide the happy news from everyone until then but they knew that it was the right call.

Being pregnant was definitely one of the most confusing period for both of them. Even though only Elsa was pregnant, Loki was always by her side. Running around for whatever she needed, dealing with her mood swings and making sure she is always happy. He was the perfect partner.

The two became parents to a baby boy. He had his father's beautiful blue eyes but his mother's features. Growing up, he looked more and more like a perfect mix of the two. He loved reading and fencing. He was definitely the responsible one of the siblings.

Because later on, Elsa and Loki had two more children. A second baby boy who was his father's copy. He wasn't as much as a bookworm as his brother, but he was interested in magic, which he often used for pranks, just like his dad.

And eventually, they had a baby girl, who was definitely her mother's copy this time. She had Loki wrapped around her finger from the first moment.

All of them had small a part Frost Giant but it didn't make a difference. They didn't have powers or blue side when they touched the Casket of Ancient Winters. It was just a DNA thing but Elsa and Loki weren't planning on hiding their heritage.

They loved and adored all three of them. In the beginning, Loki was worried that he wouldn't do good since he never had a good father example but he ended up being the best father and husband. They both gave their kids everything they wished they have gotten from their parents. Unconditional love, attention, freedom.

But at the end of some days, they had moment where they found themselves being jealous of their kids for having what the two of them couldn't. They too wanted to be loved unconditionally. And they found that in each other. Through good and bad times, they were always there for each other.

However, they both agreed that their babies were the first priority. No matter how bad or tired they were, they did their best for them. Even though having three kids was exhausting, they didn't regret anything, but they agreed that three were enough for the next 2000 years at least.

When the kids got a bit older, Loki encouraged Elsa to take that qualification test for the Valkyries. At that point she had almost forgotten about it. She didn't regret rejecting Thor's offer, because she wouldn't trade their children for anything.

But he convinced her to try and she passed with a perfect score. Elsa became a Valkyrie and Loki seemed the proudest husband. As a mother, Elsa didn't get assignments that required many days away from home, but she still took risks that Loki would probably be mad she did if he was there with her.

Life was finally working out for them and they were the happiest they've ever been.

It turns out that Loki was
the Right Prince after all....

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