Chapter 15

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Walking back to her room seemed like an eternity. Her eyes were filled with tears which made her vision blurry. She didn't pay attention to her surroundings.

Someone runs up to her but before she could turn to see who its is, she gasps as she feels something sharp enter her back.
"Whore..." a woman whispers from behind her but she couldn't make out who it was. She turns the blade and pulls it out.

Elsa's legs go numb as soon as the blade comes out so she collapses on the floor. She could already feel the blood that was collecting under her.

"You're not having anyone's baby" the woman says and stabs Elsa in the belly this time twice. Then she gets the knife back and runs away.

Elsa tries to yell but no voice is coming out. Her small gasps cut her off everytime. However, her first instinct is not to call for help, it is to call for Loki. She is scared, hurt and he's the first person in her mind. She can't move any of her limbs and she can taste blood in her mouth. Her small gasps become smaller and smaller as she's fading.

One of the guards runs to the dungeons and meets the others.
"There was an assassination attempt on the princess, the king wants everyone to report to him" he informs them.

Loki's heart sunk in his stomach
"How is she?" he asks, trying to not seem concerned by the news

"I'm not authorized to discuss that with prisoners" he answers

"Is she alive?" he insists

"Barely" he replies. Loki turns around and punches the solid wall. The he buries his face in his hands and starts doing the breaths she taught him the previous night.

He have never been more worried and scared in his life. The only thing he was thinking about was her. And despite his efforts, no one would give him another update on her. At this point, he didn't care if he'd had to stay in that cell forever, he just wanted her to be ok.

Many hours later, Elsa was doing a lot better and was now asleep in her bed with her mother next to her. She finally opened her eyes
"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" her mother asks

"A little sore, I think" Elsa answers

"That's ok. They healed your wounds and you're gonna be fully back in a couple of days" she informs her and Elsa nods

"Do they know who did it?" she asks

"Not yet" she answers but something is up.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Elsa wonders

"When did you start questioning me? Spending time with the young one is really settings you off. But don't worry, mommy took care of it" she says

"What does that mean?" Elsa insists

"Nothing" she laughs
"Everything is fine. And the wedding should go as planned since you'll be able to stand up by tomorrow" she adds.

"I almost died and you're still thinking about the damn wedding? What's wrong with you?" Elsa finally breaks

"Excuse me?" she asks shocked by her daughter's words

"What if I told you that I don't want to marry Thor? I'm in love with someone else. Someone who clearly cares more than you do" Elsa admits it

"Good luck being with him while he's locked in the dungeons. Look at yourself, Elsa, you're destroying your life" she says

"Get out! Guards!" Elsa calls and they come in the room
"Take her out and bring me Thor" she orders

"Elsa, don't--" her mother yelled as they escorted her out

"And don't let her in here again!" she adds.

Thor comes in the room quickly
"I'm sorry I wasn't here. Your mother kicked me out and said she'd let me know when you wake up. Are you alright?" he asks

"I'm getting there" she answers and he smiles.

"Do you have anything on who did this or why?" he asks softly as he takes her hand

"I am pretty sure it was a woman. She stabbed me in the back first and then most of my body went numb so I couldn't do anything" she lets him know

"Thank you. I'll go tell them now. Do you need anything?" he asks.

"No, thank you" she answers. He nods and leaves her room.

However, he returned sooner than she thought with his parents.
"Child, are you certain that a female attacked you?" Odin asks

"Yes, my king" she answers immediately. Odin nods and Thor follows him outside.

Frigga stays with Elsa.
"I'm sorry, he forgets his manners when he's mad" she says

"Thor or Odin?" Elsa jokes

"Both" Frigga chuckles
"I'm sorry for what you went through, sweetheart" she says as she walks closer to Elsa

"It's not your fault" Elsa replies

"Well, the guards response could be faster. If there's anything I could do, please let me know" she offers

"Actually, there is something" Elsa says

"You came to a decision?" she immediately understood

"Yes, and I think you're not going to like it much" she answers.

"Just follow your heart and I promise you everything else will work themselves out" Frigga says

"Then I guess you're going to like it" Elsa changes her approach and Frigga smiles.

"I'll take care of it. You just continue like nothing happened and I'll let you know when it's time" she says

"Thank you so much. You are truly the most caring person" Elsa says and Frigga smiles.

"You should rest now. And I have your books here in case you get bored. I will go take care of something and I'll be right back" she says and Elsa nods.

Only a few minutes later, the door opens again. Frigga walks in and stands by the door.
"I brought you something, but promise me that you won't jump off the bed or make a sudden move because you're still healing" she warns her

"Alright" Elsa replies. The door opens further and Loki walks in.
"Oh my..." Elsa gasps and leaves her book down. Tears already fill her eyes.

Loki runs to her and hugs her tightly.
"I'll give you two some time" Frigga says and leaves again. Loki continues to hold Elsa for several seconds.

"What are you doing here?" she asks

"Mother brought me" he replies, still holding her. He buries his face in her neck and stays there.

"I'm good" she reassures him as she rubs his back. He pulls away and cups her cheeks.

"I'm so glad you're alright. And I'd rather you get married to a hundred individuals other than me, than dying" he informs her

"I'm not getting married. Not to Thor at least. I love you. I'm in love with you, Loki" she reminds him

Loki smiles and even laughs before he hugs her again
"You have no idea how happy you make me, shortcake. I love you so much" he says and Elsa chuckles.

"I missed you calling me that" she admits

"I knew it!" he exclaims causing her to laugh.

"Can I ask you something?" she wonders as they pull away

"Of course" he says

"Did you say to anyone that I told you I was pregnant?" she asks

"No, why?" he asks.

Elsa takes a shaky breath as she remembers last night
"Before she stabbed me in the stomach she said 'You're not having anyone's baby'. So she must have heard us. And she called me a whore" she lets him know

"Darling, I promise I'm going to find whoever did this and they are going to pay. Until then I'm not letting you out of my sight" he promises as he holds her hands

"Does that mean I'll have to tolerate you all day long?" she teases him

"Yes" he chuckles

"It sounds fun" she says and kisses him.

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