Chapter 18

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After the recent incidents, Odin agreed on postponing the wedding. However, no one had the courage to talk to him about cancelling it yet. All three of them thought of taking advantage of the extra time for now.

Elsa recovered fully from her injuries and she and Loki were spending most of their time together. They were still in hiding but they'd rather do that than be apart.

Unfortunately, when Elsa's mother found out about the wedding getting postponed, she demanded to talk to her daughter. But to her surprise, Elsa refused to see her and left the room immediately.

Instead, she went to find Loki who promised her a long and amazing horse ride for today.

"Ready handsome?" she asks as she bursts into his room

"Almost" he answers while he is putting on the last piece of his outfit

"Great, the sooner we leave, the better" she says

"Why are you in such a hurry today, shortcake?" he asks

"My mother is here and I want to avoid her" she admits

"Alright. Then let's go" he says and opens the door for her.

They walk down the hallway together and Elsa takes Loki's hand, not caring who might see them. Loki smiles and goes along with it.

"Here she is!" Elsa hears her mother's voice but ignores her.
"Elsa, come here right now!" she demands

"I don't take orders from you" Elsa replies, without stopping to look at her and Loki squeezes her hand.

"I did everything for you" she says.

Elsa stops and turns to her. She lets go of Loki's hand and walks closer to her. Loki stays behind to give her space but he is ready to have her back if she needs to.

"No, you did everything for YOU" she talks back

"So ungrateful... I made you who you are. I brought you here. And you betray me for a boy who's using you. You think you like him just because he gave you attention" her mother accuses him

"At least he cared for my opinion and let me make choices for myself. Unlike you" Elsa points out

"At least I loved you. He doesn't love you and he's definitely sleeping with others, because he is the God of Mischief and a disgusting Frost Giant from Jotunheim!" she yells

"Enough! You are not welcomed here anymore. Please escort her out" Elsa says to the guards

"You'll regret for not listening to your mother but it's going to be too late" she shouts as she leaves.

Elsa lets out a breath and returns to Loki.
"I'm sorry about that. Where were we?" she asks as she takes his hand again

"I... Um... I just remembered I have to be somewhere" he says releasing his hand from hers

"Hey, are you ok?" she asks worried

"Yes. We'll reschedule the ride later" he replies as he leaves quickly.

'What was that?' Elsa thought.

She wasn't going to let him get away without first convincing her that he is really fine, so she ran after him.

"Tell me, what happened" she demands as she catches up to him

"Nothing" he answers

"Don't lie to me" she says

"I'm not" he replies immediately.

Elsa gets in front of him, forcing him to stop walking
"Listen to me carefully. For once in my life I made a choice for myself and that choice was you. So you better believe that I'm going to stand by it" she says and kisses his lips.

But he doesn't kiss her back.
"Baby, what's wrong?" she asks even more worried now.

"Maybe your mother was right about one thing. I'm no good for you" he says and Elsa rolls her eyes

"Why do you think that?" she asks

"I'm a Frost Giant!" he yells

"I know. So what?" she replies.

Loki takes her hand and makes her follow him to the vault.
"Loki, what are we doing here?" Elsa asks but he doesn't answer.

He leads her to one of the relics;
the Casket of the Ancient Winters. He lets go of her hand and he gets closer to it. He takes a small breath and puts his hand on it.

Elsa watches carefully as Loki's skin turns blue from his hand to his whole body. Loki looks at her with his red eyes, waiting for her reaction.
"Here, do you like this? Do you love this?" he asks her with tears in his eyes.

Elsa steps closer without hesitating
"Yes, I do" she answers

"What...?" he asks, almost shocked

"I love you, Loki. I love every part of you" she answers and reaches for him.

He steps back thinking that he'll hurt her in this form, but she is sure that he wouldn't ever dare to. She puts her hand on his cheek and kisses him. He kisses her back this time and even touches her.

She pulls away and he rests his forehead against hers.
"See? I'm fine. And you are really beautiful" she says as she rubs his cheek.

"I love you so much" he says and hugs her tightly. Elsa hugs him back and they stay like this for a while as Loki's skin changes back to white. She holds him for as long as he needs to.

As Loki pulls away, Elsa speaks
"Look at me. I didn't fall in love with you because you gave me attention. I fell in love with you because of who you are. Because you made me feel things I've never felt before. You helped and are still helping me to find myself to my own terms. You set me free, and very recently you saved my life" she says holding her hand on his chest over his heart.
"And your good looks are just a bonus. Both of them" she adds causing him to laugh.

Loki looks her in the eyes and smiles
"And that right there is exactly why I fell in love with you" he says
"You are so sweet and innocent. You make me feel home, wanted and accepted. A feeling I have barely felt because most of the time, I felt alone. But when I'm with you... I can't stop smiling and feel like I belong. And when I'm away, I can't stop thinking about you".

They enjoy a moment of silence and look in each other's eyes.
"Don't ever again think that I'm scared or disgusted by you. And, I can't believe I'm about to say this but, don't listen to my mother" Elsa says

"Only if you do it too" Loki replies

"Um... Hello? Didn't you see me back there?" she reminds him

"Right" he laughs.
"How about we go for that horse ride I promised you?" he suggests

"Yes!" she answers excited.

"After you, my lady" he says letting her walk before him. He follows and wraps his arm around her waist.

"I really don't care if anyone catches us together" Elsa admits

"Good, because I don't either, shortcake" Loki replies keeping his arm around her as they walk past the guards.

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