Chapter 30

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Elsa starts laughing as soon as they make it to the empty hallway.
"Did you see his face?" she asks laughing

"You mean how his smile dropped the moment he saw us? Yes, I did" Loki answers laughing as well

"And the way he looked at us and knew that he couldn't do or say anything in public" she adds.

"I think I love you even more after this" Loki says and kisses her
"I can't wait to actually marry you" he says rubbing her cheek and kisses her again

"Me neither" she responds, breaking the kiss for only a second. Loki's tongue slides in her mouth and his hand slowly drops to her neck. He wraps his fingers around her throat and pushes her gently against the wall.

"Loki... We don't have time, we have to go before they find us" she says but doesn't really stop him

"You're probably right..." he replies but keeps kissing her skin

"No, really, we need to stop" she insists as she sees someone enter the hallway

Loki just continues
"Loki, freeze" she uses the safe word and he pulls away immediately

"Sorry, sorry, are you alright?" he asks worried

"Yeah" she answers and points at the guard

"Ok, we're leaving" he says and takes her hand.

They run away but as soon as they turn the corner, they meet three blue giants. Frost Giants...

"Is that..." Elsa speaks as she takes a step back

"My father, my real father" Loki confirms

"Oh... That's great and definitely how I planned family meeting" she says

"My son... What did Odin do to you?" Laufey asks but not in a friendly tone

"I'm not your son" Loki answers, making Laufey even angrier.

"Ok, plan B. Follow me" she says and they run towards Elsa's old room.

She locks the door and reaches under her bed. She pulls out a heavy box and Loki helps her let it down on the bed.

"Why is it so heavy?" he asks

"Well..." she opens it and starts pulling all kinds of weapons out of it.

Loki looks at her shocked
"Where did you get all that?" he asks

"I sneaked out a things or two out of the armory everytime after training, just in case someone decided to kill me again" she informs him

"And you learned how to use all that?" he asks

"I had a lot of free time" she answers innocently.

"You're crazy and I love you" he smiles and kisses her.

"Ok, help me get this dress off" she says and turns around

"I really wished I would be taking this dress off of you in a different situation" Loki admits as he undoes her corset

"Me too. I even wore new sexy underwear" she remembers

"We could do it right here, and ignore what's happening outside" he suggests and Elsa rolls her eyes
"No? Got it" he replies himself.

She steps out of her dress and Loki looks through the weapons as she puts her armor on.
"It's so unfair. Women's clothes are either pretty or comfortable to fight in. Unlike yours" she compains

"Yeah, patriarchy and sexism suck. Are you ready?" he asks

"Yeap. I also brought a pair of in-ear from Midgard in case of an emergency" she answers as she gives one to him and starts picking weapons. She puts a couple of daggers in her holsters, nunchucks in her pocket and grabs one of the fire guns. Finally, she looks at Loki and notices that he is staring at her.

"What is it?" she asks

"Nothing" he shakes his head.
"So do we sneak or shoot our way out?" he asks

"You think I took out all these weapons just so we would sneak out?" she points out and he smiles in response.

That moment Thor storms in the room clearly upset.
"Frost Giants got to the ballroom. People are injured and... dead. Including father" he informs them.

"Odin is dead?" Elsa asks surprised

"Very sad... Anyway, we have to go" Loki says and takes her hand

"I'm sorry. But does that mean that you're king now?" Elsa asks Thor

"I guess, for now" he replies not very excited.
"Listen, I know that father did things to both of you but there are many innocent people out there and I could use some help right now" he suggests

"Of course, my king" Elsa bows to him

"Please, you don't have to do that" he says immediately

"I am aware" she answers.

"I understand that this is probably extra strange for you, Loki. I get it if you don't want to be a part of it" Thor notes

"It's not. I'm here to help you, brother" he replies and Thor smiles.

"Ok, then you go find mother and get her and the rest of the people somewhere safe. Elsa, you go find where is Heimdall because I can't get a hold of him and it seems like the Frost Giants keep coming. I'll try to clean up the palace and the entrances" Thor explains

"Let's go" Elsa says but Loki stops her
"Come on, don't be overprotective" she argues

"I wasn't. I know you got this. You just forgot this" he says and hands her the dagger he had gifted her

"Thank you. I'll see you boys later" she kisses Loki and all three run towards different ways.

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