Chapter 24

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It is another sleepless night for Elsa. She tried so hard to fall asleep so she won't have to think about anything that happened the last few days, but her brain refuses to shut down even for a few hours.

She was exhausted and in pain, both physically and emotionally. The only company she had was Loki's pillow. She held it in her arms and laid her head on it. She kept her eyes closed and tried to trick her brain that he is next to her, that he is holding her. However it wasn't working.

Soon a noise took her attention. Someone unlocks her door, six guards walk in the room and they lock the door again.

"Hello?" Elsa says as she sits up. No one talks.
"Let me guess, Odin sent you to shut me down, right?" she assumes

"You committed treason" one of them says

"Uhm... And he sent six guys. Wow, I'm honoured" she chuckles
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you boys but I'm not just going to sit through it. I hope you understand" she explains as she stands up.

Without waiting she throws her dagger towards one of them and jumps on the other. The dagger got that one in the neck while she got on the other's shoulders. She kept smashing his head with her elbow and eventually on the wall.

2 down, 4 to go.

She takes her dagger out of the first one's neck and uses it to defend herself this time. She ducks to avoid a spear that was coming towards her and stabs the third one on the leg and his chest as he falls down.

Someone grabs her and drags her to then. He knocks the dagger out of her hand and pins her on the ground. Another attempts to hold her legs down but she kicks him in the face causing him to fall back for a moment.

That moment is enough for her to kick the one who is holding her down between his legs. Then she grabs his face, pushes it down and kicks it with her knee a couple of times.

She rolls away from him and reaches to take her dagger but they grab her leg, bringing her back. He knocks her head on the floor, and everything starts spinning.

The last one holds her arms down and the other one tries to get on top of her. But she wraps her legs around his neck and squeezes her thighs together.

"Kill her!" he manages to say to the one holding her down. He holds her hands in one hand and takes a knife out. Before he could use it, Elsa hits his face with her head, freeing her hands and drives that knife in his own chest.

But as she does that the other one also frees himself from her legs. He climbs on top of her and wraps his hands around her throat.

Elsa keeps hitting his hands in her attempt to get away but he didn't move. She can't use her legs either since he is sitting on her stomach.

Her need for air increases as seconds past but no matter how hard she tries he isn't moving from her. Slowly, she stops fighting and her eyes start rolling back.

Suddenly, his grips loosen completely and he gets thrown off of her. Elsa starts gasping for air and moves away. She holds her chest as she tries to calm down.

"Are you alright milady?" she hears someone approach her. It's a seventh guard.

"Aren't you supposed to kill me? Loyal to the king etc?" she asks as she tries to catch her breath

"Well, I beg to differ" he admits as he helps her get up. She takes a look around and sees the 6 dead or dying guards on the floor. She also just noticed that she has blood all over her clothes.
"Go get cleaned up and I'll take you out of here" the guard says and pushes her towards the bathroom

"Wait, wait!" she says and stops him
"How and why are you going to take me out of here? Why are you helping me?" she asks

"Elsa, please, you have to trust me here. I'll explain everything when we have time" he answers

"No! Six of you just tried to kill me! I'm not trusting anyone" she insists.

He sighs and steps back.
"Don't freak out" he says and a very familiar green light goes through his entire body

"Loki...?" Elsa whispers as she sees him standing in front of her

"Yes, dear" he replies and takes a step closer to her

"No" she says and takes a step back
"No, you're... you're dead. You can't be here. You can't..." she refuses to believe it

"Elsa, look at me" he says and takes her hands
"I'm alive. I'm here" he adds as he places her hands on his chest.

She feels his beating heart
"No... This must be a trick. I saw you die, I felt you die!" she insists

"That was the trick. This here, this is not a trick, darling. I promise you, I'm here" he explains

"You're real?" she asks as tears roll down her cheeks

"Yes" he says and hugs her.

"I missed you. I love you" Elsa sobs

"I love you too" he says as he rubs her back.

She pulls away to look at him. She holds his cheeks and smiles. She pulls him in and kisses his lips.
"Don't leave me again" she asks

"I won't" he answers immediately
"And I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner. I came as soon as I heard what Odin ordered them to do" he apologizes again as he looks at her injuries. A cut on her forehead, the one on her lip from earlier and a fade bruise on her cheek that will probably become worse in a bit.

"It's ok. You came just in time" she reassures him.

They hear noise from outside and soon more guards were trying to come in
"Come on, we gotta go" he says and takes her hand. He uses his magic to lock the door and forges a new armor on her quickly and a new sword.

"Wow, why didn't you give me this to me sooner?" Elsa asks as she takes a look at her outfit

"In case you haven't noticed, I was a bit busy the last few days" he answers

"You'll have to explain that to me later" she says as she puts the sword in the holster on her left hip and then picks up her dagger from the floor and puts it in the holster on her right

"Yes, dear. But first we have to make it out of here, so you follow me, alright?" he asks

"Ok" she replies and moves towards the door.

"Wait" Loki says and stops her

"What is it?" she asks. Instead of answering, he kisses her lips passionately.
"What was that?" she asks smiling

"For good luck" he answers

"Hey, don't die again" she says

"I'll do my best" he winks at her.

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