Chapter 10

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Elsa snuggles as she starts to wake up in Loki's arms. Loki smiles and pulls her closer
"Good morning" she says, without opening her eyes yet

"Good morning, dear" Loki replies and kisses her head. That's when Elsa realized that she's been laying on his chest so she gets up, thinking that he might be in pain.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" she asks immediately

"No, I'm alright. Come here" he says and pulls her down again. She smiles and relaxes again.
"How did you sleep?" he asks as he brushes his fingers through her hair

"I slept great. You? Did you get any rest?" she asks

"A lot actually. Thank you for that" he answers and she lifts her head to kiss him.

She lays her head on the pillow this time and looks at him. He places his hand on her cheek and rubs it softly.
"You are beautiful. Whenever you smile, and your dimples appear, I can't help it but smile as well" he says, causing her to blush
"And the blushing makes you even more adorable, shortcake" he adds

"Stop calling me that" she laughs

"Never" he states.

"Brother!" they hear Thor's voice from outside

"Bathroom, go" Loki whispers to Elsa and she runs to hide.
"Come in" he says to his brother

"Hey, I came to check up on you. You were in pretty bad shape yesterday" Thor says

"I'm fine, thank you" Loki replies

"I told you that we should have done 'get help'. We'd clean them up really quickly" Thor says

"I'm not having this conversation again" Loki answers and Thor chuckles.

"I'm glad that you're alright and I'd love to stay but father is waiting for me soI should go, but I'll come back later" Thor says

"Can't wait" he replies.

"By the way, have you seen Elsa? I've been looking for her all morning" Thor asks before exiting

"I've been in bed recovering since yesterday, in case you haven't noticed" Loki answers

"Right. Any ideas?" he asks

"Try the library. She's always been stealing my books" Loki suggests

"Right. Thank you" he replies and leaves.

Elsa gets out of the bathroom
"Now I feel like the dirty mistress" she says as she walks back to Loki

"No, that's me. You're just the gorgeous and hot lady that everyone wants" he says and kisses her

"And you are the handsome prince, that I'm having some very inappropriate interactions with" she says and kisses him

"It sounds fun" he admits and deepens the kiss

"It is" she agrees, breaking the kiss for only a second. While kissing, Elsa gets on top of him, placing her legs on each side of his waist and sits on his lap.

Loki rests his hands on her thighs and deepens the kiss. He moves them up and towards her ass to bring her closer and she can feel him getting hard.

She grids her hips against him and he groans in the kiss
"No, don't" he says, pulling away
"You can't tease me like that, darling" he explains as he rubs her ass.

"Oh sorry, I didn't... I don't know--" she stops immediately and backs off

"Hey, it's ok" he says as he holds her in his lap
"Just don't do that again, because you, my dear, turn me on like no one has ever done" he explains.

Elsa smiles and looks down shyly
"I'm sorry. I want to but I don't think I can..."

"Please don't apologize for it. You are not ready and I respect that. I will wait as long as you need, alright?" he reassures her as he rubs her cheek

"It's not that I don't trust you or that I'm not comfortable with you. Because I really am and I haven't been like this with anyone before. It's just that... I don't know if I should do it yet" she explains

"I told you, it's ok. Take your time" he says as he rubs her cheek

"Thank you" she says with a small smile. Loki smiles as well and keeps rubbing her cheek softly.

"You are so beautiful" he says, looking her in the eyes. She blushes and covers her face in order to hide it. Loki chuckles and pulls her in his arms. She continues to sit on his lap but now lays her head on his shoulder and her body against his chest.

"This is really nice" she admits

"Yes, it is" he replies
"But it would be even better if we didn't have to hide and you were all mine?" he suggests.

Elsa pulls away and drops her head
"Way to destroy the moment..." she says

"I didn't say anything bad" he argues

"You did because you know how I feel. And as much as I enjoy being with you, I don't know what to do. Even your mother is expecting an answer soon" she informs him

"You don't have to do anything for anyone. This is your choice" he reminds her

"Well, easy for you to say..." she replies

"What is that supposed to mean?" he asks

"I can't let my family down. You may not get it, but I never disrespect my parents and I never break the rules. I'm not someone who takes impulsive decisions because I am too anxious for that" she says

"Here we go again with family..." he rolls his eyes

"You know what? You wouldn't understand anyway" she shoots at him

"Excuse me?" he asks immediately

"Forget it. I'm just gonna go, your brother is looking for me anyways" she answers

"Elsa, wait--" Loki says but she ignores him and leaves his room.

On her way to her room, she met with Thor who invited her to a picnic that he planned with his friends. So she and Loki didn't see each other again that day.

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