Chapter 12

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The wedding is only a few days away. However, Elsa hasn't come to a decision yet. Her mind is telling her to marry Thor, but her heart is shouting Loki. And the time window is getting smaller.

Actually she has been avoiding making that decision. She was getting distracted with reading or training. Like today, late at night, she was returning to her room from a training session with Valkyrie. She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings because her mind was debating about what she should do in a few days.

Thor or Loki...

Mind or heart...

Duty or choice...

Family or herself...

"Am I invisible?" she hears his voice, causing her to jump

"Loki? You scared me" she says as she turns around to see him

"Sorry" he chuckles as he walks in front of her

"What are you doing walking around this late at night?" I ask

"What are you doing walking around this late at night?" he asks

"I was training" she answers trying to hide her smile

"Oh, right... How is that going?" he wonders

"It's going good. But I'm kind of exhausted so if you'd excuse me, I'd like go take a shower and get some rest" she says and tries to walk past him but he stops her with his body.

"Still avoiding me, huh?" he asks

"What are you talking about? I'm not avoiding you" she answers immediately

"Now that's a lie. I almost haven't seen you since our time in training room. I'm going to start believing that you are using me to get things, shortcake" he jokes.

Elsa bites her lip in order not to laugh or smile.
"I'm not avoiding you. I just hadn't had much time lately. I have only read one book this week" she explains

"Wow, yeah, you seem busy" he agrees.
"Let me guess, wedding preparations?" he asks

"Amongst other things..." she sighs.

"So you've decided, you're getting married..." he says but his voice shakes in the last word

"I don't know, Loki. I really don't" she admits and he looks up as he shakes his head.
"I'm sorry that I don't have an answer for you, but I truly wish I did. For you and for everyone else involved in this. I am a terrible person".

"I love you" he says out of nowhere

"W-- What?" she asks

"I am in love with you, Elsa. You said you haven't felt like this with anyone before, and I haven't either. I don't want to lose you. I want you to be mine and I want to be yours. I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you" he says as tears form in each other's eyes

He looks down, trying to hide them and takes her hands in his.
"If you say yes, I will find a way to get you out of this and I will set everything up for us. We will run away, get married somewhere, then return here or start fresh in a new realm. We will do whatever you want. I just want to be with you openly. Because I can't..." a sob escapes his lips
"I can't let him have you too" he completes the sentence.

Elsa was speechless. She didn't know how to handle this.
"Loki..." she sighs as she tries to find the right words. She didn't want to break his heart.

"Elsa, look at me .. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't want this as much as I do" he insists

"I am pregnant" she says keeping a straight face because she didn't want him to detect her lie.

"Wh- What?" he asks shocked

"I am carrying your brother's child and future king of Asgard" she lies

"No. No, you said you haven't..." he is unable to complete his sentence this time as he pictures her close to someone else

"Not anymore" she replies
"So if you'd excuse me, I'd like to go lay down" she adds and finally walks past him.

Loki stays there, unable to move. He watches her walk away without looking back.

Elsa keeps walking away, as tears escapes her eyes. She fights not to make a sound and does look back so Loki wouldn't see that she's crying as well.

As soon as she got to her room and shut her door, she broke down. She kept seeing Loki's hurt eyes. Her chest was hurting so much and she just wanted to let it all out. No one could hear her anyway.

Hours passed slowly, but now Elsa didn't have more tears to cry. She just stayed in her bed staring at the empty wall and thinking if she made the right choice.

The following days she barely left her room. But her mother visited her everyday to make sure everything was going as planned, which actually made her feel a little better about her decision. Thankfully, it seems like Loki didn't say anything to anyone about the fake pregnancy.

Elsa heard that Loki wasn't in the palace today, so she decided to get out of bed and take a quiet walk in the garden. The weather was perfect. Sunny but not too warm, with a light breeze. A couple of people were working outside but were not a bother.

'If my life could be this perfect...' she thought as she enjoyed the peace.

"Elsa..." Odin calls

"My king..." she bows as she turns to see him

"I haven't seen you much lately" he says

"Yes, I've been busy with wedding planning. The truth is that I didn't expect so many details but I'm glad I have the opportunity to be a part of everything" she explains

"And how is everything coming up?" he asks

"Almost everything is ready" she answers smiling.

"What about Thor?" he asks

"We actually haven't had that much time together, but I'm sure everything will be great" she replies

"Good. You two will soon be bond forever. And Loki will be out of your feet as well" he informs her.

"What do you mean?" she asks

"He left yesterday for another realm and said he probably won't be back until the wedding. After that, he'll be leaving permanently" he explains.

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