Chapter 6

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Loki leads Elsa to the library and locks the door behind them. He lets her take a seat and brings her a glass of water.

"Thank you" she says after she takes a sip

"I thought here would be a safer place, in case someone looks for us. It would be complicated if they found us in someone's room" he explains and she nods.

"I'm sorry for making you--"

"You're not making me do anything. You were good all day and seemed to be having fun tonight, until the dance. What happened?" he asks

"I can't dance" she replies

"No, you did great back there" he says

"No, I am terrible at it. My parents had to hire someone to teach me a while before I moved here and that someone wasn't a person with lots of patience. Everytime I took a wrong step, he yelled at first, and then he proceeded into more physical solutions. And when I did good, he'd try to... reward me, as he said but would, again, get mad when I politely 'stepped back'. He caused me so much anxiety about it, that even now I can't take him out of my head. I know it sounds stupid..." Elsa explains

"No, it doesn't" Loki replies immediately
"But didn't you tell your parents?" he asks

"They didn't believe. Actually, my dad offered to find me a new teacher, but my mom insisted that I was just lying to get out of it" she answers.

"Something tells me that she might have been the most passionate about this arrangement" he assumes

"Yeah" she admits and he nods.

None of them talked after that and they only heard the music from the ballroom. It was a faded melody but it was breaking the silence in the room.

Loki stands up and takes Elsa's hand
"What is it?" she asks

"Give me this dance. No, steps. Just follow the song" he suggests with a confident smile across his lips.

"I don't think I can" she answers

"Please, no one can see us and you can step out any moment" he insists.

Elsa frowns and stands up with him. She places her hand on his shoulder and he puts his on her back. A wave of goosebumps ran over her spine the moment his fingers came in contact with her skin. It's the first time they're standing so close and they can't look away from each other's eyes. Loki smiles and Elsa finally smiles back.

"I don't care if you trip or if you step on me. Look at me and follow my lead. Let your mind free and don't think about steps. Just look at me" he says

"Ok" she answers.

The next song started and they started swinging to it. Then Loki added a step to it and Elsa immediately looked down.

"Eyes on me, dear" he says and she looks up again.

After that and as the song went on, Loki added the rest of the steps slowly. Then they progressively increased the speed until they finally reached the point were they were dancing the perfect waltz. Fast and yet so soft and flowy. All while they stared into each other's eyes so closely. They felt sure and confident while they danced together.

They didn't realize that they had gotten even closer, to the point that their chests were only inches apart, until the song became slower.

Loki was expecting Elsa to pull away but her move completely surprised him. She came even closer and layed her head on his chest and shoulder. That moment his heart fluttered and his breath got caught up in his throat.

But he didn't resist her. Instead, he places his hand that was holding hers on his chest and holds her hand there. They swing slowly to the music and they both close their eyes. They enjoy being close to one another even if it's for a couple of minutes.

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