Chapter 31

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Thor helps Elsa out of the palace and she is on her own from now on. She fights her way out of the garden and finally makes it to her horse. She rides through the kingdom, helping people escape as Frost Giants attack their homes.

Once she gets on high ground, she takes a look at the Bifrost. It seems to be guarded by two Frost Giants but Heimdall or the Sword are no where to be found.

She turns on her intercom
"Loki? Can you hear me?" she calls

"Loud and clear" he answers

"How are things there? Did you find Frigga?" she asks

"She's safe and currently helping the injured ones. It's bad in here, they just keep coming" he informs her

"Same here. Everyone is running away scared. And I can't find Heimdall anywhere. If they find him and take the Sword, they'll be able to bring more Frost Giants to Asgard" she complains

"He's probably hiding for that reason. Try the woods or wherever you see people sneaking out, he'll be there helping them" he suggests

"Great. Thank you" she replies and heads towards the forest where she saw people hiding earlier.

Unfortunately, on her way there, she comes across more Frost Giants. She shoots the first while still on her horse but she is soon forced down. They are giant so she runs a further away to gain some ground. She keeps moving as she shoots at them.

The noise attracts more of them and her gun is already running out of energy from the previous fights. She runs as fast as she can in between the to tall trees and hides. She has around 4 shots left and 4 Frost Giants to take down.

'This is definitely the most action I've had in my entire life' she thinks to herself.

She comes out only for a second and shoots one of them in the chest, killing him immediately. But now the others know where she is and move towards her.

Elsa is forced to use the last three shots quickly, and gets the two out of the three. She saves the gun to the holster in her back and throws a dagger to him. The dagger gets pinned in her shoulder, however it is like a toothpick for him. He takes it out easily and looks at her.

They both hear steps approaching and turn towards the side where the sound is coming from. It's 3 women and 4 children. They freeze as soon as they see the Frost Giant looking at them.

"Go!" Elsa yells at them and tries to keep him away from them. But she knows she won't last long. She is small and has no powers.

She does her best and manages to fight him off for a while, taking advantage of her small and flexible form. The Frost Giant throws her against a big rock and she hits her head.

She touches her head and feels a bleeding cut on her forehead. Her nose also feels broken and bleeding. Despite her injuries and dizziness, she gets back on her feet.

But the Frost Giant grabs her by the throat and lifts her off the ground to his level.
"King Laufey sends his regards, and reassures you that he'll find a better bride for his son" he says

"Fuck off" Elsa replies and spits on his face.

He squeezes her throat so strong that he almost snaps it. But he doesn't, he wants to see and feel her die. Elsa fights him with the last bit of strength she has but it's not doing anything. Her eye-sight starts getting blurry and her body starts to give up.

Suddenly, a giant sword comes out of the Giant's chest and he drops Elsa to the ground. She starts gasping for air and crawling away.

"Lady Elsa, are you alright?" she hears a familiar voice approaching

"Heimdall..." she whispers as she looks at him
"I've been looking for you" she says.

He helps her stand up again
"I had to hide with the Sword" he replies

"I know. Thor is looking for you, he needs you in the palace" she informs him

"I have to protect the people. There is a shelter with hundreds of kids and women" he explains

"I'll stay--" before she could finish, someone blasted both of them away.

Elsa blacked out for a few minutes and by the time she got back, Heimdall was injured on the ground.

"No, no, no..." she whispers as she rushes to him
"I'm sorry" she apologizes

"No, you were following the king's orders. This is my fault" he says

"Where is the Sword?" she asks but he doesn't answer.

"Elsa, you can't let them get to the Bifrost" he finally says

"But I can't leave you here, you're hurt" she replies

"I'll be fine. Go" he insists. She nods and runs back to the town.

"Loki, they got the Sword! They can open the Bifrost now" she yells in her intercom as she runs

"What? Where are you now?" he asks clearly worried

"On my way to the bridge. Any ideas how to prevent them from using it?" she asks but he stays silent.
"Great..." she adds ironically.

That moment the white light comes down from the sky.
"They opened the Bifrost already, didn't they?" Loki asks since he can see it from the palace

"Yes. Loki, they're already coming and they are too many" she informs him as she stands at the other end of the bridge.

"If they get through the bridge and to the town, it's over..." he reminds himself.

"That's it! You're a genius, my love" she says and runs on the bridge

"I know... But what for?" he asks

"They can't get to the town without the bridge" she answers

"So..." he still doesn't understand

"If the bridge is destroyed they can't get to the town or the palace. My gun run out of energy but if I interfere with the power source, it's going to explode" she explains

"No! I won't let you do that" he says immediately

"I didn't ask for your permission" she replies

"No! My brother will destroy the bridge with his hammer when he gets there" he suggests

"There is no time, they're already coming. I'll toss the bomb and I'll run away. Best case scenario, I make it far enough so the blast doesn't get me" she insists.

She stops running when she gets in the middle of the bridge and sets the gun down.

"It's too risky" Loki tries to stop her

"I know. But it's now or never. If they make it off the bridge, it's over. Asgard is over" she reminds him as she looks at the plenty of Frost Giants that are approaching.

"Listen, I found Thor. We'll be there in a minute" he says

"Alright then. See you in a minute" she says and plants a dagger in the power source of the gun. Light starts coming and which means that she hit the right spot. She starts running as fast as she can away from the bomb in the few seconds she has.
And the bomb goes off...

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