Chapter 13

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Elsa's heart broke all over again and she knew that it was all her fault. Loki is already moving on and he will be gone soon.

He didn't even return from Jotunheim that day which made Elsa question
Was he even going to say goodbye? I broke his heart so cruelly after he admitted all his emotions to me. He was ready to risk it all for me. I don't deserve anything. I'm an awful person. But he can't just disappear. I need a proper goodbye.

Unlike the previous days, Elsa started wandering around the palace all day just so she would run into him. She had to see him before the wedding.

"Lady Elsa?" Kara, her maid, calls

"Yes?" she responds as she walks her way

"Your wedding dress is ready and the queen would like to see you when you have time" she informs her.

That's when Elsa finally sees Loki passing down the hallway but she is pretty sure he didn't see her since he disappeared as soon as he passed the corner.

"I will see her later" Elsa replies to the maid and goes after Loki.

She runs behind him and stops when she finds him. For a moment, she thought if she should talk to him. Overthinking didn't go well last time...

"Hey..." she says in a low voice. Loki stops walking but doesn't turn around.
"I understand if you are mad, you have every right to be. I'll just talk and you listen, if you want of course. Odin told me that you're leaving so I need to get a few things out of my chest" she explains. She takes a breath and continues
"I lied to you... I am not pregnant, I never slept with Thor. I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean to..."

"To hurt me?" he suggests as he finally turns around. Elsa's heart flutters.
"I think we both know that's exactly what you wanted to do in order to get rid of me" he argues calmly

"You're right, I did. And I am truly sorry. I just wanted to say that before you go" she explains.

He nods and looks up for a second
"Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go. I'll be back for your wedding" he says and starts to walk away.

"Give me a reason to call it off" she says

"Excuse me?" Loki asks

"Give me a reason to call the wedding off" she repeats as she walks closer to him

"I did but you rejected. Now the offer is off. I have more important things to do" he states

"Like what?" she asks

"It's non of your concerns" he answers

"I want to know--"

"No! You said what you had to say now walk away. What? You thought you'll run to me with those sad eyes of yours and I'll just run back to you? I won't! I don't give a damn about you anymore! In fact, I hate you so much right now that just looking at you makes me want to put you in such pain that you'll be screaming and begging me to stop but I never will. Not until you're dead. So stay out of my way, you mewling quim!" he raises his voice this time and Elsa looks at him terrified.

"What happened to you?" she asks with tears in her eyes

"Your rejection was the best thing that ever happened to me" he answers with a dark smirk and leaves.

Elsa stood there for a few minutes, looking at the empty hallway with tears in her eyes.
Yeah, I deserve this.

It's the day before the wedding. Elsa is trying to hype herself but it's not really working. There is no way out now. She is getting married to a man she barely knows and if Loki hadn't opened her eyes, she wouldn't have any problem with it.

However, the last few days has been very stressful for the king. Elsa didn't know exactly what was happening but she heard that there was something up with Loki and Thor was sent to bring him home. Everyone just hoped that they'd make it back in time so they wouldn't have to postpone the wedding.

"Ma'am they are here" Kara informs her as she bursts into the room. Elsa jumps out of bed and almost runs to the throne room.

"Elsa, what are you doing here?" Thor asks as he approaches her

"I... I heard you were back. Is everything alright?" she asks

"Things could be better. But there is nothing you have to worry about" he answers.

That's when Loki enters but he is chained up to the guards. Thor wraps his arm around Elsa and holds her to his side. She doesn't resist since her eyes and brain are stuck on Loki.

"Hello, Elsa. Missed me?" Loki wonders

"Wh... What happened?"

"He tried to take over Midgard and killed people. Wherever he goes there is war and death..." Odin answers as he enters the room and takes his seat on the throne

"I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent god. Just like you" Loki replies

"We're not gods. We're born, we live, we die. Just as humans do" Odin argues

"Give or take five thousand years..." Loki smirks. Elsa got a bit scared of how relaxed Loki was with all this.

"All that because Loki desires a throne..." Odin says

"It is my birthright!" Loki reminds him

"Your birth right was to die! As a child... Cast out onto a frozen rock. If I hadn't taken you in, you wouldn't be here to hate me" Odin insists. Loki's smirk disappeared and he straightened his head. Elsa watched his every move closely.
How dare he say that? He says Loki is his son but he doesn't seem to believe it.

"If I am for the axe, then, for mercy's sake, just swing it!"
Don't make it worse, Loki...
"It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just... I don't love them" he adds.

"Frigga is the only reason you're alive and you will never see her again. Nor Thor, nor anyone else you know. You'll spend the rest of your days in the dungeons" Odin announces.

Tears form in Loki's eyes and he looks at Elsa, who hasn't taken her eyes off of him since he entered the room. The moment their eyes met, their chests became heavier. Loki looks back at Odin and so does Elsa.

"And what of my brother's wedding. I can't miss that" he suggests in his attempt to find a way out but it's too late.

"As planned, Thor will marry Elsa tomorrow and then, once he strives to undo the damage you have done and bring peace to the nine realms, he will be king, while you rot in chains" Odin says and they take him away.

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