Chapter 29

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Elsa visited many places and stores until the night of the ball to find the right outfit for the occasion. Eventually, she found the perfect dress, even better than she could ever had imagined.

The part of the torso, had a satin gold underlayer and over it were random patterns of sparkling emerald green curves, but with the gold still peaking through. The skirt of the dress was the same color and shade as the curves on the top, but instead of sparkles, it was shiny and seemingly seamless smooth satin. And it has pockets! Also, because the dress is high neck, she decided to put her hair up on a low bun but leave two pieces in the front to frame her face.

"Elsa, are you ready?" Loki asks from outside the room

"Almost" Elsa answers as she wears her gold jewelry and high heels.

"You know, I was thinking maybe I should try to wear blue tonight" he suggests

"No, no, no. You are going with green and gold for tonight at least. No last minute changes" she insists

"Ok" he chuckles
"But I made a new outfit and horns. Don't worry, they are green and gold" he informs her

"Good" she replies.

"Come on, what are you doing in there for so many hours now?" he asks desperate

"I took a shower, did my make up, did my hair, got dressed and now I'm finishing up" she explains

"Can I come in?" he asks in a cute voice

"Fine, I'm ready" she says and stands straight.

Loki opens the door and freezes in place as soon as his eyes land on Elsa. He almost gasped. She looked so beautiful in his favorite colors, like she came out of a fairytale. But her gorgeous and genuine smile was the best part of it for him. He could tell that she felt pretty and confident, instead of insecure and shy like she used to. And he knew that he'd kill anyone who might try to take that away from her.

A soft smile appeared on his face
"What do you think?" Elsa asks

"Wow..." was the only thing he said without being able to take his eyes away from her.
"How can you get even more beautiful every time?" he adds, causing her to smile even more.

Elsa takes a look at his outfit as well. It was mostly green, besides a small gold detail on his chest. His hair was wavy and looked fluffier than ever, he finally learnt how to use the right amount of gel. He was also holding his new horns in his hand, which were gold with a green details on the sides.

"You look amazing as well" she says and walks to him.

"Thank you, dear" he replies and kisses her lips softly.

"What do you think? We match?" she asks as she stands next to him

"I think that everyone is going to lose their minds and Odin will have a heart attack, he does that when he needs to get out of difficult situations" he answers

"What?" Elsa chuckles

"Nevermind. Shall we go, my queen?" he asks and offers his hand.

They traveled to Asgard the same way they got out, through one of the hidden portals. They arrived at the garden where Loki knew there would be no guards due to the event inside.

Elsa pulls out of her pocket a small mirror and gives it to Loki
"Hold it up" she says and he does without arguing. She fixes her hair that got a little messed up by the wind and retouches her lipstick.

"How do I look?" she asks

"Gorgeous as always" Loki answers and she smiles. They got in the palace from a small side door that Thor promised to leave open for them.

"Remember the plan?" Loki asks as they walk to the ballroom

"We go in, stay with the crowd, get some attention, no eating, no drinking, and then we leave fast and quietly" Elsa says

"Exactly" he replies and kisses her.

Outside the ballroom was a guard announcing the guests before they walked in. Needless to say he was surprised to see them. Loki leans to him and whispers something. The guard nods and opens the big doors for them.

"Prince Loki of Asgard and his wife Elsa" he announces. Elsa was surprised and also excited.

They walked in holding hands. Everyone's eyes were on them but they both continued walking like nothing happened. As soon as Odin saw them, the smile fell from his face. On the other hand, Frigga, who was on his side, smiled even more.

"Brother, Elsa! I'm so glad you made it" Thor says as he approaches

"We wouldn't miss it" Loki says and glares at Odin for a second

"And sorry for being late. Loki was having trouble doing his hair" Elsa jokes

"I believe that was you, darling" Loki replies

"I'm sure" Thor chuckles
"Well, enjoy the party" he adds and walks away. As he does, he mouths 'Thank you' to them.

"Your wife?" Elsa asks Loki as soon as it's the two of them

"You will be soon" he reassures her and kisses her lips. The kiss lasted a few seconds so Elsa placed her hand on Loki's cheek in order to show off the ring he gave her.

"Honey..." they hear Frigga's voice and they pull away

"Hello mother" Loki says and hugs her

"I'm sorry for what happened to both of you. I tried to reason with him but he isn't listening" she explains

"I appreciate the effort" he replies

"How have you been, sweetheart?" she asks and hugs Elsa this time

"Honestly? Better than ever" she answers and Loki smiles.
"Thank you for everything" she adds

"I didn't do anything" Frigga responds

"You did. Follow your heart and everything else will figure itself out. It looks like it's working out" Elsa explains as she looks at Loki.

During the rest of the night, Loki and Elsa spent some time with Thor, danced and shared plenty of kisses. Odin didn't even approach them, however his eyes never left them and he was too upset with them to focus on finding a wife for Thor.

Loki and Elsa were slow dancing in the middle of the room with the other couples. Elsa was laying against his chest and resting her arms on his shoulders. Loki kept his hands wrapped around her waist, holding her close.

"They are kids, they fell in love and it's beautiful" Frigga says as she returns to Odin's side

"No, they are playing and they've broken every rule. You wouldn't understand" he says.

"No, you don't understand. I don't care if Loki is in love with Elsa. I don't care if Thor is in love with a Midgardian. And I certainly don't care about what people will think. I care if my boys are loved, if they're happy and that's what you should care about!" she argues and storms out of the room.

"Loki?" Elsa whispers as they dance

"What is it?" he asks without pulling away

"Is it just me or has the number of guards in this room slowly doubled since we got here?" she points out

"I noticed. I think that's our queue to leave" he suggests. He makes eye contact with Thor and he nods.

Thor walks to his father and stands next to him on the throne.
"Can I have everyone's attention? I have to make an announcement" he says.

Loki takes Elsa's hand and they leave quietly as Thor talks so not many people and especially Odin would notice and go after them.

Unfortunately, he did see them...

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