Chapter 19

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A few days later, and since the new date of the wedding was getting closer, Loki, Thor and Elsa decided that they need to talk to Odin. Elsa felt a lot more relieved now that Thor is supporting her on this, but she is still really anxious about it, because she's not just going against an older person that she has to respect. She's going against the king's wish.

"I think that we need to prepare what we will say. And rehearse it" Elsa suggests as she meets the brothers

"Maybe we'll do that later" Loki replies as he wraps his arm around her

"What do you mean later? We're going now" she reminds him

"No, we're not" Thor says
"My brother and I were thinking about all three of us spending some time away from here. See, I promised Jane that I'll see her soon..." he explains

"And we can be alone and completely free for a couple of days" Loki adds

"On Midgard?" Elsa asks

"Yes. If you want to, of course. Or else we can go to Odin now and see what happens" he says

"You know what? You're right, let's have some time for us now that we have the opportunity, because things might not be so good when the king finds out" Elsa answers

"Why? Come on, be a little optimistic" Thor notes

"No, because I prefer to be ready for the worst case scenario so I won't be as sad" Elsa replies

"Everything will be fine" Loki reassures her and kisses her head.

"Ok. We should be going before they start questioning us" Thor says

"Wait, don't we need to pack?" Elsa asks

"Don't worry, darling. I got you covered" Loki answers

"What does that mean?" she asks

"You'll see" he replies

"Don't you dare give me ripped clothes again" Thor threatens Loki

"Let me think about it... Ok, I will" Loki answers and Thor smacks his shoulder.

Then the three of them took their horses and went to the bifrost.
"So I'm guessing you've done this before, right?" Elsa asks as they walk inside

"Yes" Loki reassures her and takes her hand.

Heimdall opens the bifrost and after a few seconds of a million glowing lights, they are standing on ground again.

"You can open your eyes, darling" Loki says to Elsa who was holding onto him

"Oh sorry" she apologizes as she opens her eyes, and she fixes his clothes on the spots she was grabbing.

That's when she noticed his new outfit, completely different than the one he was wearing a minute ago. Now he is in a black suit, black shirt, black tie and black shoes.

Then she looks at herself and sees that she's also in a different outfit. Instead of the dress she was wearing before, now she has on a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt, an emerald green coat and a pair of black ankle boots with heel.

"Wow... You look great" she says as she looks at Loki again

"Thank you, dear. But you look even better" he replies

"Are you complimenting me or your styling skills right now?" she jokes

"Both" he answers causing her to chuckle.

"And of course he gave me a ripped jacket again" Thor adds

"Loki!" Elsa says and he laughs.

He gives Thor a new jacket
"Thanks. I'm gonna go find Jane and I'll see you later. Stay out of trouble" he says before using his hammer and flying away.

Elsa takes a look around the forest they landed in. It was full of tall trees and beautiful flowers most of which she hadn't seen before.

"My brother being gone, means that we have the mansion all to ourselves" Loki says taking her attention

"A mansion?" she asks surprised as Loki wraps his arm around her and leads her outside the forest

"Yes, but don't tell father. We haven't actually told him yet" he answers

"Why? You didn't have time to? And how did you find money here to buy it?" she asks

"I lost a bet to Thor, so I had to do something... But it's fine, no one got hurt" he answers

"What bet?" she asks immediately

"I'm never going to tell you, shortcake" he replies

"Even if I do this...?" she says and kisses his lips
"Or this...?" she says and kisses his neck

"You're playing dirty right now" he chuckles.

"Tadaa..." he says as they arrive

He takes her hand and leads her inside.
"What do you think?" he asks

"Wow... Can I stay here forever?" Elsa jokes

"Well, if you ever need to run away..." Loki suggests and winks at her.

"Did you decorate?" she asks, taking a closer look

"I added a few things" he answers and she nods.

"One more question; since when can you forge clothes on someone?" she asks

"Since I started learning magic" he answers, implying that it's one of the easiest tricks

"You know how much time I could have saved if I knew that? It takes me about an hour to get dressed for events everytime" she says

"Well, next time I'll have it in mind" he promises

"And do you see the other person naked as you do this?" she asks

"No! Would I do it if I had to see my brother naked?" he asks

"Good point" she answers.
"However, I hope that doesn't apply to me as well" she adds

"My love, your body is like a dream and many times I find myself admiring it and wishing I could show you how much I love it. But I also respect you enough to not do anything that will make you uncomfortable" he explains as he rubs her cheek

"If that's the case, then maybe you could show me now, since it's just the two of us" she suggests

"Really?" he asks as his eyes darken

"Yeah. I think that this suit is doing something to me" she admits as she runs her hands up and down his chest

"Too bad I'll be out of it within the next minutes" he replies and kisses her.

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